Snapshot journal/copyediting instructions

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Copyediting instructions for Snapshot journal

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The purpose of copyediting

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The copyediting stage is intended to improve the flow, clarity, grammar, wording, and formatting of the article. It represents the last chance for the author to make any substantial changes to the text, as the next stage is restricted to correcting typos and formatting. Copyediting for Snapshot journal should be non-interventionist: try as much as possible to preserve the author's voice. Changes should only be made where greater clarity is needed for the reader. Changes should not be made according to personal preference.

How to go about copyediting

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The file to be copyedited is in Word or .rtf format and therefore can be easily edited as a word processing document. Copyeditors should make all changes using Track Changes feature of Microsoft Word (see below). This ensures that all changes are highlighted and trace-able. Track Changes enables the copyeditor to make insertions (new text appears in colour) and deletions (text appears crossed out in colour or in the margins as deleted). The copyeditor can post queries to both the author (Author Queries) by inserting these queries in square brackets, or by using the Comments function.

How to use Track Changes

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Microsoft Word's Track Changes is found under Tools in the menu bar. Once Track Changes is turned on, keep typing as per normal - you don't need to do anything else to highlight your changes. If you cannot see a trace of the changes you are making, ensure you select "view final showing changes" under preferences. To view the document with all the changes incorporated, select "show final".

Once copyediting is finished

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The copyedited version is uploaded to OJS and the editor is notified. The editor then reviews the text and notifies the author. The editor should leave those changes with which they are satisfied - do not 'accept' changes at this stage. Authors can "accept" the changes they are satisfied with. If further changes are necessary after copyediting, the editor and author can make changes to the initial insertions or deletions, as well as make new insertions or deletions elsewhere in the text.

Authors and editors should respond to each of the queries addressed to them, by adding responses to the same comment box. After the text has been reviewed by editor and author, the copyeditor will make a final pass over the text accepting the changes in preparation for the layout and galley stage.