Survey research and design in psychology/Admin/Convening

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Here's some tasks that a convener of this unit may undertake:

Week -7+

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  1. Set up Moodle site
  2. Welcome early birds
  3. Arrange timetabling
  4. Set up Virtual tutorial room

Week -3 to -6

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Week -2

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  1. Release draft unit outline for comment
  2. Submit final unit outline for approval

Week -1

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  1. Book lecture recording

Week 0

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  1. Release unit outline
  2. Check computer lab

Week 1

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Week 3

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Week 4

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  1. Remind participants about Week 4 census date for withdrawal
  2. Contact at-risk students about progress
  3. Allocate PUAs
  4. Collate submitted data and re-distribute