Talk:PlanetPhysics/Categories of Quantum Automata and Quantum Computers

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01 %%% Primary Title: categories of quantum automata and quantum computers %%% Primary Category Code: 03.67.-a %%% Filename: CategoriesOfQuantumAutomataAndQuantumComputers.tex %%% Version: 4 %%% Owner: bci1 %%% Author(s): bci1 %%% PlanetPhysics is released under the GNU Free Documentation License. %%% You should have received a file called fdl.txt along with this file. %%% If not, please write to \documentclass[12pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength{\paperwidth}{8.5in} \setlength{\paperheight}{11in}

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\section{Categories of Quantum Automata, \\

N-- \L ukasiewicz Algebras and Quantum Computers}

\htmladdnormallink{Quantum automata}{} were defined (in ref.\cite{IB71}) as generalized, probabilistic automata with \htmladdnormallink{quantum state spaces}{}. Their next-state \htmladdnormallink{functions}{} operate through transitions between quantum states defined by the quantum equations of \htmladdnormallink{motions}{} in the Schr\"{o}dinger \htmladdnormallink{representation}{}, with both initial and \htmladdnormallink{boundary}{} conditions in \htmladdnormallink{space-time}{}. A new \htmladdnormallink{theorem}{} is proven which states that the \emph{\htmladdnormallink{category of quantum automata}{} and automata--homomorphisms has both limits and colimits.} Therefore, both categories of quantum automata and classical automata (\htmladdnormallink{sequential machines}{}) are \emph{bicomplete.} A second new theorem establishes that the standard automata \htmladdnormallink{category}{} is a subcategory of the quantum automata category. The quantum automata category has a faithful representation in the category of Generalized (\textbf{M,R})--Systems which are open, \htmladdnormallink{dynamic}{} bio-networks (\cite{ICB87}) with defined biological \htmladdnormallink{relations}{} that represent physiological functions of primordial(s), single cells and the simpler organisms. A new \emph{category of quantum computers} is also defined in terms of \emph{reversible} quantum automata with quantum state spaces represented by \htmladdnormallink{topological groupoids}{} that admit a local characterization through unique 'quantum' \emph{\htmladdnormallink{Lie algebroids}{}}. On the other hand, the category of n-- \textsl{\L}ukasiewicz algebras has a subcategory of \emph{centered} n-- \textsl{\L}ukasiewicz algebras (ref. \cite{GGV70}) which can be employed to design and construct subcategories of quantum automata based on n--\textsl{\L}ukasiewicz \htmladdnormallink{diagrams}{} of existing VLSI. Furthermore, as shown in ref.(\cite{GGV70}) the category of centered n--\textsl{\L}ukasiewicz algebras and the category of Boolean algebras are naturally equivalent. A `no-go' conjecture is also proposed which states that Generalized (\textbf{M,R})--Systems \htmladdnormallink{complexity}{} prevents their complete computability (\cite{ICB87,BGGB2k7}) by either standard or quantum automata.


\bibitem{IB71} Baianu, I.1971.``Organismic Supercategories and Qualitative Dynamics of Systems." \emph{Bull. Math.Biophysics}., 33, 339-353.

\bibitem{GGV70} Georgescu, G. and C. Vraciu 1970. ``On the Characterization of \L ukasiewicz Algebras." \emph{J. Algebra}, 16 (4), 486-495.

\bibitem{ICB77} Baianu, I.C. 1977. ``A Logical Model of Genetic Activities in \L ukasiewicz Algebras: The Non-linear Theory." \emph{Bulletin of Mathematical Biology}, 39:249-258 (1977).

\bibitem{ICB87} Baianu, I.C. 1987. ``Computer Models and Automata Theory in Biology and Medicine" (A Review). In: \emph{"Mathematical Models in Medicine.}",vol.7., M. Witten, Ed., Pergamon Press: New York, pp.1513-1577.

\bibitem{BGGB2k7} Baianu, I.C., J. Glazebrook, G. Georgescu and R.Brown. 2007. ``A Novel Approach to Complex Systems Biology based on Categories, Higher Dimensional Algebra and A Generalized \L ukasiewicz Topos. " , \emph{Axiomathes},vol.17,(in press): 46 pp.

