Talk:Open Conference on Open Education

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Latest comment: 11 years ago by Leighblackall in topic The book
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Uninews: Open Education conference a success

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Open education conference Open Education Week was marked last week with an open conference in the new LIMS building. The sessions were well attended by a range of staff from various parts of the university.

Open education is a hot topic in the Australian tertiary education sector at present, yet La Trobe was the only Australian institution to participate in Open Education Week. Following on from the Radical Learning Project and CTLC Colloquium panel discussion of OERs in 2012, the open education conference is a clear indication that La Trobe is taking the issue seriously.

Pro-Vice Chancellor for Future Learning, Claire Macken, gave a presentation about the production of open educational resources (OER) and the university's vision for the future of learning. She discussed the worldwide popularity of La Trobe's iTunes U content and questioned how La Trobe might use this and other methods to become more open.

Participants shared their experiences of a range of open education projects and discussed issues of access, technology and intellectual property ownership. Representatives from University of the Third Age and the Wikipedia Project also shared their experiences of opening up education and information-sharing.

For full details of the conference, including summary notes and video recordings are available. We encourage you to engage with the La Trobe open education group by contributing to the wiki. For further information on how to join the conversation, contact Ruth Jelley (FBEL), Leigh Blackall (FHS) or John Hannon (CTLC).

The book

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I've created a book collection, to suggest we take all this primary data, do as John says and produce a publishable paper or papers, but to also finish this into a book. Leighblackall (discusscontribs) 00:12, 15 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Meeting 8 March 2013

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Google+ Events: - Leigh and Ruth to test and set up events for each session.. (or should we assign responsibility per session) or Hangouts On Air Schedule:

Catering. Tea and coffie in the morning - Simon Lunch: Catering company, from FBEL and Library budgets ($600). - Simon and Anabel

Wireless: No reply from IT yet. Simon to chase up. Contigency planed

Facilitator. None found. But we could probably get by with a running sheet on wiki, and using Meeting words for note taking..

ASCILITE paper: A conference paper that presents this event as open education itself: it exemplifies OER principles by building participation in the open education community. Ethics issues do not arise in referring to publicly available data on Wikiversity etc.

UNi Tas David Sadler to be invited to the Critical Ideas session Other invitees: Neil Julien

We all almost have Tasmanian convict heritage

Add transport and parking infor to wiki - Leigh

Session pages need following structure:

  1. Synopsis
  2. Discussion points
  3. Links: G+Event; Meetingwords url

Ruth is looking into pro photography

Posters up on monday. Take tacs, tape, blue tac, and fatty marker for arrows - Ruth and Simon and Roderick

White board makers, cables - simon

Uninews: Open Education Week 11-15 March 2013

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Open Education Week is fast approaching and is a great opportunity to share ideas and knowledge about the open education movement.

Although issues of open educational resources (OER), iTunesU and MOOCs are hot topics in universities all round Australia, La Trobe University is the only institution organising events for Open Education Week. Join us as we pave the way forward for the future of education.

La Trobe is hosting an open education unconference on Tuesday 12 March 9am-4pm (subject to meeting space availability). Highlights of the unconference will include a wikipedia editing workshop, an OER development workshop and a discussion of methods of assessment in open education.

The La Trobe Open Education Week planning group is currently seeking volunteers who have teaching materials they would like to develop and publish as OERs. We will discuss open content licensing, content development and the importance of making resources searchable. This is a great opportunity to learn more about OER, which has been identified as an area of activity and future development for La Trobe by the Radical Learning Group. Interested parties should contact Ruth Jelley (

Meeting 4 March 2013

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  • Discussed open education platforms. Refined direction of discussion for 2pm session on iTunes U/wikipedia, etc.
  • Introductory session to set questions to be answered through the day. Questions to be written up on whiteboard. Need whiteboard markers? Simon to investigate.
  • Planning group members to add names of attendees to wiki - helps to order catering.
  • Co-author a paper for publication through ASCILITE.
  • Simon to confirm guest wifi access and warn LIMS admin staff.
  • Leigh to discuss facilitation of 2pm session with Lynn Matheson.
  • Group to send updates to networks
  • Aim to finish the day with a statement for the institution and a take-away sentiment for all attendees.
  • Bring cables and connectors for projectors/devices.


  1. Provide tea & coffee in back of LIMS 205 room.
  2. Library budget to be supplemented by FBEL. Awaiting for confirmation of FBEL contribution.
  3. Leigh to confirm provision of catering.

Next meeting Friday 8 March to confirm final details.

Meeting 27 Feb 2013

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  • Venue
  • Catering. Probably from FEBL and Library
  • We need to try and confirm numbers
  • Get ppl to email their intentions to come, then add their first names to the wiki
  • Promotions
  • Ruth working on article
  • Leigh's wife, Sunshine working on poster
  • Leigh to promote to the Bendigo Wikipedia workshop ppl
  • Annabel to contact iTunesU producers
  • Give ppl the option of all day, or one of the sessions
  • New URL for the wiki:
  • Communications
  • Discussion
  • About producing OER session
  • Question of whether we draw focus to the iTunesU and reduce the discussion on wider issues such as open standard formats, other platforms, concerns about corporate associations etc
  • We decided to focus the discussion on iTunesU, to build on existing interest, and find a way to raise other issues
  • Point made that the other issues are related to the Critical Ideas session, and from there to the Recomendations session
  • Conversation about policy recomendations: Marketing, Open Access, Quality Assurance, La Trobe Brand vs Individual brand
  • Extending the day to 5pm, adding a new session 3-4 for practical how to tips

Meeting 22 Feb 2013

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Promotional materials:

  • Advised that external press release not appropriate for targeting educational audience.
  • Internal announcement going out Mon 25 Feb
  • Modified press release up on Google Drive. Distribute to networks.
  • Request networks to reply to us to confirm numbers for catering.

Suggested sessions

  • Directions for LTU - come with pre formed ideas on how to materialise. Each session to address a question that allows us to build a set of recommendations to LTU Radical Learning Project.
  • Role of libraries in "cataloguing" open content and helping uni staff to locate open content.

Invite externals to help us identify what we're overlooking.

Ruth to contact Monash library. Simon to access his Monash network. Ruth to produce A5 promo brochure. Simon to follow up on alternative meeting spaces in LIMS - find non-teaching spaces?

Add details of sessions to wiki sub-pages.

Next meeting: Wed 27 Feb 11 am.

Meeting 19 Feb 2013

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Met outside LMS. Discussed mainly video and audio streaming on the day.

  1. Mungo & Donna have set up Google Hangout. Ruth and Annabel tried it out during the meeting. Appears to not work on early iPads, but is successful on iPad mini.
  2. Discussed uploading recorded videos to our own YouTube accounts, then coordinate download to combine and share somehow.
  3. Questioned whether it is worthwhile to stream the event. Still have not had a response from OE Week organisers. If they do not respond, we will not stream on their website.
  4. Possible to record video of opening presentations (especially those presentations with slides), then switch to audio-only recording for the discussion.
  5. Take audio recording as well as video - as a backup. Can always set the camera the poster to produce a video feed that is essentially just audio.
  6. Donna and Mungo in process of acquiring an area microphone, hopefully it will arrive in the next week. Other audio recording options include mobile devices (phones, iPads).
  7. Consider presenters not comfortable or nervous with video camera.

Need to check if those who suggested sessions are willing and able to lead and document those sessions.

  1. Donna to contact HERDSA once media release compiled.
  2. Space to be finalised (Simon to report), Ruth to organise press release.
  3. Catering - check if faculties holding events as part of multicultural week, and if catering might be shared or siphoned off.

Next meeting Friday 22 Feb, 11 AM.

Meeting 15 Feb 2013

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We met outside LIMS again. Topics discussed:

  • Space to hold event - Library seminar rooms not available Tues 12 March. Simon to report on LIMS space availability at next meeting.
  • Recording and streaming of unconference - we discussed audio and video recording and streaming options, including what equipment might be available to us. ACTIONS: Simon to investigate AV equipment; all to trial video streaming via Google Hangouts on Air, and spend some time testing this as a group next session?
  • Guest wifi access - will the network settings be a problem? Ensure guest access does not make Wikipedia and other services think multiple computers are trying to register accounts as one (proxy). ACTION: Simon to discuss with IT, Leigh to assist with testing.
  • Faculty involvement - all faculties represented except physical sciences. ACTION: Ruth to invite Emma Yench to next meeting.
  • Catering - need to provide a decent morning tea. Participants can head into Agora to get lunch (will there be long queues with students on campus?). Or build-your-own sandwiches option. ACTION: all to seek faculty/department contribution to catering budget. No provision of afternoon tea (revisit this at next meeting?) Target budget $15 per head, so it's important that we keep the list of participants up-to-date. Another option is to ask for donations toward catering in the morning.
  • Affiliation with - not responsive at present, website not updated, some technical fault with home page at present.
  • Involvement of more senior management. ACTIONS: Ruth to contact Claire Macken. Simon to contact Jane Long.
Agenda for the unconference

We discussed the inclusion of:

  1. A summary session to round up the day, give people actions to go take with them. Provide a flyer with some basic instructions or go-to points. What to include on flyer? ACTION: John to put initial thoughts into a Google Drive document and share with the group. Group to help shape the contents of the document.
  2. Signing of Cape Town declaration as individuals - to commit to open education.
  3. Participation of external people important to ensure this is not an insular event. ACTION: Leigh to follow up on MFU and others. All to approach any external contacts, networks.
  4. Session to discuss contentious issues. There are numerous considerations for institutions considering opening up. These issues will crop up throughout the conference. Allocate time to address these. ACTION: Leigh to update agenda on wiki.

Next meeting Tues 19 Feb 11 am.

Meeting 11 Feb 2013

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We met at LIMS

We resolved that Tuesday 11 March we would do an all-day open conference on OER, meeting at 9am to negotiate final agenda.

Target groups to attend:

  • La Trobe teaching staff
  • La Trobe Faculty educational designers
  • CTLC
  • La Trobe librarians
  • other librarians
  • other teaching staff
  • Melbourne Free University
  • Wikipedia and Wikimedia Australia

Suggested agenda for unconference so far:

  1. How to turn iTunesU into an OER showcase.
  2. What is the easy first step for staff - Rod suggested taking staff content through the steps toward being an OER (eRepository, Wikimedia Commons, iTunes and Youtube)
  3. Looking at FBEL's OER project
  4. Looking at FHS open educational developments
  5. Melb' Uni Greek Myths resource database
  6. Connecting up La Trobe Library, from Subject Library Guides as OER, to eRepository for OER with value adds like format transcoding and file distribution
  7. SoLT presentation - methods of assessment in open education. 1-2pm
  8. Wikipedia editing workshop 11 - 1pm (John, can we get the SoLT room for this?)

Next meeting 15 Feb 2pm

Critical Ideas

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Folks, in the 10am time slot I've added a proposed agenda item based on John’s suggestion – Critical Ideas. So far I have 3 links in there. If you know a few, by all means... Leighblackall (discusscontribs) 03:12, 18 February 2013 (UTC)Reply