Talk:Comparative law and justice/Sierra Leone

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Latest comment: 14 years ago by Mlarthur
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Mid-Semester Comments

I'm glad to see that you have gotten off to a good start with your work. However, I do have some suggestions for improvement as you go forward.

  • You might wish to make that image a bit smaller and move it to the side of the page so that readers can see the table of contents for your Wiki right away. The Wikipedia help page on images will help you with that task.
  • You are missing some content, for instance some of the basic information about population demographics, governance and elections, etc. While you should do next week's updates before focusing on what you've missed, be sure to go back over the Wiki assignment handout to ensure that you have covered all of the required elements for the Wiki.
  • Your history narrative is a bit hard to read in the format it currently is displayed in. You might wish to change to a narrative instead of the timeline; alternatively, you might want to look into creating a fancy timeline.
  • Where you have long strings of numbers, you might find it better to use tables or lists instead of just paragraphs full of numbers.
  *Where your text looks like this

it is because you have a few spaces or a tab before your text; remove that and the text will go back to normal.

  • You currently have no references in your page. All claims that you make in your Wiki must be documented with sources, preferably those on the recommended sources page. The Wikipedia help page on references will help you with that--but remember that you must document EVERY SOURCE. Also, your references tag at the bottom of the page is spelled wrong, which is why it looks like it does.
  • You have not signed your page--be sure to log in and then put four <~> at the top of the page.
  • In terms of content, do note that one grading criterion for the Wiki project is your handling of the difference between official government rhetoric and the reality of the country. Your country is certainly subject to that issue, so be sure to address it as you work.

Again, you are in reasonably decent shape--but you do want to address the referencing issue IMMEDIATELY, and deal with the formatting issues when you can. Keep up the good work.

Mlarthur 15:51, 18 March 2010 (UTC)Reply