Resources for Developing a Financial Plan/Assessment

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Unit 6.1-Resources for Developing a Financial Plan 

Introduction | A Financial Plan | Presentation and Customization | Risk Assessment and Management | How Do I Qualify? | Summary | Resources | Activities | Assessment


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1 Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank of the U.S. country limitation schedule indicates the term and availability for

the private and public sector for terms of up to one year, one to seven years and over seven years.
the public sector for terms of up to one year, one to seven years and over seven years.
the private sector for terms of up to one year, one to seven years and over seven years.
the private and public sector for terms of up to one year and one to seven years.

2 Ex-Im Bank has a minimum United States material content. Which of the following percentages meets that requirement?


3 What best describes why export credit insurance is purchased?

to provide a product warranty in the event there is a dispute about the product delivered
to provide protection against political upheaval only
to provide a guarantee that the product shipped will reach the final destination
to provide financing options, protection of payment terms, to cover political and commercial risk

4 Ex-Im Bank’s mission is to expand employment and income opportunities through

imports of goods, services and agricultural commodities for small and medium size businesses.
imports and exports of goods, services and agricultural commodities for small and medium size businesses.
exports of goods, services and agricultural commodities for small and medium size businesses.
providing direct funding for all businesses that export products that are manufactured entirely in the United States.

5 All banks have different requirements for lending money to businesses, but their minimum requirements to support a loan when the collateral is exclusively tied to the business are

minimum of two years in business, a positive net worth, and unprofitable annual income.
minimum of two years in business, a negative net worth, and profitable annual income for the past two years.
new business with a positive net worth.
minimum of two years in business, a positive net worth and consistent annual profitability.
