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Ramazzini Center

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Version Español

Bernardino Ramazzini


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The Ramazzini Center is a non-profit network of workers, students and researchers to collaborate on the same purpose, promoting occupational health research for the benefit of workers at the national and international level inspired by the work of the Italian physician Bernardino Ramazzini It is a brick-free center that unites interested individuals and institutions with activities in occupational- and public health research.

The objectives

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  • Create a network of researchers who aim to develop scientific research for health and safety in the workplaces
  • Collaborate with the workers organisations
  • Organise public meetings where we present the work and environmental health problems to a wider audience and invited presenters
  • Educate students in health research methodology
  • Collaborate with other medical specialties that cover occupational medicine as well
  • Publish Preventive Health Science - Journal


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The objectives are to educate in research methods and to deliver research results at a high quality by the use of standardised methods for the benefit of all the workers and citizens. Cross-sectional studies of working conditions are scares and such studies will provide a rational basis for the prevention of illness and injury. Methods for getting started are described in the Health Hazard Surveillance Program in "The Occupational Health Hazard Surveillance Program" of relevance for all types of workplaces

Ethical requirements

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The ethical rules for database research in the respective Universities ICOH Code of ethicsare complied with. Confidentiality in handling personal information is done according to the rules set out by the national Data Protection Agencies. Normally there is no personal sensitive information included so approval from the Ethics Committee is not necessary. All questionnaires ask for informed consent as the first question. The supervisors take care to secure that the data is processed under the Act on medical confidentiality as guidelines for good epidemiological practice. The participants' anonymity will be protected in every way and this will be indicated in the project description. It will be ensured that the electronic table is locked so that the information can not be seen by anyone other than the researchers. The researchers respect individual ownership of the data and share publications and the data where this is convenient and keep always good partnerships. Omega net cohorts statement on research integrity and responsible research practice Omega net cohorts about the project/ The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity for self-regulation in all research

Board of Directors

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The center's main decision-making authority is the board. The council is made up of associate researchers

Center coordinator

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  • The Board of Directors selects the coordinator of the Center for 1 year to be reelected at the annual meeting of the Board in August
  • 1 board meetings is held annually
  • The Center Coordinator is responsible for convening Board meetings
  • The role of coordinator of the center is carried out

Advisory Committee

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Representatives of partners in Unions, Ministries, Universities and State Authorities are invited


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In collaboration with the Center Coordinator, the Board establishes objectives for which research areas should be prioritized and what results are expected to be obtained from research in these areas.

Evaluation of the activities of the center

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The Board of Directors understands every year an evaluation of the activities of the center. The Center Coordinator presents an annual report to the Board in late December. Financial Accounting. There are no separate accounts for the center since the economy is placed with each of the participants.

Financial Resources

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The main financial resource for the Center's activity is the existing resources of individual participants and national and international research foundations.

Indication of publications

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The publications from the RC are listed below: Own institution, Ramazzinni Center in ...

Annual status report

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The Center Coordinator is responsible for preparing an annual status report that is approved by the Board of Directors. The progress report should include a brief overview of last year's results with signatures and dates ______________________________ Date __________Year

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The "Danish Society for Survey Research" and The European Survey Research Association provides links between European survey researchers and their colleagues in other parts of the world aiming to be a forum for exchange of experience in relation to the promotion of research in and application of survey methods, ie. surveys in the Program for monitoring of the maritime environmental-, work- and health risk indicators ; European Working Conditions Surveys (EWCS) ICOH International Commission on Occupational Health and the EPICOH Scientific Committee on Epidemiology in Occupational Health, The OMEGA-NET Cohorts OMEGA-NET aiming to create a network to optimise and integrate occupational, industrial, and population cohorts at the European level. Further to provide a foundation for an enhanced evidence base for the identification of health risks and gains related to occupation and employment to foster safe and healthy preventive strategies and policies. The HERA network for an environmental, climate and health research agenda . COST implements its mission by funding bottom-up, excellence-driven, open and inclusive networks for peaceful purposes in all areas of science and technology. COST mission vision and values The European Social Fund; Nordic Council Ministers Funding NGO Co-Operation Baltic Sea Region; Funding Nordic Council Ministers; Nordic Council Ministers Funding-opportunity Nordic-Russian Co-Operation ; ITF Seafarers Trust; Nippon Foundation


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