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Scientific Method for Wikimedians/Research Question - Practical part

From Wikiversity

The Practical part of chapter 5. as a reminder chapter 5 is titled the research question it is the last chapter in part one.

Before we start, here is a fast reminder: first, you need to finish the theoretical part of chapter five before you go further. second, the questions are of an open type there is no unified answer however the questions are clear and well-defined. third, the total estimated time for the Practical part is 90 minutes it includes four questions each has a different type you might finish them in 70 minutes or in two hours there is no problem with that but if you finish them in less or more than this is a bad sign and you need to go and investigate why. fourth the questions are search based they are designed to make you look Beyond and to force you to keep your comfort zone so please prepare yourself to do some research finally feel free to share the answers you find in the comment section down below and you can also read what the others have posted so you can get what they found

First Question

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The digital object identifier DOI is a unique persistent identifier used in research mainly to identify articles conductor research on the DOI and try to answer the following questions: when was it created? who managed this control system? how is the identifier used? and who uses it? what is the structure of this identifier and how do we get a DOI? forget not to share the results you have and read the answers and comments of the others this is a 15-minute question set a timer and let's go to

Second Question

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a Ph.D. thesis is a document submitted by a candidate to obtain a doctorate in a specific domain of knowledge a Ph.D. thesis as a scientific work has a distinguishable structure conductor research to identify the structure of a Ph.D. thesis compares the findings you have with the structure of the scientific article shown in the theoretical part of chapter 5. forget not to share results and findings in the comment section down below this is a 30-minute question set up a timer and start working on it.

Third Question

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here are two quotations from the previous chapters. use the card system shown in chapter 5 to document the references and the quotations forget not to share your results and read the answers posted by the others this is a 15-minute question please set a timer and start working on it.

Fourth Question

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The content knowledge gap in English Wikipedia between men and women is a notable problem the Wikimedia Foundation has a research team that is interested in these problems write an email to the research team asking about the current possible research question for you to conduct six-month research you need to introduce yourself briefly and then to go directly to the objective of your email forget not to add all the contact information the research team might need to reach you forget not to share the emails you have wrote in the comment section down below and here you have it the research question this is the end of the Practical part of chapter 5. and thus the end of the first part of this course Bravo see you in part two of the scientific method for Wikimedians