Talk:Concept Classification, Page 4

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I am creating these pages as part of a Indiana University class. The instructor for this class is Dr. Honebein.

Dr. Reigeluth, the original material's author has given our class permission to use his material.

I've been working on these pages today and forgot to add the source reference to them.

I will include a source statement, along with the phase "used by permission" on each page that is based on Dr. Reigeluth's material.

Is that sufficient?

This is Peter Honebein. I'm the Indiana University professor teaching the class in which my students are building this wikiversity site. My colleague at Indiana University, Charles Reigeluth, has given this class permission to migrate his content from the aforementioned website to this wiki context. We are referencing the source where applicable. Charlie's permission is documented in the following email exchange (latest email first):

Original Message-----

From: Reigeluth, Charles M. [1] Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 9:36 AM To: Honebein, Peter C Subject: RE: R561 and R626


That sounds fine to me. I’ll probably keep the materials on my design site as well. You could just put a link to each of the materials on my design site. Whatever you prefer.

Do you do the course very differently from the way I do it? I am interested in seeing any differences/improvements.


From: Honebein, Peter C Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 7:07 PM To: Reigeluth, Charles M. Subject: RE: R561 and R626

Charlie, Hope all is well. R626 seems to be going smoothly this semester.

One of the projects I’m engaging students in is to build a set of Wikiversity courses on instructional strategy. We’re in the beginning stages things, but have stubbed out some Wikiversity space at:

Was wondering if you’d be interested in moving the content you have in your micro-strategy lessons to this forum. My students used the lessons and liked them a lot. Future R626 courses could also use the content in the Wikiversity forum, and perhaps build and extend it.

I know you have the material copyrighted. Not sure if you were intending some other kind of publication of it in the future. Let me know your thoughts. We’re planning on extending the micro-strategy content into affective, interpersonal, and psychomotor domains, as well as cognitive.


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