| | Even number if (number % 2 == 0) |
| | Odd number if (number % 2 != 0) |
| | X is power of 2 if ((x != 0) && ((x & -x) == x)) |
| | Middle item of a string LinkedList: mylist.ElementAt(mylist.Count/2) |
| | Regular expression in C#: Regex Replace FormatWith in correct syntax |
| | Sample recursive solution: private void ExpandNode() { foreach (TreeViewItem node in Nodes) { ExpandNode(node); } } |
| | SortedList: mySL = new SortedList(); mySL.Add(key1,value1); |
| | Hashtable: openWith = new Hashtable(); openWith.Add("txt","notepad.exe"); |
| | Hashtable speed: faster than SortedList |
| | String reversal: private static string rwr(string argSource, int argLen) { if (argLen == 1) return argSource; else return rwr(argSource.Substring(1, argSource.argLength-1),--argLen) + argSource[0].ToString(); } |
| | Find duplicate value: map int array to HashTable |
| | Travelling salesman problem: a special case of the Traveling purchaser problem |
| | Traveling purchaser problem: route with minimum combined cost of purchases and travelling given marketplaces, travel costs, available goods and their prices |