Research in programming Wikidata/Institutes of Russian Academy of Science

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This article is about research of the RAS institutes using the knowledge base of the international project Wikidata. With the help of SPARQL queries for items classified as ”institute of the RAS” the following were received: the list of all institutes of the RAS, the map of institutes of the RAS that shows geografic position of all institutes. In addition, the completeness of Wikidata was evaluated. The Russian mathematicians without property named "employer" was chosen to fill Wikidata. Developed exercises designed to test knowledge of the topic. For authors who will work further on this article, the new tasks were proposed.

Names of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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The Russian Academy of Sciences has several names in different periods of the existence:

  • The St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1724-1917).
  • The Russian Academy of Sciences (1917-1925).
  • The Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union (1925-1991).
  • The Russian Academy of Sciences (1991).

Instances of the object "Institute of the Russian Academy of Science"

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Let's build a list of all institutes of the Russian Academy of Science.

#List of institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences
SELECT ?inst ?instLabel
    ?inst wdt:P31 wd:Q4201890. # institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }

SPARQL-query, 250 results.

The most complete and well-described institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Wikidata are: Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Pushkin House.

Almost empty and uninformative institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Wikidata were: Institute of Applied Physics, Institute for US and Canadian Studies, Institute of Solid State Physics.

Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the map of Russia

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Let's draw the map with institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the help of the property "coordinate location".

#List of institutes of the Russian Academy of Science
SELECT ?inst ?instLabel ?location WHERE {
  ?inst wdt:P31 wd:Q4201890. #institute
  ?inst wdt:P17 wd:Q159. #Russia
  ?inst wdt:P625 ?location.#location
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en"}

SPARQL-query, 61 results.

Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the map of Russia

The map above shows that the greatest number of institutes of the RAS are located in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and central part of Russia.

Completeness of the Wikidata

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Let's analyze the completeness of Wikidata.

The number of institutes of the Russian Academy of Science by the results of the first SPARQL script is equal 250. There are only objects whose field 'Label' is filled in English. There are more institutes of the Russian Academy of Science in fact. The decision was made to modify the first script that would have returned all the objects including institutes which don't have the property 'label' to get better results. It looks like this: SPARQL.

According to an official source [1], the number of the RAS institutes is equal to 653, as of 2016.

According to the category Институты РАН (Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in the Russian Wikipedia, the number of institutes of the Russian Academy of Science is equal to 241, that is, 37% of 653.

According to the category Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the English Wikipedia, the number of the RAS institutes is 44, i.e. 6.7% of the 653.

Filling Wikidata

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Let's build a list of the Russian mathematicians with no properties such as "employer".

#The Russian mathematicians
SELECT ?mathematician ?mathematicianLabel 
  ?mathematician wdt:P106 wd:Q170790.    #mathematicians
  ?mathematician wdt:P27 ?country.       #country of citizenship
  FILTER(?country = wd:Q34266 || ?country = wd:Q15180 || ?country = wd:Q159). #Russian Empire, USSR, Russia
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
  MINUS { ?mathematician wdt:P108 [] }
GROUP BY ?mathematician ?mathematicianLabel

SPARQL-query, 497 results.

All mathematicians found by SPARQL-query are 1263 persons.

Thus, according to Wikidata percentage of the Russian mathematicians, where the "employer" is not filled in, equals to 39.6%.

Future work

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  1. Obtain a list of institutes in descent order.
  2. Display the images of institutes founders.
  3. Find sites with the maximum number of institutes. Display the city name and the number of institutes.


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2 Relate the names of the sites and institutes:
Institute of Applied Physics
Oil and Gas Research Institute
Vavilov Institute of General Genetics

3 Write the name of the institute shown in the picture:

SPARQL queries with answers:

SPARQL query date of establishment of the various institutes, 35 results.

SPARQL query for the names of the sites of the institutes, 3 results.

SPARQL query image Institute Pushkin house, 1 result.


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  1. Institutes of the Russian Academy of Science 2018.
  • "Official site of the Russian Academy of Sciences". 2017-12-10.