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Talk:Novial/The Little Prince/Dedication Nov ialiste

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Comparison of the versions

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Saluto! Not too many differences to my version. I corrected some obvious mistakes from my version. Some other varieties may come from the fact that I used the German version of the Prince. Did you use the English version? Valodnieks 22:53, 25 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

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Saluto. Exelanti traduktione. Me tamen volud posi a vu li sekuenti questiones (o sugeste li sekuenti modifikationes):

1. Pro ke vu ha skripte omnu, koldu, lu? In Novial 1928 (e anke in Novial 30) li finale del abstraktum/neutrum es ya -um.

2. Insted me voli ya dedika, me pensa ke me bonvoli dedika es preferindi: li fransi (t.e.: original) versione dikte ya "je veux bien dédier", tum kel anglim signifika faktim: "I am willing/prepared to; I condescend/deign to dedicate".

3. Altritem signifika nur "(at) another time". Li fransi versione skripte "autrefois", tum es "in the past, in bygone days". Pro tum me pensa ke altritem non es li maxim boni traduktione, ma ulter anteu me have nuli plu bon idee...

4. Pokes --> pokis: tum es ya uso autonomi del adjektive. Ma disum es nur sugestione: me nuliman vud pove aserte ke tikas pokes es non-korekti.

5. Korekte --> korektisa

Quum vu pensa pri tum? NoviaLingue, 31 January 2009