Spanish 2/Chapter 8 (Celebrations)
Chapter 8 (Celebrations)
[edit | edit source]Manners and customs
[edit | edit source]- abrazar(se) - to hug
- besar(se) - to kiss
- dar(se) la mano - to shake hands
- despedirse (de) - to say good-bye (to)
- modales - manners
- saludar(se) - to greet
- sonreír - to smile
Note: Sonreír has a stem-change of e to í.
Relations with people
[edit | edit source]- bebé - baby
- contar - to tell
- llevarse bien/mal - to get along well/badly
- llorar - to cry
- mayores - grown-ups
- parientes - relatives
- reírse - to laugh
- reunirse - to meet
Note: Reírse has a stem-change of e to í. Reunirse has a stem-change of u to ú.
Special events
[edit | edit source]- alrededor de - around
- aniversario - anniversary
- casarse - to get married
- charlar - to chat
- costumbre - custom
- cumplir años - to have a birthday
- desfile - parade
- día festivo - holiday
- divertirse - to have fun
- enorme - enormous
- ¡Felicidades! - Congratulations!
- felicitar - to congratulate
- fiesta de sorpresa - surprise party
- fuegos artificiales - fireworks
- hacer un picnic - to have a picnic
- nacer - to be born
- regalar - to give
- reunión - meeting
Note: Reunión is a feminine noun.
The past
[edit | edit source]- antiguo(a) - old, antique
- frecuentemente - frequenly
- había - there was/there were
- mientras - while
- recordar - to remember
Note: Recordar has stem-change of o to ue.
Using the imperfect tense to describe a situation
[edit | edit source]In addition to saying what someone used to do, the imperfect tense is used:
• to describe people, places, and situations in the past
• to talk about a past action or situation when no beginning or end is specified
• to describe the situation or background information when something else happened or interrupted the ongoing action.
La casa de mis abuelos era enorme. Tenía cinco dormitorios.
Había mucha gente en la casa para el aniversario de mis abuelos.
Todos mis parientes bailaban cuando llegamos.
Reciprocal actions
[edit | edit source]Sometimes the reflexive pronouns se and nos are used to express the idea "(to) each other." These are called reciprocal actions.
Los novios se saludaban y se besaban.
Por lo general nos saludábamos con un abrazo. También nos dábamos la mano.
Vocabulario adicional
[edit | edit source]Special events
[edit | edit source]- agradecer - to be grateful for, to be appreciative of
- bautizo - baptism
- brindar - to propose a toast
- Día de Acción de Gracias - Thanksgiving
- Día de San Valentín - Valentine's Day
- Día de San Patricio - Saint Patrick's Day
- Nochebuena - Christmas Eve
- Víspera del Año Nuevo - New Year's Eve
Note: Agradecer has an irregular yo form of c to zc.
[edit | edit source]- bisabuelo - great-grandfather
- bisabuela - great-grandmother
- cuñado - brother-in-law
- cuñada - sister-in-law
- nieto - grandson
- nieta - granddaughter
- padrino - godfather
- madrina - godmother
- sobrino - nephew
- sobrina - niece
Cultural Insight (Día de los Reyes Magos)
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Día de los Reyes Magos, or Epiphany, is a Christian holiday celebrated in Spanish-speaking countries on January 6 to commemorate the visitation of the Magi (Three Wise Men) to the child Jesus. On this day, families in Spanish-speaking countries would gather together for a holiday feast and is the day when Christmas decorations are taken down. In Spain and parts of Latin America, children polish and leave their shoes along with letters out for the Wise Men to give them presents. This is similar to the tradition of Santa Claus throughout the world.
On this day, families will make roscón de reyes, the Spanish version of king cake with friends and family. The cake is made of flour, eggs, sugar, butter, and candied fruits though there are also regional variations. The cake is usually served with a cup of chocolate caliente. When the cake is served, the person whose slice contains a miniature doll of baby Jesus yells out "¡Lo tengo!"