Scientific Method for Wikimedians/Knowledge & its types - Practical part

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I will explain the homework part related to chapter one let me remind you that chapter 1. is located inside a larger part called knowledge and scientific method

it is the first part of this course and here are some general notes before we move on to the questions section first let me remind you that you need to finish the theoretical part before you will be able to go on in this video the theoretical part I am mentioning is chapter one

if you have not ended it yet please stop this video and go back to finish it second the questions here have no unified answers they are open but clear the main objective is not that you get the answer but rather that you use the tools and techniques you have learned in chapter one this does not mean that the answers are not important simply the priority is for the method and not for the results regarding the structure of this part there are three questions each is estimated to take 20 minutes to answer the estimated time to answer all the questions is one hour you might finish them in 15 minutes or in 70. that's okay everyone has his own rhythm but if it took you less than this or more this is a bad sign and something is not working well

fourthly these questions are search based which means that they are made to make you look Beyond to go and make your own research I am sure you will find it strange or even hard in the beginning this is natural as your mind is moving out the comfort zone because you are living your own cave

fifthly please feel free to share your answers in the comment section down below you can also read the answers posted by the others and see what they have got

First Question

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let's jump to the question one search for the meaning of the words science and knowledge in three different dictionaries the estimated time for this question is 20 minutes please feel free to search in paper dictionaries or in dictionaries on the internet you can also use non-english dictionary if you master other languages

please avoid using the three dictionaries presented in chapter one they are Oxford Learners dictionaries Cambridge Dictionary and Miriam Webster dictionary after you got your results compare what you have with the definitions presented in chapter one please don't forget to share the results you got in the comment section down below you can also read the answers posted by the others and compare them to the results you got feel free to add comments on them this is the end of question one stop the video here and set a 20 minutes timer which is the time needed to answer this question now

Second Question

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Question two we have talked about science and knowledge but we have not addressed art using the same method we present early try to search for the meaning of the word art this means that you need to go and and search the three dictionaries presented in chapter one they are Oxford Learners dictionaries Cambridge Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Dictionary The Next Step is to search for the origin of the word art you need to find where does this word come from you can use the website shown in the video of chapter 1. it is dedicated to the etymology of the English words after that you have to search in a specific dictionary specific means that this dictionary focuses on a specific domain only in this case the domain is going to be the Fine Arts compare the results you have from the three different source of knowledge finally you can go and post what you have find in the comment section down below you can also read the answers and add your own comments the estimated time for this question is 20 minutes please set a timer for it and stop this video here and start answering this question

Third Question

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Question three in this question there is a text I took from Wikipedia article called moon landing conspiracy theories I want you to read this text carefully and the first question is how many pieces of information you can extract from the text secondly I want you to use the radar diagram we have shown in chapter one to study the basis of knowledge you have got for Simplicity consider only three axes they are credibility complexity and the skills needed to handle obtain knowledge because we are using only three this is the radar diagram is going to be a triangle below I am showing you different results you might get for different values set to the three axis this is not strange and you can have different type of triangle based on your answers so now let me go back to the text I remind you that the time estimated to answer this question is 20 minutes please set up a timer for 20 minutes and start answering the question this is the end of this video If you arrive here this means that you have finished the theoretical part of chapter one as well as the Practical part Bravo well done now you can go on to chapter 2.