Research Administration/Body of Knowledge

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The CRA Body of Knowledge can be found at:

Project development and administration

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Collection and dissemination of information

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  • Marketing (Internal and External)
  • Resource Documents, Application Materials and Information
  • Dissemination of Information/Publications
  • Liason
  • Public Relations
  • Agency Structure and Practice

Proposal development

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  • Proposal Writing
  • Budget Preparation
  • Documentation to Meet Sponsor Requirements
  • Internal Proposal Processing
  • Negotiation Techniques
  • Contracting Basics

Administration of awards

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  • Monitoring Activity
  • Reports on Progress and Financial Status
  • Continuation Funding
  • Close Out
  • Changes in Project Status

Ethics and professionalism

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  • Conflict of Interest
  • Boethics
  • Human Subjects
  • Animal Care
  • Professional (i.e. Scientific Misconduct)

Intellectual property

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  • Patents and Trademarks
  • Copyrights
  • Licensing
  • Commercialization
  • Data
  • Proprietary Information
  • University-Industry Research Relationships

Sample questions

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Regulations and Statutes

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  • Overview
  • Governmental Relations
  • Mandated Requirements

Compliance - Federal/Sponsors and General Management Practices

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  • Representation and Certification
  • Federal Management Requirements
  • Institutional Committees (i.e. IRB, IACUC)
  • Federal Disclosure Requirements
  • Institution and Sponsor Publicaiton Requirements
  • Federal Labor Standards

Federal/sponsor appeal procedures

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Sample questions

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Financial management

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  • Accounting Systems
  • Management Information Systems
  • Special projects


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  • Direct costs
  • Indirect costs (overhead)
  • Indirect cost rates
  • Cost sharing and matching
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Sample questions

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General management

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Facility management

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  • Specialized Facilities
  • Property Utility and Equipment Management
  • Safety and Health Requirements and Procedures
  • Hazardous and Nonhazardous Materials
  • Security
  • Renovation and Construction
  • Biohazards

Contracts and purchasing

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  • Basic Legal Concepts
  • Management of Contracts and Purchasing
  • Termination and Appeals
  • Records Management
  • Human Resource Management

Sample questions

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What are the methods adopted by large indian companies for procurrement of materials , weather thru tender or open enquiries and how do they proceed about it.