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Reproductive health/Herbal breast reduction

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This reference is for natural breast reduction using noninvasive vegetarian, including herbal, methods. Some uses for this guide is for information about gynecomastia and macromastia relief. Use caution, and observe the effects before continuing. Stop immediately if any concerns occur, and do not overdo. The doer is responsible for using judgement and for ensuring the use of only food-grade safe ingredients. Do not do if: pregnant, any health conditions exist or are a worry, or social conditions or environments are a concern. Some information is for reference only: mostly about professional medical use or commercial supplements.


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Prolactin has been responsible for glandular tissue growth in many instances. Further insight into this subject can be seen at and deduced by the resource Reproductive health/Vegetarian breast enlargement. The mechanism between endocrinology and body is explained there, and phytoestrogens mentioned on that page could be counterproductive to this purpose.


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Higher testosterone levels may have an influence on reducing breast size, but this causes unwanted characteristics for women.[1]

Follicle stimulating hormone

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High follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels are correlated to smaller breast volume during the follicular phase,[1] so it may be responsible for breast volume reduction during this phase. FSH in general is associated with lower breast volume.[1]


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Supplements and safety

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Some ingredients may be obtained individually, and not necessarily from a specific supplement: citrus fruits, green tea, fennel, ginger root, cacao, guarana, caffeine, cayenne pepper, chromium.

Antagonist SERMs

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An antagonist is a substance that decreases activity, and a Selective estrogen-receptor modulator (SERM) is a substance that works on estrogen receptors. Antagonist SERMs are used as cancer treatments, because they attach to estrogen receptors to reduce activity of cancer cells. Antagonist SERMs may have another use, to reduce activity of healthy estrogen receptors.


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Apigenin from celery, parsley, and capsicum pepper is possibly a phytoserm that reduces estrogen receptor activity, it does influence mammary regulation. Foods with apigenin might be useful for herbal breast reduction and apigenin has anticancer properties.


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Most metalloestrogens are dangerous, and cancer causing. Dietary chromium is an exception, as it is a required micro-nutrient in the diet.

Supporting evidence

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Professional medical use

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For reference only: tamoxifen, bromocryptine, testosterone, dydrogesterone, hydrocortisone, diuretics and medroxy progesterone acetate have been used as alternatives to to surgery to treat gestational hypertrophy and have worked.[5] In a review, raloxifene and tamoxifen treated high percentages of serious cases of pubertal and adult gynecomastia in various studies.[6] Most cases of gynecomastia didn't require treatment.[6]

Other medications include Raloxifene,[7] and Danazol.[8]

Some of the mentioned drugs are selective estrogen receptor modulators. Tamoxifen has had some success in the treatment of cancer.[9]


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Core exercises can influence chest definition and appearance. Weight change may have an effect on breast tissue reduction or gain, and possibly chest and abdominal exercises may have an effect. Resistance exercise and rest can strengthen back muscles.


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Back strain or other problems may be reduced by proper sized garments. About 7 out of 10 women don't wear the correct bra size,[10] and 8 out of 10 women wear the incorrect sports bra size.[11] Breast pain during exercise may be reduced by wearing the proper size sports bra.[12]

It is possible that tight fitting clothing may restrict breast shape and size.[13]


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A pharmaceutical approach could be useful to treat gynecomastia, macromastia, and gigantomastia. Unilateral macromastia would ideally be treated by topical application of herbal solutions in food-grade alcohol. This could also be used for other cosmetic purposes.

Alternative to surgery

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Reduction surgery can make breastfeeding no longer possible. Accept your body, and go with natural results.

See also

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Jemström; Olsson (April 1997), "Breast Size in Relation to Endogenous Hormone Levels, Body Constitution, and Oral Contraceptive Use in Healthy Nulligravid Women Aged 19-25 Years", American Journal of Epidemiology, John Hopkins University
  2. An Update on Plant Derived Anti-Androgens
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Enette, Larson-Meyer (2007). Vegetarian Sports Nutrition (in English). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. ISBN 0-7360-6361-7. http://humankinetics.com. 
  4. Kintzios, Spiridon E. (2000). Sage: The Genus Salvia. CRC Press. p. 19. ISBN 978-90-5823-005-8. http://books.google.com/books?id=iE7-nuI9S7UC&pg=PA20. 
  5. Gestational gigantomastia with complete resolution in a Nigerian woman, February 2011, doi:10.1136/bcr.01.2010.2632, PMC 3062818
  6. 6.0 6.1 Dr Dickson, Gretchen (April 1, 2012), "Gynecomastia", American Family Physician, 85 (7): 716–722
  7. Jeon-Hor, Chen (September 15, 2003), Reduction of Breast Density Following Tamoxifen Treatment Evaluated by 3-D MRI: Preliminary Study, Magn Reson Imaging, doi:10.1016/j.mri.2010.07.009, retrieved March 30, 2013
  8. Taylor; Cumming; Corenblum (January 31, 1981). "Successful treatment of D-penicillamine-induced breast gigantism with danazol". Taylor, Cumming, Corenblum. Br Med J. Retrieved 2013-04-06.
  9. Oseni (October 2008). "Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators and Phytoestrogens". Planta Med. Retrieved 2013-04-11.
  10. Scientists help develop new sports bra fitting service
  11. Sports bras: Get fit for action
  12. Breast pain issue for 1 in 3 female marathon runners
  13. "Mammary gland". Britannica. (2012).