Talk:Controversies in Science/Are humans causing global warming/A critique of Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants

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The findings that species are changing with rapid increase in global temperatures look valid based on this meta-analysis. There are such a vast number of species, both known and unknown, that it seems almost impossible for accurate observations of species changes to me made. Even though these studies found changes in species there are so many species left to research that concluding that temperature increases are the cause of the changes may be premature.Jhill171 03:04, 15 February 2012 (UTC)Reply

I agree in that when changes in habitat happen, a rise in temperatures occurs which stresses the survival of species and in order to live, these species must adapt their physical characteristics. According to Darwin’s evolution theory, he mandates the “survival of the fittest.” This means that those species who are physically stronger and more intelligent will outlive those species who cannot adapt. When a species evolves to adapt to their environment it creates a larger gap between them as a new species and the original. Because of this gap, it could be possible for extinction to occur due to the detachment. However, this article does not account for all of the other factors that contribute to changing environments. Not only do climate changes and natural disasters (as mentioned above) affect the environment of species, but humans are likely one of the biggest contributors in changing the environments. This article addresses the issues in a backwards fashion, because first and foremost, we as humans are largely contributing to the global warming effect which is directly correlated to changing environments and thus, the mutation or extinction of various species. Jrach339 (talk) 01:07, 4 April 2012 (UTC)Reply

The species are being affected for many factors like pollution and different natural disasters which human have contributed directly or indirectly. Root and rest did not address the causes of global warning. They just talk about the effects that the heating of the planet has in varies speciesArodr451 03:31, 15 February 2012 (UTC).Reply