Talk:Before You Begin

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Hi Tracy and Christine:

I had these comments originally on the page itself, but thought that this is more appropriate of a forum for discussion.

I have the following alternatives for what currently is posted:

Alternative Narrative for Formative & Summative evaluation section:

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Evaluation [1] in the ADDIE model consists of two parts: formative and summative. User testing is a kind of formative evaluation that occurs at the end of the development cycle. Formative evaluation should be conducted at regular intervals throughout the ADDIE process. Summative evaluation is different from formative evaluation. Summative evaluation, conducted at the conclusion of instruction, measures how well the major outcomes of a course reflect its objectives. Formative evaluation is like a check and balance system throughout the entire ADDIE model. Summative evaluation is like the final grade or score of the instruction.

(Remove Morrison grid.)

Design Functions Components Description
Formative Evaluation Planning Purpose, audience, issues, resources, evidence, data-gathering techniques, analysis, reporting
Techniques Connoisseur-based, decision-oriented, objectives-based, public relations-inspired studies
Summative Evaluation Planning Specify Objectives
Determine evaluation design for each objective
Develop data collection instruments
Carry out evaluation
Analyze results
Interpret results
Disseminate results and conclusions

From: Morrison, G.R., Ross, S.M. & Kemp, J.E. (2004). Designing Effective Instruction. (4th ed.) New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Alternative: Add interacive & visual elements in Stages & Remove Example Section

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(If we have links, pics and demos in the Stages section, I think Example section can be removed)

Examples of Formative Evaluation

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There are many different models on how to conduct formative evaluations, ranging from having a user fill out a worksheet to monitoring the testers’ moves and thoughts.

Examples of formative evaluation

  • Questionnaires (Example link)
  • Interviews (Example link)
  • Observation (Example link)
  • Records (Example link)