Selenography/New Selenography:LQ03

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LQ03 quadrangle Clementine UVVIS map

Environmental and geographical extremes

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Name Latitude Longitude Diameter,km Features type
Aston 32.77 -87.68 44.48 ? crater
Avicenna 39.63 -97.28 72.99 ? crater
Babbage 59.56 -57.38 146.56 ? crater
Boole 63.79 -87.29 61.34 ? crater
Bragg 42.33 -103.44 77.21 ? crater
Bunsen 41.4 -85.46 55.22 ? crater
Cannizzaro 55.5 -99.73 54.51 ? crater
Chapman 50.09 -100.47 76.83 ? crater
Cleostratus 60.32 -77.4 63.23 ? crater
Coulomb 54.46 -115 89.72 ? crater
Dechen 46.12 -68.18 12.04 ? crater
Dyson 60.87 -121.71 63.14 ? crater
Ellison 54.93 -108.05 36.99 ? crater
Frost 37.41 -118.9 78.3 ? crater
Galvani 49.51 -84.56 76.83 ? crater
Gerard 44.54 -80.51 98.78 ? crater
Harding 43.54 -71.66 22.57 ? crater
Healy 32.5 -111 37.98 ? crater
Lacchini 41.29 -107.83 57.95 ? crater
Landau 42.16 -119.34 218.15 ? crater
Langley 51.17 -86.05 59.17 ? crater
Lavoisier 38.17 -81.25 71.01 ? crater
Leucippus 29.24 -116.41 57.03 ? crater
Lichtenberg 31.85 -67.72 19.53 ? crater
Lorentz 34.59 -97.19 378.42 ? crater
Markov 53.43 -62.84 39.92 ? crater
McLaughlin 47.01 -92.83 75.29 ? crater
Naumann 35.38 -62.02 9.93 ? crater
Nernst 35.57 -94.64 121.52 ? crater
Oenopides 57.13 -64.2 73.47 ? crater
Omar Khayyam 58.21 -102.22 68.64 ? crater
Paneth 62.6 -94.63 60.92 ? crater
Petropavlovskiy 36.92 -115.28 64.07 ? crater
Poczobutt 57.27 -99.23 212.36 ? crater
Pythagoras 63.68 -62.98 144.55 ? crater
Razumov 38.95 -114.63 75.08 ? crater
Regnault 54.04 -87.88 51.31 ? crater
Repsold 51.31 -78.41 108.65 ? crater
Röntgen 32.88 -91.42 128.42 ? crater
Rynin 46.78 -103.73 77.88 ? crater
Sarton 49.12 -121.14 71.33 ? crater
Schönfeld 44.76 -98 24.57 ? crater
Smoluchowski 60.22 -96.91 84.26 ? crater
Stefan 46.33 -108.77 112.18 ? crater
Stokes 52.36 -88.11 53.85 ? crater
Ulugh Beigh 32.67 -81.96 57.04 ? crater
Volta 53.9 -84.77 117.15 ? crater
von Braun 41.04 -78.08 61.83 ? crater
Wegener 45.21 -113.81 95.78 ? crater
Winlock 35.4 -105.92 63.93 ? crater
Wood 43.66 -121.83 84.15 ? crater
Xenophanes 57.49 -82.01 117.57 ? crater
Zsigmondy 59.52 -105.3 66.88 ? crater
Aston K 35.04 -87.89 14.46 ? crater
Aston L 35.47 -86.51 10.08 ? crater
Avicenna E 40.19 -91.25 25.64 ? crater
Avicenna G 39.19 -92.05 24.51 ? crater
Avicenna R 38.9 -100.08 18.74 ? crater
Babbage D 58.65 -61.17 70.96 ? crater
Babbage E 58.47 -61.61 7.18 ? crater
Boole A 63.42 -80.57 55.88 ? crater
Boole B 63.6 -77.7 8.96 ? crater
Boole D 64.01 -83.38 10.82 ? crater
Boole E 62.84 -84.66 15.95 ? crater
Boole F 64.1 -79.41 33.33 ? crater
Boole G 65.27 -90.68 40.49 ? crater
Boole H 61.73 -88.83 82.4 ? crater
Boole R 64.39 -78.25 13.56 ? crater
Bragg H 41.47 -101.35 36.61 ? crater
Bragg M 38.87 -102.77 44.32 ? crater
Bragg P 39.75 -104.76 28.95 ? crater
Bunsen A 43.17 -88.71 40.7 ? crater
Bunsen B 44.11 -88.03 21.49 ? crater
Bunsen C 44.21 -89.82 19.02 ? crater
Bunsen D 40.85 -86.71 13.6 ? crater
Chapman D 51.25 -96.81 35.99 ? crater
Chapman M 48.63 -100.58 37.24 ? crater
Chapman V 50.91 -104.29 22.26 ? crater
Cleostratus A 62.67 -77.65 35.61 ? crater
Cleostratus E 60.93 -79.73 20.96 ? crater
Cleostratus F 61.53 -80.58 49.22 ? crater
Cleostratus H 61.28 -81.97 12.67 ? crater
Cleostratus J 61.39 -83.66 20.2 ? crater
Cleostratus K 61.98 -81.08 16.94 ? crater
Cleostratus L 62.28 -79.3 9.85 ? crater
Cleostratus M 61.5 -75.2 9.09 ? crater
Cleostratus N 60.62 -73.77 5.26 ? crater
Cleostratus P 59.58 -73.2 7.13 ? crater
Cleostratus R 58.89 -73.28 6.44 ? crater
Coulomb C 57.17 -111.38 34.17 ? crater
Coulomb J 52.97 -112.04 33.66 ? crater
Coulomb N 50.32 -116.01 30.64 ? crater
Coulomb P 50.26 -117.74 35.7 ? crater
Coulomb V 55.28 -118.38 33.12 ? crater
Coulomb W 56.16 -120.91 32.76 ? crater
Dechen A 45.97 -65.78 4.74 ? crater
Dechen B 44.15 -64.34 5.74 ? crater
Dechen C 45.94 -69.89 5.33 ? crater
Dechen D 46.14 -60.51 4.82 ? crater
Dyson B 63.33 -118.27 49.64 ? crater
Dyson H 59.31 -114.35 20.96 ? crater
Ellison P 52.62 -110.08 31.91 ? crater
Frost N 34.72 -119.56 45.27 ? crater
Galvani B 49.45 -88.82 12.71 ? crater
Galvani D 47.33 -88.07 9.07 ? crater
Gerard A 45.08 -82.27 17.31 ? crater
Gerard B 46.34 -88.07 14.04 ? crater
Gerard C 45.84 -79.33 29.36 ? crater
Gerard D 46.11 -79.97 5.93 ? crater
Gerard E 44.52 -80.99 5.28 ? crater
Gerard F 43.78 -82.28 5.39 ? crater
Gerard G 45.52 -88.22 26.9 ? crater
Gerard H 44.5 -86.81 12.25 ? crater
Gerard J 46.82 -88.47 9.35 ? crater
Gerard K 43.95 -77.28 5.85 ? crater
Gerard L 43.22 -76.48 4.5 ? crater
Gerard Q Inner 46.54 -83.13 67.32 ? crater
Gerard Q Outer 46.51 -84.55 192.48 ? crater
Harding A 40.39 -75.47 14.53 ? crater
Harding B 41.81 -76.41 16.73 ? crater
Harding C 42.39 -74.75 8.49 ? crater
Harding D 42.85 -67.64 6.29 ? crater
Harding H 40.75 -64.42 5.53 ? crater
Healy J 30.03 -109.15 40.68 ? crater
Healy N 30.73 -111.27 40.77 ? crater
Langley J 51.63 -85.05 20.78 ? crater
Langley K 51.97 -86.23 18.67 ? crater
Lavoisier A 36.97 -73.26 28.51 ? crater
Lavoisier B 39.76 -79.75 24.55 ? crater
Lavoisier C 35.78 -76.73 34.9 ? crater
Lavoisier E 40.88 -80.39 50.56 ? crater
Lavoisier F 37.03 -80.47 35.63 ? crater
Lavoisier G 37.21 -85.61 18.19 ? crater
Lavoisier H 38.17 -78.94 29.12 ? crater
Lavoisier J 37.49 -86.58 21.67 ? crater
Lavoisier K 39.74 -74.43 6.67 ? crater
Lavoisier L 39.74 -74.98 6.42 ? crater
Lavoisier N 41.9 -82.34 25.21 ? crater
Lavoisier S 39.05 -83.08 24.62 ? crater
Lavoisier T 36.5 -76.62 18.57 ? crater
Lavoisier W 36.82 -81.85 16.2 ? crater
Lavoisier Z 36.12 -86.29 12.45 ? crater
Leucippus X 33.18 -119.26 35.33 ? crater
Lichtenberg B 33.25 -61.52 4.86 ? crater
Lichtenberg F 33.19 -65.45 5.19 ? crater
Lichtenberg R 34.58 -70.06 30.26 ? crater
Lorentz P 31.67 -98.8 35.27 ? crater
Lorentz R 33.3 -99.62 36.91 ? crater
Lorentz T 34.48 -100.65 19.99 ? crater
Lorentz U 35.44 -99.9 22.7 ? crater
Markov E 50.66 -60.28 12.25 ? crater
Markov F 50.1 -62.04 7.86 ? crater
Markov U 51.9 -60.16 29.02 ? crater
McLaughlin A 51.32 -92.32 31.6 ? crater
McLaughlin B 49.82 -90.99 40.84 ? crater
McLaughlin C 48.17 -91.79 57.55 ? crater
McLaughlin P 45.02 -94.66 32.72 ? crater
McLaughlin U 47.06 -96.99 31.63 ? crater
McLaughlin Z 52.45 -92.79 20.71 ? crater
Naumann B 37.46 -60.7 10.73 ? crater
Naumann G 33.57 -60.73 6.2 ? crater
Nernst T 35.88 -96.99 24.03 ? crater
Oenopides B 58.56 -68.93 36.98 ? crater
Oenopides K 55.83 -61.19 6.39 ? crater
Oenopides L 55.55 -61.85 9.2 ? crater
Oenopides M 55.48 -61.02 6.21 ? crater
Oenopides R 55.6 -67.89 61.99 ? crater
Oenopides S 58.19 -70.15 6.57 ? crater
Oenopides T 57.25 -68.81 7.05 ? crater
Oenopides X 57.64 -63.16 5.15 ? crater
Oenopides Y 57.02 -63.48 6.15 ? crater
Oenopides Z 58.96 -67.1 6.9 ? crater
Paneth A 64.86 -93.89 47.82 ? crater
Paneth K 61.49 -92.82 30.87 ? crater
Paneth W 64.74 -101.39 29 ? crater
Petropavlovskiy M 34.24 -115.19 23.42 ? crater
Poczobutt J 56.3 -96.9 23.17 ? crater
Poczobutt R 55.69 -104.14 40.17 ? crater
Pythagoras D 64.51 -72.36 28.79 ? crater
Razumov C 40.5 -112.81 47.58 ? crater
Regnault C 55.1 -89.16 13.94 ? crater
Regnault W 53.42 -89.77 14.18 ? crater
Repsold A 51.84 -76.98 8.18 ? crater
Repsold B 53.09 -75.92 45.67 ? crater
Repsold C 48.73 -73.78 135.09 ? crater
Repsold G 50.55 -80.65 43.98 ? crater
Repsold H 51.69 -81.48 12.62 ? crater
Repsold N 49.06 -78.29 14.54 ? crater
Repsold R 49.86 -72.4 12.49 ? crater
Repsold S 47.75 -75.33 8.65 ? crater
Repsold T 47.64 -79.95 12.66 ? crater
Repsold V 50.77 -75.41 7.14 ? crater
Repsold W 52.6 -79.88 9.64 ? crater
Röntgen A 36.91 -88.18 18.82 ? crater
Röntgen B 35.72 -88.21 17.56 ? crater
Rümker S 42.58 -63.08 3.02 ? crater
Rümker T 42.51 -64.75 3.23 ? crater
Sarton L 46.83 -120.34 43.68 ? crater
Smoluchowski F 59.97 -90.82 33.79 ? crater
Smoluchowski H 59.25 -92.84 39.84 ? crater
Stefan L 44.38 -108.11 25.7 ? crater
Ulugh Beigh A 34.13 -79.34 41.18 ? crater
Ulugh Beigh B 32.79 -79.3 7.59 ? crater
Ulugh Beigh C 31.4 -79.24 33.6 ? crater
Ulugh Beigh D 31.54 -82.51 21.47 ? crater
Ulugh Beigh M 35.7 -83.46 8.03 ? crater
Volta B 54.53 -83.53 8.28 ? crater
Volta D 52.49 -83.09 19.53 ? crater
Wegener K 43.18 -112.26 31.16 ? crater
Wegener W 47.11 -116.41 51.77 ? crater
Winlock M 32.04 -106.23 65.49 ? crater
Winlock W 36.94 -107.85 23.39 ? crater
Xenophanes A 60.07 -84.83 43.18 ? crater
Xenophanes B 59.48 -80.56 14.42 ? crater
Xenophanes C 59.58 -78.95 9.85 ? crater
Xenophanes D 58.62 -77.63 12.32 ? crater
Xenophanes E 58.06 -85.74 15.66 ? crater
Xenophanes F 56.69 -73.46 27.8 ? crater
Xenophanes G 56.94 -75.99 7.28 ? crater
Xenophanes K 58.7 -84.56 14.1 ? crater
Xenophanes L 54.81 -78.54 22.41 ? crater
Xenophanes M 54.8 -79.62 9.08 ? crater
Zsigmondy A 62.48 -102.42 61.2 ? crater
Zsigmondy S 59.36 -107.28 66.76 ? crater
Zsigmondy Z 61.88 -105.51 23.7 ? crater

Standard features

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Name Latitude Longitude Diameter,km features type
Dorsum Scilla 32.34 -60 107.52 ? wrinkle ridge
Gerard rimae 45.54 -84.36 110 ? rille
Repsold rimae 50.74 -80.46 152.05 ? rille
Oceanus Procellarum 20.67 -56.68 2592.24 ? mare

New features

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