Talk:Instructional design/Cognitive behaviors

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Latest comment: 17 years ago by Lzinsmei
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Design Document

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The following describes the design driving this instructional module. Phonebein

Target Audience

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The audience for this module are people who are creating instruction for educational outcomes within the cognitive domain.

Course Goal

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People who are designing a training program will be able to design a micro-level instructional method for a cognitive objective. The result shall be a method that is effective, efficient, and appealing.

Learning Objectives

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After completing this module, the learner will be able to:

  • Write a micro-instructional strategy to achieve a given cognitive learning objective that has appeal and is effective and efficient.
    • Recognize the definition of the cognitive domain.
    • Recognize the definition of a micro-instructional strategy.
    • Identify the defining characteristics of a cognitive-oriented micro-instructional strategy.
    • Given a list of instructional strategies, identify the micro-instructional strategies for cognitive skills.
    • Explain the concept of appeal in instructional design.
    • Explain the concept of efficiency in instructional design.
    • Explain the concept of effectiveness in instructional design.

Learning Experience

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Describe the learning experience and how it will achieve the goal and objectives.

  1. The learning experience will consist of written definitions of cognitive domain and micro-instructional strategies and give examples of each. There should be links to relevant sites that both give more specific detail (depth) to those definitions and some that also enrich and broaden the learner's exposure to the definitions.
  2. The learning experience will also consist of a section which breaks out the component parts of a micro-instructional strategy to help the learner identify micro-instructional strategies.
  3. To help the learner write an objective that has appeal, the lesson will explain the concept of appeal in instructional design, including examples and non-examples.
  4. To help the learner write an objective that is efficient, the lesson will explain the concept of efficiency in instructional design, including examples and non-examples.
  5. To help the learner write an objective that is effective, the lesson will explain the concept of effectiveness in instructional design, including examples and non-examples.
  6. To assist the student in writing a micro-instructional strategy for a cognitive learning objective, the learning experience will include one or more examples and non-examples of micro-instructional strategies, along with explanations of what makes them micro-instructional strategies or not.
  7. The lesson will include a model (fill in the blanks?) or formula for writing a learning objective that meets the criteria outline in the course goal:
    1. Is in the cognitive domain
    2. Is a micro-instructional strategy
    3. Has appeal
    4. Is efficient
    5. Is effective

--Lzinsmei 02:46, 26 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

What is the Cognitive Domain?

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The cognitive domain deals with learning objectives "...related to information or knowledge, naming, solving, predicting, and other intellectual aspects of learning. (Morrison et al. 2004, p. 109) (Team: I guess we need to come up with a way to list our references. Also, I want to this on its own page, but I'm confused by the page naming conventions. I was just going to link it to the "Recognize the definition of the cognitive domain" bullet, but I'm not sure that is what we want the page name to be. Ray)Rdubrayj 01:03, 5 March 2007 (UTC)Reply


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Team, I am trying out two means of facilitation. Tell me which you like the best. What you see here is my edit of what you've collectively posted. I've opted for simplicity, just enough to get you started on the next step, which is focusing on the design of the learning experience. If you want to see my previous edits, which were in-line with your edits, use the history tab to compare.

I would suggest the team begins working on one of the enabling objectives, specifically those related to the cognitive domain. Collaboratively develop a prototype of a text-based lesson for that objective. Let's also try moving away from being additive (in terms of each person posting their own versions of something), to more of an editing role: First person starts developing a lesson, others edit and elaborate. For fairness, each person should probably take the lead on developing a lesson for one of the objectives. Phonebein 20:03, 27 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Here is my first pass at an objective for our module.

Novice instructional designers will be able to choose an appropriate micro-instructional strategy for fostering <one or more of the nine types of learning> in the cognitive domain with the result that the students they design for will achieve high scores on evaluations appropriate to the type of learning designed for. Rdubrayj 03:04, 18 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Here's my refinement of the above: Given an enabling objective associated with the cognitive domain, the learner will be able to generate a micro-level instructional method for that objective. The instructional method must enable the target audience to achieve the objective (effectiveness), score a 4 or greater on a Level 1 evaluation (5-point scale) (appeal), and have a reasonable timeframe, as judged by an expert (efficiency). Phonebein 16:12, 18 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

You're very diplomatic with your "refinement." But, it seems like a pretty tall order to me, given our timeframe. To achieve it, we'd not only have to provide instruction in what the micro-level methods are, but some sort of meaningful practice across a range of possible objectives in the domain.

Also, I'm having trouble seeing beyond the Reigeluth material. It seems like we'd want to create the next generation explanation of the strategies. But, I can't see it yet. Rdubrayj 17:18, 18 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Think beyond just this class. Think of this wiki learning experience being continually edited and updated not just by this class, but by classes in the future. I understand that we are time-limited, so as long as we get one or two instructional units that contribute to that objective this semester, we're doing good.Phonebein 19:18, 22 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Since our design document is due tomorrow, I took a stab at the learning objectives and a description of the learning experience. This is a first pass, and I would like feedback from the rest of the team. --Lzinsmei 03:05, 26 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Just tring to jump in. We talked about having a chat session this Wednesday night. Unless anyone else has a thought, I can create a Cisco Meeting Place meeting, this will give us a toll free conference number and the ability to share a document to review/edit. What time? Kkatz 18:36, 4 March 2007 (UTC)KarenReply

Karen, I thought we decided 8:30 on Wednesday. But, I can't remember if Jennifer was still there or not. Also, we have to remember to include Nancy Tamez. We can also invite Pete, who has indicated an interest in sitting in on team discussions, although he may not be available. What I'm saying is that we should invite him, but we shouldn't let his availability, or lack thereof, to determine when the rest of us meet. Rdubrayj 00:12, 5 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

A chat session would be great, especially for me since I feel so out of the loop on this exercise. I am really unsure of where we are in the process, and I want to contribute! Please just let me know what time on Wednesday (I am in Central time), so please let's make it after 6:00 pm. Thanks!! Nancy

8:30 pm EST works for me. I have a dinner, but I'll try to wrap up in time for the call. I'll email Pete to get information on the free conference call number. --Lzinsmei 13:31, 7 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

Good job, Ray! Thanks for taking the lead and blazing the trail. Looks like you've made great progress!--Lzinsmei 21:35, 14 March 2007 (UTC)Reply

yea prolly not!