Student Projects/Presentation Software

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Presentation Software

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Presentation software are the application software that is used to prepare document which includes text, images, graphs, tables, graphics items audios and videos. That is used to make a professional business presentation, seminars or general presentation interactive,interesting, dynamic and more impressive. These are the power tools which can add animation, transition, hyperlinks and audio-video in the digital document and makes it dynamic. Some of the most commonly used presentation app are MS-Powerpoint, Google Slide, Libreoffice impress, Prezi, KeyNote and many more.

Pros of making digital presentation Document

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It can be used in various platform.

It is very interactive and dynamic.

It is conserves physical resources.

It is easy to store and share.

It is afford.

Cons of making digital presentation Document

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Specific document format is supported by specific presentation software.

Online presentations cannot be accessed without internet.

All the features of document may not be accessible based on the software and its version in which it was created and the software and version it is being executed.

Hardware resources are required i.e. Computer System, tab/smartphone and/ or Display.