Review:MOTU Symphonic Instrument

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Filmmaking Software Review

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Narrative Film Production:
Software for Filmmaking (not free)
MOTU Symphonic Instrument

MOTU Symphonic Instrument

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MOTU Symphonic Instrument is an alternative to Jam Pack:Sympony Orchestra.
Your instructor does NOT recommend this product.

Sound Great

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The literature for this product sounds great. But if you have ever used GarageBand with Jam Pack:Symphony Orchestra, you might be very disappointed. MOTU Symphonic Instrument is not easy to set up. It is slow. It requires huge amounts of memory. And it does NOT work well with GarageBand. Does not work with GarageBand 2.

The only good thing I have found about this product is the voices which are not available with any of the Jam Packs.

Uses at WikiU Film School

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  • Film scoring

Other Uses

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Contact your instructor

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Your instructor for this filmmaking class is Robert Elliott. You can email me by clicking here.