Talk:Assistant teacher program/Manual of style

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Handouts for pupils have to be conveniently printable. The course should not assume that the pupils have access to computer terminals during the course. Optional material can make use of interactivity. Handouts should use {{Page-break}} for page formatting.

Didactic approach

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Deduce-it-yourself strategy

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The course allows the pupils to develop their own ideas before a concept is used in the course in a more inflexible context. This can take the form that participants are asked to develop a concept in relation to their own peers before a concept is used in relation to the assistant teacher program. At the end of the course the pupils are invited to write their own book about their assistant teacher effort, which again requires them to reflect on their goals and to be creative with respect to their understanding of the assistant teacher office. One could see this as the (initially unintended) attempt to apply constructivist didactics to the creation of an assistant teacher effort by allowing the pupils to invent their own procedures and didactic methods for the effort. One of the goals of constructivist didactics is that pupils learn how to learn by giving them the training to take initiative for their own learning experiences.


Citizenship education

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The handout is under the copyright of the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority; it can be found on page 44 (PDF page 46) of the Crick Report.

The handout may be reproduced for the purpose of research, private study, criticism or review, or by educational institutions solely for educational purposes, if full acknowledgement is given.



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Assistant teacher course/pb
The "pb" (pupil box) template contains text that addresses the participants directly. The text is not meant as a handout but can be used to prepare a speech or can be shown on a board during a lecture.
Assistant teacher course/simpleBox
A simple box with a light grey border and 25px side margin. The purpose is to distinguish passages that have their own, independent context (e.g. long quotations).
Assistant teacher course/handouts
A box that lists references to handouts to be used in a specific course unit.
Assistant teacher course/todo
A template to make remarks on the right margin about missing parts of the course or parts that require more work.
Assistant teacher course/info_box_unit
An information box about a course unit (usually a 3rd-level section of a page bounded by === Section ===)
Assistant teacher course/navigation
A navigation help to be used as the footer for the standard course phases.