South Africa Workshop for Social Entrepreneurship - 2008/Reflections/National Collaborative Project on Student Social Entrepreneurship

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Bob Hawkins


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The World Bank Institute has developed a collaborative framework containing a common set of objectives within which social entrepreneurial projects can be facilitated. The set of objectives will allow for peer reviews of projects, electronic capturing of data regarding communities and projects and allows for a means of identifying the most promising ideas with a view to potentially funding these.

The framework will be implemented in four phases: Phase I will be the inception phase, followed by Phase II (Project Proposal) Phase III (Prototype) and finally Phase IV (Final Business Plan Submission)

Phase I: Inception

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Week 1-3


Student preparation

  • Undertake SSE introductory- community engagement, communication, ethics, culture, civic studies, human interaction skills
  • Use SSE portal to identify fellow students
  • Establish teams- name, biodata, university, community of interest, project type interest
  • Make contact with community, establish trust
  • Identify key community partner
Initial community assessment- scorecard
  • Baseline data household composition
  • Primary businesses
  • Income
  • Access to resources
  • Key priorities
  • Challenges
  • Google Map of Community
Key assessment indicators:
  • Self evaluation/introspection - blogs
  • Community and peer evaluation - rating system
Output: Evaluation of community scorecard according to predefined criteria

During this phase students will assess:

  • Their understanding of the target community and who to approach when assessing the need of the community

Students will be expected to post a short memo on their blog outlining the challenges faced and which organisations they envisage can assist them on their chosen project as well as prioritise the identified needs of the community.

Phase II: Project Proposal

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Week 4-6


Project Planning


Continuation of SSE course - project planning, financial planning, social and rural development

Identification of organization's needs

Development of project proposal

Development of initial success indicators for the project Identification of a mentor either a social entrepreneur, businessman or at a tertiary institute

Project proposal or concept note
  • Problem statement
  • Proposed solution/intervention
  • Level of community uptake
  • Methodology
  • Champions in communities
  • Resource planning
  • Action plan/Timeline
Key assessment indicators:
  • Self evaluation- introspection
  • Peer evaluation of project proposal or concept note
Output: Evaluation of student project proposal by a team of peers according to predefined common/general criteria

During this Phase students begin to identify the challenges and problems within their chosen community. They would be expected to present a concept note detailing the stated problems, methodology, resource utilisation and proposed action plans to be implemented over the duration of the project. It is probable that at this point that peer reviews take place, inviting comment and input.

Phase III: Prototype and Marketing

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Week 7-9


Marketing the idea


Continuation of SSE course - marketing studies, communication Implement prototype of project.

Create a marketing video /presentation of the project concept, community current status, your team and resources, and uptake in community.

Present your video to your community champion and focus group Post your video or presentation on the SSE portal

Marketing video
  • Problem statement
  • Community profile
  • Proposed solution/intervention
  • Implementation success/challenges
  • Resources
  • Action plan/Timeline
Key assessment indicators:
  • Self evaluation- introspection
  • Evaluation of video clip or presentation
Output: Evaluation of video/presentation by a team of peers according to predefined criteria

Phase IV: Final Business Plan

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Week 10-12


Final business plan

Continuation of SSE course - fundraising, finance and operations, strategic management, SWOT analysis, entrepreneurship and sustainable development

Preparation of final business plan

Identification of private CSI or donor funder for submission of business plan

Implementation strategy and sustainability assessment

Final business plan

Concept note revision

SWOT analysis

Marketing strategy

Implementation strategy

Project sustainability

Key assessment indicators:
  • Self evaluation- blog of experiences doing the project, final perceptions vs initial impressions and lessons learned
  • Evaluation of final business plan
Output: Peer evaluation of final business plan according to predefined criteria

Funding and Follow-up:

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  • The student teams with the highest points in each cohort would have their ideas reviewed by a panel of private, NGO and public representatives.
  • The best 20 ideas would receive R30,000 to develop the idea further or for their partner institution to develop the idea.