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Systemic Approaches to Trauma and Neglect/Introduction to contemporary trauma theory and practice with families

From Wikiversity

Module synopsis here...


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  1. Engage effectively to conduct work with families who have experienced trauma and/or neglect.
  2. Conduct an assessment of the family's situation and therapeutic needs using at least one of a range of specified theoretical frameworks
  3. Integrate aspects of your own experience of the therapeutic relationship into your assessment and decisions for intervention with the family.
  4. Work collaboratively with the family and parts thereof to design and carry out an appropriate plan for intervention
  5. Synthesise theoretical frameworks with your ongoing reflections on your experience to appropriately manage the therapeutic relationship.
  6. Demonstrate effective skills in introducing and utilitsing at least one of: EMDR, Radical Exposure tapping, Schema Therapy, Schema Mode Therapy, Internal Family Systems, or other approach as appropriate.
  7. Develop in your capacity to respond flexibly and skilfully to the individual needs of a range of family presentations.


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  1. Essay (2000 word)
  2. In-depth case analysis wtihin prescribed theoretical frameworks (2500 word)

Topics, Activities and Resources

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  • Lectures integrating theories for working with children and adolescents and their families
  • Video demonstrations
  • Lectures on understanding and working with offenders, and how their behaviour shapes family dynamics.
  • Lectures on interactional patterns in families where abuse has occurred
  • Lectures on working with non-offending family members: parents, partners, and siblings.
  • Role-play to develop skills in conceptualising the different experiences of family members where one or more of them has experienced trauma/neglect
  • Lectures on working with couples where one or both have experienced trauma/neglect.
  • Role play video demonstration on working with couples re trauma and neglect
  • Guided reading
  • Lectures on practice in working with families where one or more members have experienced trauma and/or neglect