Talk:Institutional ethnography

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Bold textThis is an interesting topic "Ethnography" and how it applies to the social order that we are all apart of as Human Beings. The social context of our various societies are very prevalent in our youth. Whether we look at teenagers in California, or youth in Africa, or Europe, China, South America, where-ever we choose to really look you can see a wide range of Ethnographical behavior. From "Hip-Hop" to "Acid Rock" our children exemplify and most times set the standard of "Ethnography" in our cities, towns, and villages. Another medium that is directly linked to Ethnography is Music, look at any genre from cutting edge "Rock and Roll" like The Rolling Stones to the Country Twang of Dolly Parton, you can see and sometimes hear a social consciousness in the lyrics our musicians write. I have personally studied the works of Socrates and Plato, William Shakespeare, and even Stephen King, and the one thing all these writers have in common is "ethnographical" order or how we are depicted as men and women by our social strata and groupings.

If you look to your job and how you are put into a "Pecking Order" because of your position and grouping in the company, then you see "ethnography" at work. Any office I've ever worked in everyone in one way or another are put into social groupings or "ethnographical" order. This can sometimes cause "angst" among our groupings, whether intentional or not. The bottom line is we are all subject to the "Order of things" according to race, color, creed, and social grouping.

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