TESOL/Question tags

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Questions tags are short questions that come at the end of sentences that reflect the main clause.

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Negative with positive

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Usually, a negative main clause has a positive question tag, and a positive main clause has a negative question tag.

Main clause Question tag
+ She is nice isn't she? -
- She isn't nice is she? +

Grammatical exception

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Notice the following examples break the rule.

  • Nobody came, did they? (Nobody came, didn't they?)
  • He would hardly know anything, would he? (He would hardly know anything, wouldn't he?)
  • She can never remember, can she? (She can never remember, can't she?)
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Even when the main clause is negative, a negative question tag is used if the main clause contains a negative word, such as:

  • never
  • nobody
  • nowhere
  • little
  • hardly

Discourse exception

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Positive main clauses may have positive question tags to indicate a reaction like surprise.

  • You're buying a car, are you?
  • He quit, did he?
  • She thinks I'm strange, does she?

Auxiliary verbs are repeated

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An auxiliary verb in the main clause is repeated in the question tag.

  • She can't know, can she?
  • He could come, couldn't he?
  • She wouldn't like to come, would she?
  • He shan't go, shall he?
  • She should come, shouldn't she?


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The question tag of "I am" is aren't I?

  • I'm right, aren't I?
  • I'm done, aren't I?
  • I'm ready, aren't I?

No auxiliary

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If there is no auxiliary verb in the main clause, do is used instead.

  • She does know, doesn't she?
  • He came, didn't he?
  • You ate your dinner, didn't you?


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They are normal in conversation but sound informal in writing. In conversation, they perform essential communicative tasks.

Seeking Agreement

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Question tags function to seek agreement from the listener or reader, in the case of writing. In conversation, falling intonation at the question tag sounds affirmative.

Asking questions

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In conversation, a question tag with rising intonation acts as a question.

  • Today's not Tuesday, is it? (rising intonation suggests that the speaker does not know what day it is)
  • That's not the president, is it? (The speaker does not know if it is the president)


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Question tags can be used for imperatives in several ways.

Indirect requests

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Negative statements with question tags often function as indirect requests.

  • You couldn't lend me some cash, could you?
  • You wouldn't know where the station is, would you?
Polite requests
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Especially in British English, the question tag won't you? is used to make a polite request.

  • Join us, won't you?
  • Have some coffee, won't you?

Direct requests

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As opposed to indirect main requests, if the main clause itself is an imperative, the question tag is will you?

  • Come here, will you?
  • Give me a break, will you?
  • Finish your report, will you?

Write question tags for these sentences.


You understand question tags,


Good morning,


I'm in the right place,


Give me your sandwich,

(Not particularly polite)


He got the letter,


Let's go to school,