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Lexionum 4: Les numeres e l'hora

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VIII. The numbers

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Basic numbers Ordinal numbers
1 Unum 11 Undecem 21 Ventunum 60 Sixanta 1. Primus (f prima)
2 Dues 12 Doudecem 22 Ventidues 65 Sixantacinquam 2. Secondus (f seconda)
3 Tres 13 Tredecem 23 Ventitres 70 Septanta 3. Trezus (f treza)
4 Quattrum 14 Quattrodecem 30 Trenta 76 Septantasix 4. Quartus
5 Cinquam 15 Cinquadecem 31 Trentunum 80 Octanta 5. Quintus
6 Six 16 Sidecem 32 Trentadues 87 Octantasept 6. Sixtus
7 Septem 17 Decemsept 40 Quaranta 90 Novanta 7. Septimus
8 Octo 18 Decemoct 43 Quarantatres 100 Cento 8. Octus
9 Novem 19 Decemnov 50 Cinquanta 1000 Milla 9. Novus
10 Decem 20 Venti 54 Cinquantaquattrum 2010 Dues milla decem 10. Decimus

As we see, the names of the numbers are put together like a puzzle, just as in English, French, Spanish, Italian etc. Twenty-two becomes "ventidues" (20 + 2, venti + dues), for instance. But, it would appear a vowel crash some places, if we always sat the words together like that. Therefor, we have the following formula:
a number beginning with a vowel
+ a number ending with a vowel
= the first number loses its last vowel.

21 = ventunum. Here's the i in "venti" removed.
98 = novantocto. Here is the a in "novanta" removed.

If you want to write ordinal numbers, coming after those you may find in the table (1-10), it's extremely easy. For ordinals after 10, you only have to remove the last vowel, and eventual letters behind this, and add the suffix ~esimus. Except for 17, 18 og 19, these are kept as they are, and are so added with ~esimus. Examples:
11. Undecesimus
12. Doudecesimus
17. Decemseptesimus
18. Decemoctesimus
19. Decemnovesimus
20. Ventesimus
39. Trentanovesimus

In ordinals, remember to always change -us with -a if it's in context with a feminine word. F. ex., "the first lady": La prima femina.

IX. The clock

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VIII. How to tell what time it is in Sebastianish:=

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Quel' hora esta? (What time is it? lit. "which is the hour?")
01:00 L'hora esta prima
02:00 L'hora esta seconda
03:05 L'hora esta treza e cinquam
04:10 L'hora esta quarta e decem
05:15 L'hora esta quinta e la quarta
06:20 L'hora esta sixta e venti
07:30 L'hora esta septima e medium
10:45 L'hora esta undecesima mena la quarta
12:00 L'hora esta midiem
14:00 L'hora esta quattrodecesimus
17:00 L'hora esta decemseptesimus
Esta midiem = it's midday
Esta minotta = it's midnight

All expressions of time are said with "the hour is", followed by the ordinal. 01:00 is the first hour ("la prima"), 02:00 is the second hour (la seconda) etc. If anyone have asked what time it is, you may drop the word "l'hora" and simply answer "esta" and the ordinal (it's... o'clock).

Exercise 4

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A) Write the following numbers with letters:
10 000

We'll learn more numbers later on, like 0 og 1 000 000, for instance.
The exercise is supposed to be solved this way: 1 is written as "unum". 50 is written "cinquanta", 100 like "cento" osv. You shall not write the number, but the word for it.

B) Watch the clock sometimes the rest of the day, and note the time in Sebastianish. If you f.ex. are looking at the clock when it's 10:05, you simply write "l'hora esta decima e cinquam".

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