Snapshot journal/HEPPP research

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HEPPP research report on Snapshot journal project

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This page will document the research/reporting process for final HEPPP funding report on the open journal project.

Data Collections

  • Survey
  • Focus Group
  • Results

1. Survey for staff Involved in the Journal & for staff in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences on awareness and intentions to use Journal 2. Focus Group for Staff involved in the journal 4. Survey for undergraduate students involved in the Journal 5. Focus Group for undergraduate students involved in the Journal 6. Survey for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences on awareness and perceptions of journal.


  • What Discipline do you teach in?
  • Were you aware of the Journal?
  • Did you use the journal in assessment?
  • If yes, why (and how)?

If you did incorporate the journal

  • Did the ability to incorporate the Journal change your assessment approach?
  • If so how did you change it?
  • Did you feel students were more engaged with this assessment task?
  • Were results/quality of work improved?
  • What would you do differently?

If you did not use the Journal

  • If not, why not?
  • Will you be using the journal in the future?
  • If yes, why (and how)?
  • Would you like to know more about the Journal and it's possibilities for assessment.
  • Students involved in the Journal as Assessment
  • Students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences who may have seen/read the Journal


  • How did the journal change how you viewed assessment in your subject? Or did you feel it was already aligned?
  • What were were the students reactions to the opportunity to publish?
  • What did you think of the opportunity for students with average quality to publish, did it provide leverage to improve the quality.
  • do you think it had an effect on completion of the assignment?
  • How did students react to the assignment and in comparison with previous years?
  • What were the learning benefits for students that you saw in the journal?
  • Are you planning to continue to use the journal?
  • Are there other opportunities for assessment that you could see for the Journal.
  • What improvements could we make?


  • Are you first in family to attend University?
  • Postcode?
  • What High School did you attend?
  • Are you a domestic or International Student?
  • Male/Female?
  • Age?
  • Residential Status (Australian citizen, Student visa, etc)?
  • What subject did you take that included the (Snapshot?) Open Journal in assessment?
  • What assessment was undertaken as part of the Journal?

Perceptions of the Journal

  • Did you access any student support services in the process of writing to get published and improve marks?
  • Did you confer more with your lecturer on this assessment than other assessments similar to this in other subjects? (Can we just ask "on this subject or in other subjects" to see if it's assessment-specific or subject-specific behaviour?)
  • Did you feel more connected to the subject content or feel it was more relevant?
  • How did this assessment compare to other assessments you undertook in other subjects?
  • What are you intending to study next year?
  • Did you confer more with peers/classmates on this assessment than other assessments in other subjects?
  • What did you think of the writing task as compared to other written assessments in other subjects?
  • Did this task build your confidence in writing?
  • If published, will you (or, do you think you might) use this assessment for a future portfolio, resume or application for internship or work placement?
  • Did the opportunity to publish inspire you to put in more effort to this assessment?
  • Did you get more feedback for this assessment than other assessments in other subjects?
  • If published will you share this with family and friends?
  • Would something like this Journal been useful for you before you enrolled in University to understand what University Assessment looked like?
  • If you knew a subject incorporated Snapshot into their assessment would ir influence your subject choice?


  • Did the opportunity to publish Journal change what you thought about this assessment?
  • How did it change for you?
  • What did you think about the idea of publishing in a University publication?
  • Have you published anywhere online in the past – blogs, websites? What’s the difference between that and Snapshot for you?
  • Did this change the way you thought about the subject? If so how?
  • What did you think of the writing task as compared to other written assessments in other subjects?
  • Would something like this Journal been useful for you before you enrolled in University to understand what University Assessment looked like or what the University expected you to do?
  • Do you think that it would have given you more confidence coming into the subject to have examples from the subject published?
  • Do you think it would guide you in subject selection if you knew subjects that included the Journal in assessment?
  • If you knew a subject incorporated Snapshot into their assessment would ir influence your subject choice?


  • Are you first in family to attend University?
  • Postcode?
  • What High School did you attend?

  • Are you a domestic or International Student?
  • Male/Female?
  • Age?
  • Residential Status (Australian citizen, Student visa, etc)?
  • Have you seen or read the Snapshot Journal?
  • What do you think?
  • Did the Journal give you an insight into University Assessment?
  • Do you think you could contribute to the Journal?
  • Did the reading the Journal change what you thought about assessment in University?
  • Did reading the Journal change your study intentions?
  • If Yes (How?)
  • Would you like to study in a subject that uses the Journal in Assessment?
  • Would the opportunity to publish change the way you viewed the assessment?
  • If yes (in what way?)
  • Would you recommend the Journal to anyone?
  • If you were published the a Journal like Snapshot – would you use it in a future portfolio?
  • If you knew a subject incorporated Snapshot into their assessment would ir influence your subject choice?


1. Recruitment email for students involved in assessment associated with the Open Journal • Online Survey • Focus Group You recently undertook study in a subject with assessment published in Snapshot, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences showcase for undergraduate student assessment. We would like to find out what you thought of the Journal and the opportunity to publish. Your participation will be anonymous, voluntary and is not linked in any way to your assessment. Thanks and we look forward to your feedback.

2. Recruitment email for all staff in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Online Survey The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences recently launched Snapshot – an online journal that to publish undergraduate student work submitted for assessment. The journal can be incorporated into the curriculum in a variety of ways - it can facilitate and encourage active learning or an enquiry based learning approach by providing an opportunity for an authentic assessment activity. It can also facilitate collaborative and cooperative learning, such as editorial and review activities, to foster both peer and faculty interaction for students. It can be incorporated into assessment, subjects and courses. We would like to find out if you incorporated the Journal into your assessment this semester and your experience. If you didn’t use the journal or were aware of the journal, we’d also like to hear from you. Thanks and we look forward to your feedback.

3. Recruitment email for staff involved in assessment associated with the Open Journal. Focus Group The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences recently launched Snapshot – an online journal that to publish undergraduate student work submitted for assessment. We would like to find out if you incorporated the Journal into your assessment this semester and to hear about your experience with the journal and its implications for the quality and completion of assessment tasks.

4. Recruitment email for students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Readership) Online Survey The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences recently launched Snapshot – an online journal that to publish undergraduate student work submitted for assessment. We would like to find out if you are aware of the Journal, read the journal or been published in the journal. Your participation will be anonymous, voluntary and is not linked in any way to your assessment.

Participation Information Statement This questionnaire should take you no longer than 10 minutes to complete. This questionnaire is part of a study to help the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences review and evaluate Snapshot and open access online Journal for the publication of undergraduate student assessment. This study will help the faculty, La Trobe University and the wider higher education sector explore the effectiveness of the Journal incorporated into assessment. We will be asking you questions about the Journal, and compiling this information for all participants. Your participation will be anonymous, voluntary and is NOT linked in any way to your assessment in this subject. All data collected will be protected in a password protected spreadsheet. However, de-identified and aggregated data will be used in presentations and publications for Learning and Teaching scholars and in University Reports. All data will be retained for five years and then deleted. You may request a summary of the data by emailing For questions and enquiries, please contact Donna Bisset, E-Learning Coordinator, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University at If you have any complaints or concerns about your participation in the study that the researcher has not been able to answer to your satisfaction, you may contact the Secretariat, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Human Ethics Committee, La Trobe University, Victoria, 3086, (P: 03 9479 3505, E: Please quote UHEC application reference number _______. Please use your browser options to save or print this page for future reference.

References Chickering, A. W., & Gamson, Z. F. (1987). Seven principles of good practice in undergraduate education. AAHE Bulletin, 39(7), 3-7.

Cramp, A. (2011). Developing first-year engagement with written feedback. Active Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 113-124. doi: 10.1177/1469787411402484

Devlin, M., & O'Shea, H. (2011). Effective university teaching: Views of Australian university students from low socio-economic status backgrounds. Teaching in Higher Education, 17(4), 385-397. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2011.641006