Talk:PlanetPhysics/Analytical Theory of Heat

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%%% This file is part of PlanetPhysics snapshot of 2011-09-01 %%% Primary Title: The Analytical Theory of Heat %%% Primary Category Code: 05.70.-a %%% Filename: AnalyticalTheoryOfHeat.tex %%% Version: 4 %%% Owner: bloftin %%% Author(s): bloftin %%% PlanetPhysics is released under the GNU Free Documentation License. %%% You should have received a file called fdl.txt along with this file. %%% If not, please write to \documentclass[12pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength{\paperwidth}{8.5in} \setlength{\paperheight}{11in}

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The Analytical Theory of Heat by Joseph Fourier is an attempt to make this translated \htmladdnormallink{work}{} by Alexander Freeman availabe on PlanetPhysics. The chapters are derivatives from the public \htmladdnormallink{domain}{} work in [1].

{\bf Analytical Theory of \htmladdnormallink{heat}{} chapter 1}

{\bf Chapter 1: Introduction}

I. \htmladdnormallink{Statement of the Object of the Work}{} \\ II. \htmladdnormallink{Preliminary definitions and general notions}{} \\ III. \htmladdnormallink{Principle of the communication of heat}{} \\ IV. On the uniform and linear movement of heat \\ V. Law of the permanent \htmladdnormallink{temperatures}{} in a prism of small thickness \\ VI. On the heating of closed spaces \\ VII. On the uniform movement of heat in three dimensions \\ VIII. Measure of the movement of heat at a given point of a \htmladdnormallink{solid}{} \htmladdnormallink{mass}{} \\

{\bf Analytical Theory of Heat chapter 2}

{\bf Chapter 2: Equation of the Movement of Heat}

I. Equation of the Varied Movement of Heat in a Ring \\ II. Equation of the Varied Movement of Heat in a Solid Sphere \\ III. Equation of the Varied Movement of Heat in a Solid Cylinder \\ IV. Equations of the Varied Movement of Heat in a Solid Prism of Infinite Length \\ V. Equation of the Varied Movement of Heat in a Solid Cube \\ VI. General Equation of the Propagation of Heat in the Interior of Solids \\ VII. General Equation Relative to the Surface \\ VIII. Application of the General Equation \\ IX. General Remarks \\

{\bf Analytical Theory of Heat chapter 3}

{\bf Chapter 3: Propagation of Heat in an Infinite Rectangular Solid}

I. Statement of the Problem \\ II. First Example of the use of Trigonometric Series in the Theory of Heat \\ III. Remarks on these Series \\ IV. General Solution \\ V. Finite Expression of the Result of the Solution \\ VI. Development of an Arbitrary \htmladdnormallink{function}{} in Trigonometric Series \\ VII. Application to the Actual Problem \\

{\bf Analytical Theory of Heat chapter 4}

{\bf Chapter 4: Of the Linear and Varied Movement of Heat in a Ring}

I. General Solution of the Problem \\ II. Of the Communication of Heat Between Separate Masses \\

{\bf Analytical Theory of Heat chapter 5}

{\bf Chapter 5: Of the Propagation of Heat in a solid sphere}

I. General Solution \\ II. Different Remarks on this Solution \\

{\bf Analytical Theory of Heat chapter 6}

{\bf Chapter 6: Of the Movement of Heat in a solid cylinder}

{\bf Analytical Theory of Heat chapter 7}

{\bf Chapter 7: Propagation of Heat in a Rectangular Prism}

{\bf Analytical Theory of Heat chapter 8}

{\bf Chapter 8: Of The Movement of Heat in a Solid Cube}

{\bf Analytical Theory of Heat chapter 9}

{\bf Chapter 9: Of the Diffusion of Heat}

I. Of the Free Movement of Heat in a Infinite Line \\ II. Of the Free Movement of Heat in a Infinite Solid \\ III. The Highest Temperatures in an Infinite Solid \\ IV. Comparison of the Integrals

[1] Fourier, Joseph. "The Analytcal Theory of Heat" Translation by Alexander Freeman, Cambridge: At the University Press, London, 1878.
