Talk:Evidence-based assessment/Depression in youth (assessment portfolio)

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Latest comment: 1 year ago by Sjschiff in topic Audit Log: 20__
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Audit Log: 20__

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Please adjust to the given year and type any comments/edit ideas you have under the given section they apply to. Then please sign your name using four tildas (~) If replicated for another audit, please copy this template and paste above, adjusting the year. This ensures those edits are seen first.


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What is a "portfolio"?

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Preparation Phase

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Prediction Phase

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Prescription Phase

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Removed |Children’s Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes (ChIPS)[1] |Structured with the option for additional semi-structured inquires |6-18 |20-50 minutes |Approximately $90; Available through various retailers such as APA here |- Sjschiff (discusscontribs) 23:27, 1 September 2022 (UTC)Reply

Process Phase

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External Resources

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Please type any questions you have under the given section they apply to. Then please sign your name using four tildas (~)


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What is a "portfolio"?

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Preparation Phase

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Prediction Phase

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Prescription Phase

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Process Phase

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External Resources

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Please type any questions you have under the given section they apply to. Then please sign your name using four tildas (~)


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What is a "portfolio"?

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Preparation Phase

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Prediction Phase

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Prescription Phase

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Process Phase

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External Resources

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Comments, HGAPS meeting 03/1/2018

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General to-dos

Demographic information

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Base rate updating?


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Some extra DSM criteria listed? Screeners updates? Some psychometric properties go back to 1985 Fill in information on measures (eg: reporter, age range, PDF versions, etc.) Fill references with meta-analyses for measures, treatment

Diagnostic changes in DSM-5

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DSM-5 contains several new depressive disorders, including

  • disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
  • premenstrual dysphoric disorder

DSM-5 conceptualizes chronic forms of depression in a somewhat modified way. What was referred to as dysthymia in DSM-IV now falls under the category of persistent depressive disorder.

Major depressive disorder
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Neither the core criterion symptoms applied to the diagnosis of major depressive episode nor the requisite duration of at least 2 weeks has changed from DSM-IV. Criterion A for a major depressive episode in DSM-5 is identical to that of DSM-IV, as is the requirement for clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of life, although this is now listed as Criterion B rather than Criterion C. The coexistence within a major depressive episode of at least three manic symptoms (insufficient to satisfy criteria for a manic episode) is now acknowledged by the specifier “with mixed features.” The presence of mixed features in an episode of major depressive disorder increases the likelihood that the illness exists in a bipolar spectrum; however, if the individual concerned has never met criteria for a manic or hypomanic episode, the diagnosis of major depressive disorder is retained.

In DSM-IV, there was an exclusion criterion for a major depressive episode that was applied to depressive symptoms lasting less than 2 months following the death of a loved one (i.e., the bereavement exclusion). Hkim243 (discusscontribs) 22:33, 8 March 2018 (UTC)Reply


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Treatment section is not fleshed out Fill references with meta-analyses for measures, treatment

Process and outcome measures

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Process/outcome measures section seem excessive? Or not enough? Online apps like Optimism? Gives you mood charts? How to explain the process/outcome measures table? In-depth knowledge as a blockade for general usefulness


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Remove local resources But local resources for therapist (existing databases) vs. local resources for assessment and consultation (database doesn’t exist) Eric proposes daughter page exclusively for local resources For now, move these resources to talk page topic, for future discussion

--Kennyle78 (discusscontribs) 23:43, 1 March 2018 (UTC)Reply

Comments, HGAPS meeting 02/1/2018

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  1. Assessment/diagnosis section needs to explain DiLRs explicitly. This isn't uniform across the portfolios.
  2. Can we indicate which measures are free and accessible and which ones are not?
@Kennyle78:: Yes, let's create a new column, "Free and accessible", and for those that are, have a tick for those that are. Ongmianli (discusscontribs) 23:45, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
  1. Can we indicate the separation between assessment, prognostic, and diagnostic measures?
@Kennyle78:: @Eyoungstrom:: Could you briefly define and distinguish between the three? I think we should use "screening", "diagnostic", and "prognostic". Ongmianli (discusscontribs) 23:45, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
I am not sure what "Assessment" means on this list. "Diagnostic" would mean that the assessment is intended to help make a diagnosis; "prognostic" would mean that it is predicting something in the future -- could be a diagnosis again, or recovery, or death.... discuss Eyoungstrom (discusscontribs) 19:19, 4 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
  1. Are we differentiating between the terms "diagnostic measures" and "assessment" and "screening measures"? Are these interchangeable?
@Kennyle78:: "assessment" is the general term. "Diagnostic" is a term used to diagnose the client. "Screening" is a term used for brief questionnaires, technically that are designed to have high sensitivity (so that they don't miss a lot of cases that have the disease or target problem). Ongmianli (discusscontribs) 23:45, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
  1. Are all these measures necessary? Do we need cleaning?
@Kennyle78:: Those that are FREE and most well validated should be at the top! There has been pushback from folks who still want numbers for the widely-used ones. Ongmianli (discusscontribs) 23:45, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
  1. Some measures with just psychometric properties don't have general properties (eg: administration time, etc.)
@Kennyle78:: Add the columns then! Ongmianli (discusscontribs) 23:45, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
  1. Treatment section needs expansion.
This is going to be difficult, because this isn't our area of expertise. Experts will probably be able to add to that. Ongmianli (discusscontribs) 23:45, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
  1. Process and outcome measures section seems to have some esoteric information (eg: A, B, C); would a clinician understand this information in general?
I think we include it. This is kind of where an EBA-informed clinician would find the Clinically Significant Change stuff. For clinicians who just want to use the measure, they would go to the Clinician Table. Ongmianli (discusscontribs) 23:45, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
  1. Local resources - should they be expanded?
@Kennyle78:: Get rid of them. Could you do it for all the portfolios? Ongmianli (discusscontribs) 23:45, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
  1. Are the benchmarks from mania scales valid if this page is focused on depression?
@Kennyle78:: No. Remove them. Ongmianli (discusscontribs) 23:45, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

--Kennyle78 (discusscontribs) 22:55, 1 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

Comment from 6 April 2017

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Tables -- general feedback: When several different studies use similar sampling and methods, and get similar rates, collapse rows and tack multiple sites onto same row.

Also add links to Wiki pages for measures with page.

Eyoungstrom (discusscontribs) 19:51, 6 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

How should Portfolios handle developmental perspective/age group?

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This is a BIG question, and it cuts across a lot of topics. Depression and Bipolar are two examples that have been treated differently here so far.

Bipolar has two different toolkits, one for youth and one for adults (but not splitting off late life). This is due to the controversial status of bipolar in youth in the 1990s and 2000s, as well as differences in the scales used.

Depression here currently only has one page, for depression in youths (though few would dispute that it happens a lot in adults!). That's just a matter of "not having gotten around to it yet." But it opens up an interesting question -- should there be a different page for depression in adults? Or should there be a single page that covers depression all across the life span?

Experts could (and are) arguing for either model.

What do you think? Eyoungstrom (discusscontribs) 21:27, 18 June 2022 (UTC)Reply

  1. Weller, Elizabeth B.; Weller, Ronald A.; Fristad, Mary A.; Rooney, Marijo Teare; Schecter, Jennifer (2000-1). "Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes (ChIPS)". Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 39 (1): 76–84. doi:10.1097/00004583-200001000-00019.