Talk:Big bang/a critique of The Universe Has No Beginning? Doubts About The Big Bang Theory

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Jump to navigation Jump to search,00 	light years	galaxy so far			
13.600.000.000,00 	years	from big bang			
296.000,00 	Km/sec	light speed			

K Huble

45.945,95 		74	 3.969,70 	 13.496.969.696,97 	Light years radius big bang
285.117,65 				 293.757,58 	

From the Hublle Constant I calculate the lenght of universe generated by the big bnad and the galaxy so far I conclude that rhe medium speed of big bang was 293.757 Km per sec. Please sameone explain how the galaxys that are going away at a speed close to the light speed we can see the lights of the stars.