Student Projects/Blood

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BLOOD[edit | edit source]

It is type of connective tissue also known as fluid connective tissue .

Which helps in transportation of particles to different parts of the body. Human blood is red in colour.

CONSTITUENTS OF BLOOD[edit | edit source]

It consists of plasma and formed elements.

PLASMA[edit | edit source]

About 50% of blood is plasma.

It is a colourless fluid containing about 90% water and other 10% contains substances like lipids, minerals, glucose,  amino acids and proteins. (Albumin, Globulin, Fibrinogen)

Where ,

Albumins - Maintain osmotic potential

Globulin - Function as defence mechanism

Fibrinogen - Helps in blood coagulation

FORMED ELEMENTS[edit | edit source]

there are 3 formed elements


2. WBC


1. RBC - Red Blood Corpuscles[edit | edit source]

They also called Erythrocytes.These are anucleated biconcave shaped cells  containing a pigment called haemoglobin(iron containing protein complex) which is the reason for the red colour of the blood. Synthesis of rbc takes place in red bone marrow and die in spleen after 120 days.

A healthy person contains 14-16gm of  haemoglobin in1mm of   blood.

FUNCTION: Helps in carrying oxygen to different parts of the body.

2. WBC - White Blood Corpuscles[edit | edit source]

They are also called Leukocytes.Blood normally contains 6k - 8k cells per mm cube. These are nucleated cells lacking haemoglobin makes them colourless.They are divided into two types








1) GRANULOCYTES[edit | edit source]

EOSINOPHIL: These are bilobed cells  Consists of 2-3 % of WBC. they have affinity towards acid stains.


Resist any kind of infection and respond to allergic reactions.


These are trilobed cells consists of 0.5-1% of WBC.They have affinity towards basic stains.

They also secrete serotonin and histamine.

Histamine -  Increases blood flow to tissue during inflammation.

Histamine and Serotonin - Prevent blood clotting

FUNCTION: Associated with allergic reactions.


These are trilobed cells consists of 60-65% of WBC.

They have affinity towards both acids and bases.

FUNCTION: Phagocytic in nature.

2) AGRANULOCYTES[edit | edit source]


Huge round cells with Bean shaped nucleus consists of 6-8% of WBC.

FUNCTION : Phagocytic in nature.


Small round cells with large spherical nucleus consists of 20-25% of WBC. They are further divided into T-lymphocytes and B-Lymphocytes.

FUNCTION : Responsible for immune responses of the body.

3.PLATELETS[edit | edit source]

They are also called as leukocytes they are fragments of megakaryocytes of bone marrow.Blood normally contains 150k - 350k platelets per mm cube.

FUNCTION: Helps in blood coagulation.

reference[edit | edit source]