Spanish 1/Destinations
Chapter 8 (Destinations)
[edit | edit source]Activities (Actividades)
[edit | edit source]- nadar - to swim
- escalar las montañas - mountain climbing
- comer en el restaurante - eat at a restaurant
- jugar en el parque - play in the park
- tomar el sol en la playa - sunbath at the beach
- visitar un museo - visit a museum
- ir de compras - to go shopping
- ver una película - to see a movie
- lección de piano - piano lesson (lesson of piano)
- Me quedo en casa. - I stay at home.
[edit | edit source]- la biblioteca - library
- el café - café
- el campo - countryside
- la casa - house, home
- en casa - at home
- el centro comercial - mall
- el cine - movie theater
- el gimnasio - gym
- la iglesia - church
- la mezquita - mosque
- las montañas - mountains
- el parque - park
- la piscina - swimming pool
- la playa - beach
- el restaurante - restaurant
- la sinagoga - synagogue
- el templo - temple, Protestant church
- el trabajo - work, job
- comisaría/estación de policía - police station
- planetario - planetarium
- panadería - bakery
- piscina - swimming pool
- playa - beach
Words describing to go somewhere
[edit | edit source]- a - to
- a la, al - to the
- ¿Adónde? - Where? (to)
- a casa - to home
Note: A la is feminine and al (a + el) is masculine.
Going out
[edit | edit source]- ¿Con quién? - With whom?
- con mis/tus amigos - with my/your friends
- solo(a) - alone
Time phrases
[edit | edit source]- ¿Cuándo? - When?
- después - afterwards, after
- los fines de semana - on weekends
- los lunes - on Mondays
- los martes - on Tuesdays
- tiempo libre - free time
[edit | edit source]- ¿De dónde eres? - Where are you from?
- de - from, of
Other words
[edit | edit source]- generalmente - generally
- ¡No me digas! - Don't tell me that!
- para - in order to
Ir (to go)
[edit | edit source]Ir in Spanish, means to go. It is one of a handful of verbs that conjugates irregularly and doesn't have the same rules as the regular conjugations. Below is the conjugation forms of ir:
- voy - I go
- vas - you go (singular)
- va - he/she goes
- vamos - we go
- vais - you go (plural)
- van - they go
Note: Usted (Ud.) & ustedes (Uds.) are still conjugated in the 3rd person form.
Vocabulario adicional
[edit | edit source]- el banco - bank
- el club - club
- la farmacia - pharmacy
- la oficina - office
- el supermercado - supermarket
Cultural Insight (Public transportation)
[edit | edit source]Like most major cities in the world, the large cities in Spanish-speaking countries have their own public transportation system. Mexico City's Metro is one of the busiest and largest in the world. Many choose to ride busses and metros because of the horrific traffic commonly seen in Latin American countries and recently, due to high gas prices.
Country Focus (Honduras)
[edit | edit source]
Honduras (Spanish: Honduras) is a democratic republic in Central America. It was formerly known as Spanish Honduras to differentiate it from British Honduras (now Belize). The country is bordered to the west by Guatemala, to the southwest by El Salvador, to the southeast by Nicaragua, to the south by the Pacific Ocean at the Gulf of Fonseca, and to the north by the Gulf of Honduras, a large inlet of the Caribbean Sea.
Archaeologists have demonstrated that Honduras had a rich, multi-ethnic prehistory. An important part of that prehistory was the Mayan presence around the city of Copán in western Honduras, near the Guatemalan border. A major Mayan city flourished during the classic period (150-900) in that area. On his fourth and final voyage to the New World in 1502, Christopher Columbus reached the Bay Islands on the coast of Honduras. It soon became part of the growing Spanish Empire.

The wealth of cultural expression in Honduras owes its origins primarily to being a part of Latin America but also to the multi-ethnic nature of the country. This influences all aspects of the culture: customs, practices, ways of dressing, religion, rituals, codes and norms of behavior and belief systems.
-Official Language: Spanish
-Other Languages: English, Native American languages

-Capital: Tegucigalpa
-Government: Democracy
-Area: 112,088 sq km (43,278 sq mi) (102nd)
-Population: 7,810,848 (93rd)
-Religion: Christianity (mainly Catholic, few Protestant and Mormon) 97.3%, Buddhism 0.1%, other (Non-religious, Animism, Islam) 2.6%
-Human Development: 0.732 (112nd, MEDIUM)
-Independence: September 15, 1821
-Currency: Lempira