Scientific Method for Wikimedians/Research Methodology - Practical part

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The Practical part of chapter 3: research methodology. As a reminder chapter 3 is located in part one which is the first part of this course and as usual, before we start, you need to finish the theoretical part of chapter 3, before you can go further. So if you have not finished the video of chapter 3 please go to finish it. second and as in the questions of chapters 1 and 2. Questions of chapter 3 are open questions which means that there is no unified answer however the questions are clear and well specified so don't get afraid you will not get lost. third, the total estimated time for the Practical part is one hour it includes three questions 20 minutes each you might finish them in 50 minutes or in 70 minutes there is no problem at all with that but if you finish it in less than 50 minutes, or more than 70. this is a bad sign and you need to investigate why. fourth the questions here are search based they are designed to make you look Beyond and to force you to exit your comfort zone so please prepare yourself to do some research finally, feel free to share answers in the comment section down below you can also read what the others have written thus you get what they found

First Question

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Pop science is a way to explain science and is oriented toward Ordinary People it can be in the form of books films documentaries or web pages. the question is to describe the research method used to create Pop Science to help you try to answer these sub-questions: what is the audience? where does the Pop-science start? where does it go to? what are the steps needed for Pop-science to achieve, its goals? finally, forget not to share the results and read the answers and comments of the others to share their experience this is a 20-minute question so please set up a timer for 20 minutes and start working on this question

Second Question

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The Lord of the Rings is an Epic Fantasy novel by English author and Scholar J.R.R Tolkien set in Middle Earth the story began as a sequel to The Hobbit but eventually, it developed into a much larger work the question is: write about the novel in three different styles 100 words each at least first you need to use the literary Style in the literary style you have to be creative and use your imagination. second, you need to use the scientific Style you need to be based on facts third promotive Style where you need to attract people imagine that you are writing this paragraph to promote the story itself what do you have to do to attract people to read the story.

at the end please try to compare the three paragraphs you have written to see the difference between the three styles and as usual forget not to share the results with the others in the comment section down below read the answers and comments thus you can share the others experience if you have no idea what the Lord of the Rings is please go to the Wikipedia article that talks about this fantasy you will find all the information needed to answer this question this is 20 minutes question so before you start to set up a timer for 20 minutes and start answering it

Third Question

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Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States of America he has a wikidata item attached to his Wikipedia article wikidata is the database of all Wikimedia projects all Wikipedia articles in all the languages are attached to this item what I want you to do is to open the link shown on the screen to reach Barack Obama wikidata item which has the identifier Q76 the question is: you need to scan the page and fill the table with 15 quantitative items and 15 qualitative items from his wikidata page again this is 20 minutes question so please set up a timer for 20 minutes and start answering and here you have it the research methodology