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Let be a domain, , and let be holomorphic except for isolated singularities , i.e., is holomorphic. If is an Isolated singularity of with , the residue is defined as:


Relation Between Residue and Laurent Series

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If is represented around an isolated singularity as a Laurent series, the residue can be computed as follows. With as the Laurent Series expansion of around , it holds that:


It must be taken into account that the closed disk contains only the singularity , i.e.

Thus, one can read off the 'residue' from the Laurent expansion of around at the um an -1-ten coefficient of .


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The closed disk must contain only the singularity , meaning. Thus, the residue can be read off directly as the coefficient of in the Laurent series expansion of around .


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The term "residue" (from Latin residuere – to remain) is used because in integration along the path with around the circle centered at , the following holds:

Thus, the residue is what remains after integrating.

Computation for Poles

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If is a pole of order of , the Laurent Series expansion of around has the form:

with .

Proof 1: Removing Principal Part by Multiplication

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By multiplying with , we get:

The residue is then the coefficient of in the power series of .

Proof 2: Using (m-1)-fold Differentiation

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By differentiating times, the first terms from to vanish. The residue is then found as the coefficient of in:

Proof 3: Limit Process to Compute Coefficient of

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By shifting the index:

Taking the limit , all terms with vanish, leaving:

Thus, the residue can be computed using:

Exercises for Students

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  • Explain why, in the Laurent series expansion, all terms from the principal and outer parts, i.e., with , yield integrals that evaluate to zero:
  • Why can the order of integration and series expansion be interchanged?
  • Given the function with , calculate the residue at .

See Also

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Page Information

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Translation and Version Control

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This page was translated based on the following [https://de.wikiversity.org/wiki/Kurs:Funktionentheorie/Residuum Wikiversity source page] and uses the concept of Translation and Version Control for a transparent language fork in a Wikiversity:


  • Date: 12/26/2024