Services Relationship Marketing/Articles from The Journal of Service Research

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Articles from The Journal of Service Research

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Bardhi, Fleura & Giana M. Eckhardt (2012). Access-based consumption: The case of car sharing. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(4), 881-898.

Belk, R.W. (2014). You are what you access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online. Journal of Business Research, 67(8), 1595-1600.

Benoit, S., Baker, T.L., Bolton, R.N., Gruber, T. & Kandampully, J. (2017). A triadic framework for collaborative consumption (CC): Motives, activities, and resources & capabilities of actors. Journal of Business Research, 79(10), 219-227.

Dellaert, B. (2019). The consumer production journey: Marketing to consumers as co-producers in the sharing economy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(2), 238-254.

Kumar, V, Lahiri, A., & Dogan, B. O. (2018). A strategic framework for a profitable business model in the sharing economy. Industrial Marketing Management, 69(1), 147-160.

Mastercard. (2017). The sharing economy: Understanding the opportunities for growth. Mastercard report, available at

Perren, R., & Kozinets, R. (2018)/ Lateral exchange markets: How social platforms operate in a networked economy. Journal of Marketing, 82(1), 20-36.

Zervas, G., Proserpio, D., & Byers, J. W. (2017). The rise of the sharing economy: Estimating the impact of Airbnb on the hotel Industry. Journal of Marketing Research, 54(5), 687-705.