Talk:PlanetPhysics/Complex Systems Biophysics

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01
%%% Primary Title: complex systems biophysics
%%% Primary Category Code: 82.39.Rt
%%% Filename: ComplexSystemsBiophysics.tex
%%% Version: 11
%%% Owner: bci1
%%% Author(s): bci1
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 \section{Complex Systems Biophysics}


{\em Complex Systems Biophysics ($CSB$)} or
{\em Complex systems biology ($CSB$)} is generally described as a non-reductionist, mathematical theory of emergent living organisms or biosystems in terms of a network, \htmladdnormallink{graph}{} or \htmladdnormallink{category}{} of integrated interactions between their structural and functional components or \htmladdnormallink{subsystems}{}. This is often abbreviated to
\htmladdnormallink{systems biology}{} in entries that should be described in fact as {\em complex systems biology}.

\subsection{Categorical ontology: theories of existence levels}
A {\em \htmladdnormallink{categorical ontology}{} theory of levels} is often defined as the \htmladdnormallink{classification}{} of ontology, or theory of existence of items (objects--in the mathematical sense) by means of the mathematical theory of categories into three levels of \htmladdnormallink{dynamic systems}{} pertaining to: the physical/chemical level, the biological level, and the psychological level (or human mind). Connections between the three levels of reality and their transformations are represented, respectively, by \htmladdnormallink{morphisms/}{} and \htmladdnormallink{natural transformations}{} defined for \htmladdnormallink{categories of molecular sets}{},
categories of $(M,R)$-systems and \htmladdnormallink{organismic supercategories}{}.

From a categorical ontology theory of levels viewpoint, however, the term complex is misplaced because {\em \htmladdnormallink{systems}{} with chaos}, or chaotic \htmladdnormallink{dynamics}{}, are currently defined by physicists as {\em `complex systems'}, which may have placed a role in the emergence of living systems that are, in fact, {\em super-complex}. Therefore, the more appropriate classification of this relatively new area in mathematical or theoretical biology and Biophysics is super-complex systems biology, $s$-complex systems biology, or simply ``systems biology''--as a more general approach where the focus may be not on the super-complexity aspects of living systems but on \htmladdnormallink{computer}{} modeling of physiological, or functional genomics, integration of physiological flows, signaling pathways or interactomics. However, unlike the case of purely functional $(M,R)$-systems theory in abstract relational biology (\htmladdnormallink{ARB}{}), complex systems biology (or systems biology) proponents are primarily concerned with the integration of data from a multitude of bioinformatics and genomic/proteomic/post-genomic (primarily structural) data; $CSB$ scientists also aim to study {\em interactomics} or {\em metabolomics} primarily through computer-based data analysis, and often Bayesian-based attempts at integration. branches of mathematics that find applications in $CSB$ are, for example: computer modeling, colored graphs, graph-theoretical based approaches, biotopology, genetic, metabolic and signaling network theories, \htmladdnormallink{Bayesian models}{}, biostatistics, correlation techniques, and less frequently: \htmladdnormallink{abstract algebra}{}, \htmladdnormallink{group}{} theory, \htmladdnormallink{groupoid}{} and \htmladdnormallink{category theory}{} modeling of cell-cell interactions and biodynamics.
