Social psychology (psychology)/Lectures/Relationships/Instructor notes

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What was done in 2008

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  • Removed animations
  • Replaced many proprietary images (there are still several to be worked on) and added many free culture images
  • Rationalised some slides (e.g., several are now hidden)
  • Kept the Social Exclusion video in
  • Adjusted master slides to aid visual clarity
  • Didn't read chapter – near 0 pre-knowledge – this was poor


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  • Timing was better than 2007; approximately 30 in attendence
  • Tended to read “down into the slides” a bit too much; rather than look at audience
  • Skipped some slides back and forth; some re-ordering helpful; several slides skipped
  • Somewhat mellowish/tiredish/stayed low key; 6.5/10
  • The audio contains several additional comments
  • Beauty activities worked well – add some more
  • Add heat map of beauty marketing (available on web)
  • Breaking before social exclusion
  • Showing the social exclusion video at the start of Pt2
    • It could be good to add a briefer summary slide of the consequences of social exclusion and to find /show relevant references (and effect sizes)
  • Add slide/reference to Gottman's studies - “thin slices” (did provide a useful summary)
  • Lienke's Law mentioned
  • Showed 4 relationship adds at the end; worked; maybe 3 enough though (e.g. leave out plane add)

What's to be done

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  • Not all 2007 comments were addressed
  • Not all animations were removed – grrrr (mostly the remaining ones are towards the end).
  • If possible, reduce some image file sizes – the handout is almost 3MB


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  • This was "OK" e.g., 7/10 - no more.
  • Intrinsically interesting topic
  • I was a bit mellow/flat, but OK.


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  • Several slides were skipped - see video
  • Took too long on initial material, so Social Exclusion was skipped
  • Also, video on social exclusion wasn't shown bec. no audio from laptop - need additional cord.
  • Basic structure of material is pretty good.
  • Add slide back in about Harlow's Monkeys.
  • Some proprietary images from the textbook used; replace these.
  • What is love? Some more romantic, widespread, definitions?
  • More activities (e.g., attractiveness) - these invariably worked nicely - build more of these.
  • Not all animations removed
  • Summary to be developed / relate to assessment items


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  • Add some assessment items around slides only presented in the lecture (i.e., around attractiveness)
  • Need to generate assessment items for additional lecture content e.g., Hatfield's model
  • 6 topics - 3 in each lecture half - overall, good scope and efficient - aiming to give 15-20 minute insight into each
  • Time was about right; finished a few minutes early and had time to indulge a bit with each section
  • At lecture break time, I showed the trailer for "An Inconvenient Truth" - could replace with trailer for Blue Eyes / Brown Eyes and Rwanda 3rd year videos.

(note that the trailer needed to be downloaded and buffered before the lecture started)

  • Use document projector to show / pupil / faces from Manwatching and the Manwatching cover