Instructional design/Summary and References

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Congratulations, you have successfully finished this online course of how to generate PBL problems. In this online course, we have talked about three important features of PBL problems, which are:

  • Problems should enhance students’ motivation.
  • Problems should enhance students’ critical thinking skills.
  • Problems should enhance students' collaboration.

If you have chance to use PBL method in your future teaching, please remember to consider the features listed above to generate good problems for students to work on.


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Here are the resources that we used in this course.


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1. Bloom, B.S., Engelhart, M. D., Furst, E. J., Hill, W. H., & Krathwohl, D. R.(1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: the classification of educational goals; Handbook I: Cognitive Domain New York, Longmans, Green, 1956.
2. Johnson, D., Johnson, R.& Holubec, E. (1998). Cooperation in the classroom. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.


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1. Chin, C. and Chia, L.G. (2006) Problem-Based Learning: Using Ill-Structured Problems in Biology Project Work. Science Education, 90, 44-67.


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1. Lady Caitriona & looney_tunes.(2012). Quizzes - Architecture.Retrieved April,20,2012, from source Website:
2. Wikipedia.(2012). Ultraviolet-Subtypes.Retrieved April,20,2012, from source Website:
3. Wilder, P.(2012). Assessing Student Interests and Strengths. Retrieved April,18,2012, from source Website:

Video Clips

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1. BIEPBL. (2010, December 9). Project Based Learning: Explained. Retried April, 18, 2012, from
2. DragonflyNoir10. (2009, December 9). Mona Lisa Smile Part 1/12. Retrieved April, 18, 2012, from
3. Facdent1981. (2011, September 30). Introduction to Problem-Based Learning at the HKU Faculty of Dentistry. Retried April, 18, 2012, from
4. Making Learning Real (2010, October, 26). Student Insights. Retrieved April, 18, 2012, from
5. Making Learning Real (2010, October, 26). Problem-Based Case Learning Why it Works. Retrieved April, 18, 2012, from
6. 1234rockford (2011, August, 17). Geometry Meets Architecture - Applying Math in a Real World Project. Retrieved April, 19, 2012, from