Survival Kit, software/Other possibilities

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The reader should be aware of the fact that the Survival Kit is not the only software for survival analysis. The other choices are including (but not limited to) these programs

coxph / coxme

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These packages are available in R [1]. Coxph[2] is used for cox models, coxme [3] for cox models including random variables. These are free programs.


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Again a free package [4] available in R [1]. The advantage of this is the ability to estimate two correlated random effects.

Proc phreg and proc lifetest can be used in SAS[5] after purchase of its license.


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  1. 1.0 1.1 R Development Core Team (2009). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-900051-07-0, URL
  2. Terry Therneau and original R port by Thomas Lumley (2009). survival: Survival analysis, including penalised likelihood.. R package version 2.35-7.
  3. Terry Therneau (2009). coxme: Mixed Effects Cox Models.. R package version 2.0.
  4. Juan R González, Virginie Rondeau and Yassin Mazroui (2010). frailtypack: Frailty models using maximum penalized likelihood estimation. R package version 2.2-12.

Survival Kit: Before you begin - Small example - Sorting - Tips and Tricks - FAQ - Older versions - Other possibilities