Spanish 2/Chapter 3 (Daily Activities)
Chapter 3 (Daily Activities)
[edit | edit source]Getting Ready
[edit | edit source]- acostarse - to go to bed
- afeitarse - to shave
- arreglarse - to fix
- bañarse - to take a bath
- cepillarse - to brush
- cortarse el pelo - to cut one's hair
- despertarse - to wake up
- ducharse - to take a shower
- levantarse - to get up
- lavarse - to wash
- pedir prestado(a) - to borrow
- pintarse - to paint, to polish
- ponerse - to put on
- prepararse - to get ready
- secarse - to dry
- vestirse - to get dressed
Note: Acostarse has a stem change when conjugated (o to ue). Despertarse has a stemchange of (e to ie). Vestirse conjugates as (e to i).
Things needed to get ready
[edit | edit source]- agua de colonia - cologne
- anillo - ring
- cepillo - brush
- cinturón - belt
- desodorante - deodorant
- ducha - shower
- gel - gel
- joyas - jewelry
- oro - gold
- plata - silver
- labios - lips
- maquillaje - make-up
- peine - comb
- pelo - hair
- salón de belleza - beauty salon
- secador - blow dryer
- toalla - towel
- uñas - nails
Special events
[edit | edit source]- audición - audition
- boda - wedding
- cita - date
- concurso - contest
- evento especial - special event
[edit | edit source]- entusiasmado(a) - excited
- nervioso(a) - nervous
- tranquilo(a) - calm
- feliz - happy
Other useful words
[edit | edit source]- antes de - before
- cómodo(a) - comfortable
- depende - it depends
- elegante - elegant
- lentamente - slowly
- luego - then
- por ejemplo - for example
- rápidamente - quickly
- te ves - you look
Reflexive verbs
[edit | edit source]To say that people do something to or for themselves, reflexive verbs are used. You know a verb is reflexive if its infinite form ends in se. The reflexive pronouns in Spanish are me, te, se, nos, and os. Each pronoun corresponds to a different subject. Here is the conjugation of the present-tense of the reflexive verb acostarse:
- me acuesto - I go to bed
- te acuestas - you go to bed (singular)
- se acuesta - he/she goes to bed
- nos acostamos - we go to bed
- os acostáis - you go to bed (plural)
- se acuestan - they go to bed
Ser (to be)
[edit | edit source]Ser is one form of "to be" in Spanish. Use ser to talk about:
- what a person or thing is
- what a person or thing is like
- where a person or thing is from
- what a thing is made of
- to whom something belongs
Here is the conjugation of ser:
- soy - I am
- eres - you are (singular)
- es - he/she is
- somos - we are
- sois - you are (plural)
- son - they are
Here is the conjugation of ser in the preterit tense:
- fui - I was
- fuiste - you were (singular)
- fue - he/she was
- fuimos - we were
- fuisteis - you were (plural)
- fueron - they were
Estar (to be)
[edit | edit source]Estar is the other form of "to be" in Spanish. Use estar to talk about:
- how a person or thing is at the moment
- how someone feels
- where a person or thing is located
Here is the conjugation of estar:
- estoy - I am
- estás - you are (singular)
- está - he/she is
- estamos - we are
- estáis - you are (plural)
- están - they are
Here is the conjugation of estar in the preterit tense:
- estuve - I am
- estuviste - you are (singular)
- estuvo - he/she is
- estuvimos - we are
- estuvisteis - you are (plural)
- estuvieron - they are
Possessive adjectives
[edit | edit source]Spanish possessive adjectives have a long form that follows the noun. These forms are often used for emphasis. Sometimes, possessive adjectives may be used without the noun. To clarify or emphasize possession, you can use de + a noun or pronoun instead of suyo.
- mío(a, -os, -as) - mine
- el coche mío - my car / this car of mine
- ¿De quién es la mochila? Es mía. No, es de ella. - Whose backpack is this? It's mine. No, it's hers.
- tuyo (a, -os, -as) - yours (singular/familiar)
- suyo (a, -os, -as) - yours (singular/formal), his, hers, its
- nuestro (a, -os, -as) - ours
- vuestro (a, -os, -as) - yours (plural/familiar)
- suyo (a, -os, -as) - yours (plural/formal), theirs
Vocabulario adicional
[edit | edit source]- dientes - teeth
- esmalte de uñas - nail polish
- espuma de afeitar - shaving foam
- fijador - hair spray
- lápiz de labios - lipstick
- loción - lotion
- loción astringente - astringent
- loción humectante - moisturizing lotion
- loción para después de afeitarse - aftershave lotion
- maquinilla de afeitar - razor
- sombra de ojos - eye shadow
Cultural Insight (Ponchos)
[edit | edit source]Ponchos, also known in other places as: (Huipil y sarape) are the typical clothing worn in the altiplano, a plateau in the Andes Mountains between Bolivia and Peru. The poncho is also the traditional clothing of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Mexico, especially in the mountainous regions. Ponchos are usually made of the wool from llama, alpacas, or other animals.