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Key sentences

Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
What do you feel guilty about? I feel really bad about (gerund).
Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
What should you have done differently? I should have (past participle).
Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
How do you feel? I feel (adjective).
Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
What's your reaction? I (verb) I did that.


Say these sentences without looking.

I feel really bad about (gerund).
gerund sentence
breaking his glasses I feel really bad about breaking his glasses.
forgetting her birthday I feel really bad about forgetting her birthday.
saying he is ugly I feel really bad about saying he is ugly.
making that mistake I feel really bad about making that mistake.
I should have (past participle).
past participle sentence
been more careful I should have been more careful.
written it down I should have written it down.
thought before I spoke I should have thought before I spoke.
paid closer attention I should have paid closer attention.
I feel (adjective).
adjective sentence
terrible I feel terrible.
awful I feel awful.
horrible I feel horrible.
really bad I feel really bad.
I (verb) I did that.
verb sentence
can't believe I can't believe I did that.
don't know how I don't know how I did that.
don't understand why I don't understand why I did that.
don't see how I don't see how I did that.


Practice this conversation.

Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
What do you feel guilty about? I feel really bad about (breaking his glasses).
Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
What should you have done differently? I should have (been more careful).
Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
How do you feel? I feel (terrible).
Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
What's your reaction? I (can't believe) I did that.

Change partners. Use your imagination and change the sentences.


Use your imagination. Make your own conversation.

Asking about guilt Expressing guilt

What do you feel guilty about?

I feel really bad about ... .

Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
What should you have done differently? I should have ....
Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
How do you feel? I feel ....
Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
What's your reaction? I ... I did that.

Change partners. Use your imagination and make another conversation.


Asking about guilt Expressing guilt
Ask your partner what they are guilty about. Imagine you did something bad. Tell your partner how you feel.

Further study

Resource type: this resource is a lesson in English as a second language.