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Spanish 2/Chapter 15 (Planning a trip)

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Chapter 15 (Planning a trip)

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Travel plans

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  • agencia de viajes - travel agency
  • agente de viajes - travel agent
  • equipaje - luggage
  • extranjero(a) - foreign
  • hacer un viaje - to take a trip
  • maleta - suitcase
  • hacer la maleta - to pack the suitcase
  • pasaporte - passport
  • planear - to plan
  • reservar - to reserve
  • reservación - reservation, booking
  • tarjeta de embarque - boarding pass
  • turista - tourist

Note: Turista can either be masculine or feminine.


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  • abordar - to board
  • aduana - customs
  • aduanero(a) - customs officer
  • aeropuerto - airport
  • anuncio - announcement
  • auxiliar de vuelo - flight attendant
  • con destino a - going to
  • de ida y vuelta - round-trip
  • directo(a) - direct
  • durar - to last
  • empleado(a) - employee
  • facturar - to check
  • hacer escala - to stop over
  • inspección de seguridad - security checkpoint
  • línea aérea - airline
  • llegada - arrival
  • pasajero(a) - passenger
  • pasillo - aisle
  • piloto - pilot
  • puerta de embarque - departure gate
  • registrar - to inspect, to search
  • retraso - delay
  • salida - departure
  • ventanilla - (airplane) window
  • vuelo - flight

Other words

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  • abierto(a) - open
  • bienvenido(a) - welcome
  • cerrado(a) - closed
  • insistir en - to insist
  • listo(a) - ready
  • sugerir - to suggest
  • tendremos - we will have
  • tener paciencia - to be patient

Note: Sugerir has a stem-change of e to ie.

Verbs often followed by que + subjunctive

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  • decir
  • insistir en
  • necesitar
  • permitir
  • preferir
  • prohibir
  • querer
  • recomendar
  • sugerir

Present subjunctive

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The subjunctive mood is often used to say that one person influences the actions of another. Note that the subjunctive sentences have two parts, each with a different subject connected by the word que.

ex.Ella sugiere que yo aprenda español.

The first part uses the present indicative verb (recommendation, suggestion, etc.) + que, and the second part uses the present subjunctive verb (what should happen).

The present subjunctive is formed the same way as negative commands and all Ud./Uds. commands. Drop the -o of the present-tense yo form and add the present-tense subjunctive endings.

  • hable - that I speak
  • hables - that you speak (singular)
  • hable - that he/she speaks
  • hablemos - that we speak
  • habléis - that you speak (plural)
  • hablen - that they speak
  • aprenda - that I learn
  • aprendas - that you learn (singular)
  • aprenda - that he/she learns
  • aprendamos - that we learn
  • aprendáis - that you learn (plural)
  • aprendan - that they learn
  • escriba - that I write
  • escribas - that you write (singular)
  • escriba - that he/she writes
  • escribamos - that we write
  • escribáis - that you write (plural)
  • escriban - that they write

Vocabulario adicional

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  • acampar - to camp
  • excursionista - excursionist, traveler
  • expedición - expedition
  • explorador(ora) - explorer
  • ir al extranjero - to go abroad
  • paisaje - landscape
  • paseo - trip
  • recorrido - route
  • tienda de acampar - tent
  • trotamundos - globe-trotter, world traveler

On the airplane

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  • abrocharse el cinturón - to fasten one's seat belt
  • almohada - pillow
  • aterrizar - to land
  • compartimiento sobre la cabeza - overhead compartment
  • despegar - to take off
  • procedente de - arriving from
  • tripulación - crew
  • turbulencia - turbulence
  • salida de emergencia - emergency exit
  • señal de no fumar - no smoking sign

External resources

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Guide to Spain and Spanish culture

Cultural insight (Los Códices)

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Explorers have discovered that the Incas of South America drew pictures of their travels of new places on walls of caves throughout the Andes in Peru. Some pictures show local people and their cities and others show royalty and lifestyles of the new land. These were called códices. Enter the museum of pre-Colombian art Cusco: https://mapcusco.pe/en/salas/shell/