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Student Projects/Beauty of nature

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Beauty of Nature

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Nature is a valuable gift given to us. It supports us in many ways which are unimaginable. It holds secrets in its deepest corners that are just awaited to be discovered. Nature is the beauty of our planet. The seas, mountains, lakes, birds, insects, animals are the jewels in nature’s crown. We are surrounded by the resplendent beauty of nature that provides for us the basic necessities for life. Nature is a vast subject just like the oceans of our world. It has myriad facets. It changes from season to season, time to time. If the morning sky is a burst of gold and red; the evening sky is lit with a purplish glow that slowly darkens. The clouds that drift in the morning sky are replaced with twinkling stars as the world enters the realm of night.

A particular aspect of nature that catches everyone’s eyes are landscapes. They are the go-to places for any tourists when they visit a country. There are many such picturesque locations in India that attracts tourists from all over the world like bees being attracted to honey. One such breath-taking landscape is the Himalayan Range that covers an astonishing 2,300 km, stretching over 5 major states in India:Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and the Seven Sisters of Northeast. This abode of snow is chilly area with fantastic locations such as the Mt Everest, the biggest mountain in the world. Its name, Hima, means snow and, alaya, means abode, is a magnet for the pilgrim tourists of India. This place has elegance and beauty because of the white snow-capped mountains and the gorgeous valleys surrounding it.

Water is the main source of survival for living organisms. In a way, it gives life to the ones who drink. One such magical water form are waterfalls. They are dazzling to look at and have a sense of mystery to them. The water as it falls sharply on the rocks below, sparkle like the stars in the night sky. Kunchikal Falls is the second highest waterfall in Asia. It is located in Karnataka and with a height of 455 mts in height, it is an impressive sight to behold. Its poignant feature is its cascading layers of water and a stunning backdrop of greenery. Waterfalls are also the commonly used settings for mystery stories or mythical creatures such as fairies. These magnificent water bodies have a way of luring people to watch their movement. They are truly the best water phenomenon on earth.

Birds are the winged beauties of nature. They are elegant and show interesting characteristics and behaviors that compel us to know more. India plays host to many varieties of birds and also accommodates migrating birds such as the greater flamingo and the demoiselle crane. But one iconic bird that is known throughout the hearts of Indians, the pride of India, whose feather Krishna wears in his head, the peacock. Its is a resplendent bird of the pheasant family that has long and beautiful feathers. Its feathers are mainly metallic blue with traces of green and bronze.There are 3 types of this mesmerizing bird: the Indian peacock(found in India and Sri Lanka), the green peacock(found in Indonesia) and the Congo peacock(found in Africa). These birds all have a dazzling plumage which are used in many crafts and paintings. The feathers are also thought auspicious as they bring good luck and prosperity. Peacocks are also known as the dancing beauties of India. Whenever the clouds cry their tears, the peacock spreads its magnificent plumage, gives a shrill cry and dances. It is truly the happiest when it rains and so are we because we can see this handsome bird. One of the major changes that we all experience, especially in India, is the change in climate as we into different seasons. The change in leaves is the most noticeable change during this time. It also marks the life of the leaves. Just like a chameleon, before we know it, the leaves turn an auburn shade and slowly crumble. They drift like snowflakes and reach the ground, ending their lives. But, as we enjoy the cold weather, small sprouts of emerald leaves appear, like a chick emerging from its egg. They grow bigger and stronger and give us shade. Another major change is the warmth of the air around us. It changes from a warm and dry breeze to chilly grasp of air raking its hand through your skin. The sun sets earlier that usual, making way for the moon. These changes are, in a way soothing. We know that as the day ends, there is a moonlit night to look forward to. It helps us see the best in the worst situation.

Nature is always helping us by throwing hard challenges at us or help soothe us when we are upset. It helps us grow from the challenges that we face. But nowadays, us humans, have disregarded the sacrifices mother nature has made for us. We have disrespected her gift that she, so generously, shared with us, to help us. Its not that measures are not being taken; they are. Students are fighting for the preservation of nature. The government has taken measures too but is it enough? How long will it be till mother nature gets fed up. If we don’t look after our planet, then we won’t have a planet to think about or save. We must all take preventive measures to preserve our world, not just for ourselves but also for the many innocent creatures living alongside us that are being affected by our work. We must use paper instead of plastic; plant more trees; reuse the paper; and look after our natural resources. It isn’t too late! Because if we don’t, we won’t have anything left to call home.