Red Herrings (simulation)

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Red Herrings (simulation)
Faroe Islands Stamp commemorating 100 years of the ICES, 2002
DesignerLiza Griffin
TopicCommon Fisheries Policy
OrganisationUniversity of Westminster
PreparationPrint & Play
Time1 hour
No. of roles/players3 players but better with teams of players
Archive of Simulations and Games for the Enhancement of the Learning Experience
The individual resources in this archive come from diverse sources. They have been brought together into this archive in a project supported by


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This is a simulation exercise, in which you will take the role of one of three interest groups concerned with fishing in the North Sea – regulators, scientists and fishers. The task is for regulators to decide what to do about cod quotas in the North Sea. Quotas, allocated by EU regulators, are maximum amounts of fish which a fishing fleet is allowed to catch each year. Should quotas remain the same? Should they be increased to allow fishermen to make a living? Or should a total ban of North Sea cod fishing be put in place?

What you will do

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Activity Time

All read though the Context

Up to 15 minutes

  • Fishermen and Scientists work out their case for retention of quotas or total ban
  • Regulators study further the context and its complexities.

Up to 20 minutes

Regulators will then ask the Scientists and Fishermen to present their cases

10 minutes

Fishermen and Scientists will then be given time to ask questions of each other and the Regulators

10 minutes

Regulators will be given 10 minutes to arrive at a public decision which should be justified to the Scientists and Fishermen.

10 minutes

Scientists, Fishermen and Regulators give their reactions.

10 minutes


1 Hour 15 minutes

Learning outcomes

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Those participating in this simulation will

  • consider the issue of a fishing ban from one of three perspectives.
  • interact with other teams who have differing priorities.
  • the fishermen and scientists willdevelop communication skills in terms of formulating a view point and expressing it to a group of people with an opposing viewpoint and the group of regulators who have a neutral point of view.
  • The regulators will have to consider the arguments and come up with a way forward which both the fishermen and scientists find acceptable.
  • Ths simulation also enables participants to develop negotiating skills


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To print, click on resource and then click on Full resolution‎ . Provide printouts in each row to the people playing the relevant role:

Role Introduction Role Briefing


