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QB/f cp1-chap05-14 Mechanics ALL

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See also QB/f cp1-chap05-14 Mechanics


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Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  30\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.000E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.000E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.27E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 6.77E+02 N
\choice 7.31E+02 N
\choice 7.89E+02 N
\choice 8.52E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  30\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.000E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.000E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.41E+00 degrees
\choice 1.02E+01 degrees
\choice 1.10E+01 degrees
\choice 1.19E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.28E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  30\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.000E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.000E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.36E+01 degrees
\choice 1.47E+01 degrees
\choice 1.59E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.72E+01 degrees
\choice 1.86E+01 degrees
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.5 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  90 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.000E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.450E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  9.24E+02 N
\choice  9.98E+02 N
\choice  1.08E+03 N
\choice  1.16E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.26E+03 N
An object of mass 5 kg experiences an upward force of 4 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 10 N in the positive direction, and 2 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.66E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.79E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.93E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.09E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.25E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 5 kg experiences an upward force of 4 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 10 N in the positive direction, and 2 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.58E+01 degrees
\choice 1.71E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.84E+01 degrees
\choice 1.99E+01 degrees
\choice 2.15E+01 degrees
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 60 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in1.000E-02 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.65E+02 N
\choice 3.95E+02 N
\choice 4.26E+02 N
\choice 4.60E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 4.97E+02 N
Two forces of 25 and 45N act on an object. Their directions differ by 70$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 10 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.64E+00 kg
\choice 5.01E+00 kg
\choice 5.41E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 5.85E+00 kg
\choice 6.32E+00 kg
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.050E+03 kg, the intial speed is 40 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 25 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.40E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 2.59E+03 N
\choice 2.80E+03 N
\choice 3.02E+03 N
\choice 3.27E+03 N
Two forces are applied to a 5-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 2$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude12 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+01 N
\choice 1.69E+01 N
\choice 1.82E+01 N
\choice 1.97E+01 N
\choice 2.13E+01 N
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.42-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.620E+02  N at 9$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.150E+02 N at 15$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.29E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.63E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.00E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.40E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.83E+02 $m/s^2$
A 0.0502-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.2$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.03E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.35E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.70E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.07E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.48E-01 $m/s^2$
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-3\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(6\hat i +-4\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(2\hat i +5\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 4.23 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.32E+01 kg
\choice 5.74E+01 kg
\choice 6.20E+01 kg
\choice 6.70E+01 kg
\choice 7.24E+01 kg
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.5-kg, and its velocity is 3$\hat i m/s$. After 10 s, the velocity is $9\hat i +4\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.30E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 5.72E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 6.18E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 6.68E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 7.21E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q1}
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  26\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.890E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.600E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.10E+02 N
\choice 7.66E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 8.28E+02 N
\choice 8.94E+02 N
\choice 9.65E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  28\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.360E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.220E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.81E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.36E+02 N
\choice 7.95E+02 N
\choice 8.58E+02 N
\choice 9.27E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  22\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.630E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.430E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.82E+02 N
\choice 6.28E+02 N
\choice 6.79E+02 N
\choice 7.33E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.92E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  23\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.280E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.230E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.31E+02 N
\choice 6.82E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.36E+02 N
\choice 7.95E+02 N
\choice 8.59E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  22\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.940E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.470E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.08E+02 N
\choice 7.65E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 8.26E+02 N
\choice 8.92E+02 N
\choice 9.63E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  25\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.700E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.010E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.98E+02 N
\choice 6.46E+02 N
\choice 6.98E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.54E+02 N
\choice 8.14E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  27\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.620E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.140E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.55E+02 N
\choice 8.16E+02 N
\choice 8.81E+02 N
\choice 9.52E+02 N
\choice 1.03E+03 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  21\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.820E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.260E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.84E+02 N
\choice 6.31E+02 N
\choice 6.82E+02 N
\choice 7.36E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.95E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  27\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.720E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.250E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.70E+02 N
\choice 6.16E+02 N
\choice 6.65E+02 N
\choice 7.18E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.76E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  28\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.950E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.380E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.42E+02 N
\choice 6.94E+02 N
\choice 7.49E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 8.09E+02 N
\choice 8.74E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  21\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.370E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.530E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.77E+02 N
\choice 8.39E+02 N
\choice 9.06E+02 N
\choice 9.79E+02 N
\choice 1.06E+03 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  25\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.700E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.140E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.08E+02 N
\choice 6.57E+02 N
\choice 7.09E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.66E+02 N
\choice 8.27E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  28\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.540E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.670E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.97E+02 N
\choice 8.61E+02 N
\choice 9.29E+02 N
\choice 1.00E+03 N
\choice 1.08E+03 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  23\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.530E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.160E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.46E+02 N
\choice 6.98E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.54E+02 N
\choice 8.14E+02 N
\choice 8.80E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  21\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.700E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.720E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 8.28E+02 N
\choice 8.94E+02 N
\choice 9.66E+02 N
\choice 1.04E+03 N
\choice 1.13E+03 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  27\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.780E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.270E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.72E+02 N
\choice 7.26E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+02 N
\choice 8.46E+02 N
\choice 9.14E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  27\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.380E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.710E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.78E+02 N
\choice 6.25E+02 N
\choice 6.75E+02 N
\choice 7.29E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.87E+02 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  26\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.600E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.250E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.65E+02 N
\choice 8.27E+02 N
\choice 8.93E+02 N
\choice 9.64E+02 N
\choice 1.04E+03 N
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  27\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.620E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.520E+02 N. Find magnitude of the net force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.33E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.92E+02 N
\choice 8.55E+02 N
\choice 9.24E+02 N
\choice 9.98E+02 N

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q2}
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  24\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.370E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.410E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.05E+01 degrees
\choice 1.13E+01 degrees
\choice 1.22E+01 degrees
\choice 1.32E+01 degrees
\choice 1.43E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  28\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.400E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.310E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.03E+01 degrees
\choice 1.11E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.20E+01 degrees
\choice 1.29E+01 degrees
\choice 1.40E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  24\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.520E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.600E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.11E+00 degrees
\choice 9.83E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.06E+01 degrees
\choice 1.15E+01 degrees
\choice 1.24E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  26\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.690E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.060E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.46E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.02E+01 degrees
\choice 1.10E+01 degrees
\choice 1.19E+01 degrees
\choice 1.29E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  21\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.530E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.310E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.50E+00 degrees
\choice 7.02E+00 degrees
\choice 7.59E+00 degrees
\choice 8.19E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 8.85E+00 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  25\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.670E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.280E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.56E+00 degrees
\choice 8.16E+00 degrees
\choice 8.81E+00 degrees
\choice 9.52E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.03E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  27\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.960E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.570E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.04E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.13E+01 degrees
\choice 1.22E+01 degrees
\choice 1.31E+01 degrees
\choice 1.42E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  23\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.990E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.110E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.14E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 8.80E+00 degrees
\choice 9.50E+00 degrees
\choice 1.03E+01 degrees
\choice 1.11E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  21\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.730E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.740E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.35E+00 degrees
\choice 7.94E+00 degrees
\choice 8.57E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 9.26E+00 degrees
\choice 1.00E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  24\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.370E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.240E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.44E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.02E+01 degrees
\choice 1.10E+01 degrees
\choice 1.19E+01 degrees
\choice 1.28E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  26\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.780E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.390E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.08E+01 degrees
\choice 1.16E+01 degrees
\choice 1.25E+01 degrees
\choice 1.35E+01 degrees
\choice 1.46E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  23\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.580E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.650E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.73E+00 degrees
\choice 9.43E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.02E+01 degrees
\choice 1.10E+01 degrees
\choice 1.19E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  24\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.430E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.300E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.51E+00 degrees
\choice 8.11E+00 degrees
\choice 8.76E+00 degrees
\choice 9.46E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.02E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  23\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.920E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.500E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.57E+00 degrees
\choice 8.17E+00 degrees
\choice 8.83E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 9.53E+00 degrees
\choice 1.03E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  27\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.580E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.380E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.06E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.14E+01 degrees
\choice 1.23E+01 degrees
\choice 1.33E+01 degrees
\choice 1.44E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  24\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.520E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.600E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.83E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.06E+01 degrees
\choice 1.15E+01 degrees
\choice 1.24E+01 degrees
\choice 1.34E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  23\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.930E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.460E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.76E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 9.46E+00 degrees
\choice 1.02E+01 degrees
\choice 1.10E+01 degrees
\choice 1.19E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  28\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.680E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.120E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.19E+00 degrees
\choice 8.85E+00 degrees
\choice 9.56E+00 degrees
\choice 1.03E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.11E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  23\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.370E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.730E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with David's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.07E+00 degrees
\choice 9.80E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.06E+01 degrees
\choice 1.14E+01 degrees
\choice 1.23E+01 degrees

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q3}
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  23\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.390E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.460E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.02E+01 degrees
\choice 1.10E+01 degrees
\choice 1.19E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.29E+01 degrees
\choice 1.39E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  29\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.630E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.550E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.52E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.65E+01 degrees
\choice 1.78E+01 degrees
\choice 1.92E+01 degrees
\choice 2.07E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  24\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.910E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.030E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.38E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.49E+01 degrees
\choice 1.61E+01 degrees
\choice 1.74E+01 degrees
\choice 1.87E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  27\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.850E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.040E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.54E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.67E+01 degrees
\choice 1.80E+01 degrees
\choice 1.94E+01 degrees
\choice 2.10E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  28\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.980E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.660E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.50E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.62E+01 degrees
\choice 1.75E+01 degrees
\choice 1.89E+01 degrees
\choice 2.04E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  29\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.640E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.710E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.61E+01 degrees
\choice 1.74E+01 degrees
\choice 1.88E+01 degrees
\choice 2.03E+01 degrees
\choice 2.20E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  29\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.250E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.060E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+01 degrees
\choice 1.34E+01 degrees
\choice 1.45E+01 degrees
\choice 1.57E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.69E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  25\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.480E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.250E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.34E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.45E+01 degrees
\choice 1.57E+01 degrees
\choice 1.69E+01 degrees
\choice 1.83E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  27\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.570E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.680E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.39E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.50E+01 degrees
\choice 1.62E+01 degrees
\choice 1.75E+01 degrees
\choice 1.89E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  21\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.580E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.010E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.18E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.27E+01 degrees
\choice 1.37E+01 degrees
\choice 1.48E+01 degrees
\choice 1.60E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  25\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.610E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.500E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.13E+01 degrees
\choice 1.22E+01 degrees
\choice 1.32E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.42E+01 degrees
\choice 1.54E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  26\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.590E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.570E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.26E+01 degrees
\choice 1.36E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.47E+01 degrees
\choice 1.58E+01 degrees
\choice 1.71E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  29\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.490E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.420E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.31E+01 degrees
\choice 1.41E+01 degrees
\choice 1.53E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.65E+01 degrees
\choice 1.78E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  28\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.940E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.080E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.37E+01 degrees
\choice 1.48E+01 degrees
\choice 1.60E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.73E+01 degrees
\choice 1.87E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  29\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.690E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.070E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.51E+01 degrees
\choice 1.63E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.76E+01 degrees
\choice 1.90E+01 degrees
\choice 2.05E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  29\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.770E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.300E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.72E+01 degrees
\choice 1.86E+01 degrees
\choice 2.01E+01 degrees
\choice 2.17E+01 degrees
\choice 2.34E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  25\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.320E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.550E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.27E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.37E+01 degrees
\choice 1.48E+01 degrees
\choice 1.60E+01 degrees
\choice 1.73E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  27\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.280E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.190E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.33E+01 degrees
\choice 1.44E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.55E+01 degrees
\choice 1.67E+01 degrees
\choice 1.81E+01 degrees
Two teenagers are pulling on ropes attached to a tree. The angle between the ropes is  27\textdegree. David pulls with a force of 4.260E+02 N, and Stephanie pulls with a force of 3.750E+02 N. What angle does the net force make with Stephanie's rope?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.23E+01 degrees
\choice 1.33E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.44E+01 degrees
\choice 1.55E+01 degrees
\choice 1.68E+01 degrees

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q4}
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.12 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  84 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 3.480E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.400E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  8.06E+02 N
\choice  8.71E+02 N
\choice  9.40E+02 N
\choice  1.02E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.10E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.85 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  97 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.650E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.490E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  1.32E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.42E+03 N
\choice  1.54E+03 N
\choice  1.66E+03 N
\choice  1.79E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.31 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  98 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.740E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.370E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  1.08E+03 N
\choice  1.17E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.26E+03 N
\choice  1.36E+03 N
\choice  1.47E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.33 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  98 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.740E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.480E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  1.20E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.30E+03 N
\choice  1.40E+03 N
\choice  1.52E+03 N
\choice  1.64E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.02 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  92 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.180E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.330E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  9.62E+02 N
\choice  1.04E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.12E+03 N
\choice  1.21E+03 N
\choice  1.31E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.14 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  81 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 3.240E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.510E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  9.53E+02 N
\choice  1.03E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.11E+03 N
\choice  1.20E+03 N
\choice  1.30E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.95 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  80 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 3.160E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.560E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice  1.33E+03 N
\choice  1.43E+03 N
\choice  1.55E+03 N
\choice  1.67E+03 N
\choice  1.81E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.96 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  86 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 3.650E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.480E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  1.07E+03 N
\choice  1.15E+03 N
\choice  1.25E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.35E+03 N
\choice  1.45E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.12 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  89 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 3.910E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.520E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  9.35E+02 N
\choice  1.01E+03 N
\choice  1.09E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.18E+03 N
\choice  1.27E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.78 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  91 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.090E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.540E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  1.09E+03 N
\choice  1.17E+03 N
\choice  1.27E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.37E+03 N
\choice  1.48E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.25 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  92 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.180E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.470E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice  1.22E+03 N
\choice  1.32E+03 N
\choice  1.42E+03 N
\choice  1.54E+03 N
\choice  1.66E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.67 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  93 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.270E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.590E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  1.28E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.38E+03 N
\choice  1.49E+03 N
\choice  1.61E+03 N
\choice  1.74E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.8 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  90 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.000E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.490E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  1.15E+03 N
\choice  1.25E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.35E+03 N
\choice  1.45E+03 N
\choice  1.57E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.84 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  86 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 3.650E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.490E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice  1.32E+03 N
\choice  1.43E+03 N
\choice  1.54E+03 N
\choice  1.66E+03 N
\choice  1.80E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.88 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  88 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 3.820E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.360E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice  1.30E+03 N
\choice  1.40E+03 N
\choice  1.51E+03 N
\choice  1.63E+03 N
\choice  1.77E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.89 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  97 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.650E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.400E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  1.11E+03 N
\choice  1.20E+03 N
\choice  1.29E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.40E+03 N
\choice  1.51E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.11 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  98 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.740E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.460E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  1.06E+03 N
\choice  1.15E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.24E+03 N
\choice  1.34E+03 N
\choice  1.45E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.73 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  9.900E+01 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 4.840E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.520E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  1.32E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.42E+03 N
\choice  1.54E+03 N
\choice  1.66E+03 N
\choice  1.79E+03 N
A powerful motorcycle can produce an acceleration of 3.46 m/s\textsuperscript{2} while travelling at  81 km/h. At that speed, the forces resisting motion (e.g. friction and air drag) total 3.240E+02 N. What is the magnitude of the force that motorcycle exert backward on the ground to produce its acceleration if the mass of the motorcycle with rider is 2.440E+02kg?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice  8.59E+02 N
\choice  9.27E+02 N
\choice  1.00E+03 N
\choice  1.08E+03 N
\CorrectChoice  1.17E+03 N

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q5}
An object of mass 4 kg experiences an upward force of 1 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 11 N in the positive direction, and 3 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.60E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.73E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.87E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.02E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.18E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 2 kg experiences an upward force of 5 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 8 N in the positive direction, and 2 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.62E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.91E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 4.22E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 4.55E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 4.92E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 4 kg experiences an upward force of 7 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 5 N in the positive direction, and 3 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.56E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.69E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.82E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.97E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 7 kg experiences an upward force of 4 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 6 N in the positive direction, and 3 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.61E-01 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 7.14E-01 m/s$^2$
\choice 7.71E-01 m/s$^2$
\choice 8.33E-01 m/s$^2$
\choice 9.00E-01 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 5 kg experiences an upward force of 1 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 11 N in the positive direction, and 3 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.49E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.61E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.74E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.88E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.03E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 8 kg experiences an upward force of 2 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 12 N in the positive direction, and 2 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.09E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.18E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.27E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.38E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.49E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 6 kg experiences an upward force of 2 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 6 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.74E-01 m/s$^2$
\choice 4.04E-01 m/s$^2$
\choice 4.36E-01 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.71E-01 m/s$^2$
\choice 5.09E-01 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 5 kg experiences an upward force of 1 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 14 N in the positive direction, and 3 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.62E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.75E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.89E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.05E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.21E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 2 kg experiences an upward force of 2 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 12 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.27E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 3.53E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 3.82E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.12E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 4.45E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 3 kg experiences an upward force of 5 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 13 N in the positive direction, and 3 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.74E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.96E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 3.20E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 3.45E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.73E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 7 kg experiences an upward force of 6 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 15 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.32E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.42E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.53E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.66E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.79E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 7 kg experiences an upward force of 4 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 10 N in the positive direction, and 1 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.21E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.30E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.41E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.52E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.64E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 3 kg experiences an upward force of 4 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 12 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.76E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.98E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 3.22E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 3.48E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 3.76E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 4 kg experiences an upward force of 3 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 8 N in the positive direction, and 1 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.51E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.63E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.76E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.90E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.06E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 4 kg experiences an upward force of 6 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 14 N in the positive direction, and 3 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.13E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 3.38E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 3.65E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 3.95E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 4.26E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 5 kg experiences an upward force of 2 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 13 N in the positive direction, and 2 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.92E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.07E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.24E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.41E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.61E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 3 kg experiences an upward force of 2 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 9 N in the positive direction, and 2 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.08E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.25E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.62E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.83E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 7 kg experiences an upward force of 2 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 14 N in the positive direction, and 2 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.61E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.74E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 1.88E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.03E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.19E+00 m/s$^2$
An object of mass 3 kg experiences an upward force of 2 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 10 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.95E+00 m/s$^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.11E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.28E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.46E+00 m/s$^2$
\choice 2.66E+00 m/s$^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q6}
An object of mass 3 kg experiences an upward force of 3 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 9 N in the positive direction, and 3 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.11E+01 degrees
\choice 1.20E+01 degrees
\choice 1.30E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.40E+01 degrees
\choice 1.52E+01 degrees
An object of mass 8 kg experiences an upward force of 3 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 8 N in the positive direction, and 1 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.84E+01 degrees
\choice 1.99E+01 degrees
\choice 2.15E+01 degrees
\choice 2.32E+01 degrees
\choice 2.51E+01 degrees
An object of mass 6 kg experiences an upward force of 6 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 13 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.43E+01 degrees
\choice 1.54E+01 degrees
\choice 1.67E+01 degrees
\choice 1.80E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.94E+01 degrees
An object of mass 4 kg experiences an upward force of 3 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 8 N in the positive direction, and 1 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.71E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.84E+01 degrees
\choice 1.99E+01 degrees
\choice 2.15E+01 degrees
\choice 2.32E+01 degrees
An object of mass 8 kg experiences an upward force of 5 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 6 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.28E+01 degrees
\choice 2.46E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 2.66E+01 degrees
\choice 2.87E+01 degrees
\choice 3.10E+01 degrees
An object of mass 5 kg experiences an upward force of 2 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 13 N in the positive direction, and 1 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.98E+00 degrees
\choice 6.45E+00 degrees
\choice 6.97E+00 degrees
\choice 7.53E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 8.13E+00 degrees
An object of mass 3 kg experiences an upward force of 3 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 5 N in the positive direction, and 1 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.66E+01 degrees
\choice 2.87E+01 degrees
\choice 3.10E+01 degrees
\choice 3.35E+01 degrees
\choice 3.61E+01 degrees
An object of mass 8 kg experiences an upward force of 3 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 15 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 8.97E+00 degrees
\choice 9.69E+00 degrees
\choice 1.05E+01 degrees
\choice 1.13E+01 degrees
\choice 1.22E+01 degrees
An object of mass 7 kg experiences an upward force of 4 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 5 N in the positive direction, and 3 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.46E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 2.66E+01 degrees
\choice 2.87E+01 degrees
\choice 3.10E+01 degrees
\choice 3.35E+01 degrees
An object of mass 8 kg experiences an upward force of 6 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 14 N in the positive direction, and 1 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.18E+01 degrees
\choice 2.35E+01 degrees
\choice 2.54E+01 degrees
\choice 2.75E+01 degrees
\choice 2.97E+01 degrees
An object of mass 6 kg experiences an upward force of 7 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 7 N in the positive direction, and 3 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.57E+01 degrees
\choice 2.78E+01 degrees
\choice 3.00E+01 degrees
\choice 3.24E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 3.50E+01 degrees
An object of mass 5 kg experiences an upward force of 5 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 14 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.23E+01 degrees
\choice 1.33E+01 degrees
\choice 1.44E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.55E+01 degrees
\choice 1.68E+01 degrees
An object of mass 2 kg experiences an upward force of 7 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 9 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.83E+01 degrees
\choice 3.06E+01 degrees
\choice 3.30E+01 degrees
\choice 3.57E+01 degrees
\choice 3.85E+01 degrees
An object of mass 8 kg experiences an upward force of 6 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 14 N in the positive direction, and 2 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.63E+01 degrees
\choice 1.76E+01 degrees
\choice 1.90E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 2.06E+01 degrees
\choice 2.22E+01 degrees
An object of mass 6 kg experiences an upward force of 5 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 5 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.49E+01 degrees
\choice 2.69E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 2.91E+01 degrees
\choice 3.14E+01 degrees
\choice 3.39E+01 degrees
An object of mass 7 kg experiences an upward force of 2 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 13 N in the positive direction, and 2 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.58E+00 degrees
\choice 6.03E+00 degrees
\choice 6.51E+00 degrees
\choice 7.03E+00 degrees
\CorrectChoice 7.59E+00 degrees
An object of mass 5 kg experiences an upward force of 3 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 8 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.20E+01 degrees
\choice 1.30E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.40E+01 degrees
\choice 1.52E+01 degrees
\choice 1.64E+01 degrees
An object of mass 7 kg experiences an upward force of 4 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 5 N in the positive direction, and 4 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.05E+01 degrees
\choice 2.22E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 2.40E+01 degrees
\choice 2.59E+01 degrees
\choice 2.79E+01 degrees
An object of mass 6 kg experiences an upward force of 4 N, as well as two horizontal forces of magnitude 12 N in the positive direction, and 2 N in the opposite (horizontal) direction. What angle does the object's acceleration make above the horizontal?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.37E+01 degrees
\choice 1.48E+01 degrees
\CorrectChoice 1.59E+01 degrees
\choice 1.72E+01 degrees
\choice 1.86E+01 degrees

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q7}
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 62 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in6.510E-03 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.16E+02 N
\choice 6.66E+02 N
\choice 7.19E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 7.76E+02 N
\choice 8.39E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 64 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in5.140E-03 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.93E+02 N
\choice 8.57E+02 N
\choice 9.25E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 9.99E+02 N
\choice 1.08E+03 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 56 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in9.400E-03 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.06E+02 N
\choice 4.38E+02 N
\choice 4.73E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 5.11E+02 N
\choice 5.52E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 66 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in0.0134 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.86E+02 N
\choice 3.09E+02 N
\choice 3.34E+02 N
\choice 3.60E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 3.89E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 54 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in0.0116 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.07E+02 N
\choice 4.39E+02 N
\choice 4.74E+02 N
\choice 5.12E+02 N
\choice 5.53E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 62 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in7.500E-03 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.95E+02 N
\choice 5.35E+02 N
\choice 5.78E+02 N
\choice 6.24E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 6.74E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 59 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in9.690E-03 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.74E+02 N
\choice 4.04E+02 N
\choice 4.36E+02 N
\choice 4.71E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 5.09E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 55 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in0.0122 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.10E+02 N
\choice 3.35E+02 N
\choice 3.61E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 3.90E+02 N
\choice 4.21E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 50 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in0.012 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.78E+02 N
\choice 3.00E+02 N
\choice 3.24E+02 N
\choice 3.50E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 3.78E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 74 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in6.760E-03 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.56E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 8.17E+02 N
\choice 8.82E+02 N
\choice 9.53E+02 N
\choice 1.03E+03 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 63 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in8.570E-03 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.10E+02 N
\choice 5.51E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 5.95E+02 N
\choice 6.42E+02 N
\choice 6.93E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 56 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in7.480E-03 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.72E+02 N
\choice 5.10E+02 N
\choice 5.51E+02 N
\choice 5.95E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 6.42E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 67 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in7.640E-03 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.37E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 6.88E+02 N
\choice 7.43E+02 N
\choice 8.02E+02 N
\choice 8.66E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 68 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in1.000E-02 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.90E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 5.29E+02 N
\choice 5.72E+02 N
\choice 6.17E+02 N
\choice 6.67E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 52 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in0.015 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.45E+02 N
\choice 2.65E+02 N
\choice 2.86E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 3.09E+02 N
\choice 3.33E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 62 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in0.0141 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.07E+02 N
\choice 3.32E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 3.58E+02 N
\choice 3.87E+02 N
\choice 4.18E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 60 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in0.0134 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.18E+02 N
\choice 3.44E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 3.71E+02 N
\choice 4.01E+02 N
\choice 4.33E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 70 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in0.0129 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.57E+02 N
\choice 3.86E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 4.16E+02 N
\choice 4.50E+02 N
\choice 4.86E+02 N
A baseball catcher is performing a stunt for a television commercial. He will catch a baseball (mass 145 g) dropped from a height of 51 m above his glove. His glove stops the ball in8.270E-03 s. What is the force exerted by his glove on the ball?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.40E+02 N
\choice 4.75E+02 N
\choice 5.13E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 5.54E+02 N
\choice 5.99E+02 N

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q8}
Two forces of 24 and 31N act on an object. Their directions differ by 83$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 10 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.55E+00 kg
\choice 3.84E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 4.15E+00 kg
\choice 4.48E+00 kg
\choice 4.84E+00 kg
Two forces of 31 and 60N act on an object. Their directions differ by 55$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 9 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.68E+00 kg
\choice 7.22E+00 kg
\choice 7.79E+00 kg
\choice 8.42E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 9.09E+00 kg
Two forces of 35 and 49N act on an object. Their directions differ by 66$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 8 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.03E+00 kg
\choice 7.59E+00 kg
\choice 8.20E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 8.86E+00 kg
\choice 9.57E+00 kg
Two forces of 34 and 60N act on an object. Their directions differ by 63$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 10 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 8.13E+00 kg
\choice 8.78E+00 kg
\choice 9.48E+00 kg
\choice 1.02E+01 kg
\choice 1.11E+01 kg
Two forces of 35 and 49N act on an object. Their directions differ by 76$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 5 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.34E+01 kg
\choice 1.44E+01 kg
\choice 1.56E+01 kg
\choice 1.68E+01 kg
\choice 1.82E+01 kg
Two forces of 21 and 59N act on an object. Their directions differ by 77$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 9 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.38E+00 kg
\choice 6.89E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 7.44E+00 kg
\choice 8.03E+00 kg
\choice 8.67E+00 kg
Two forces of 32 and 40N act on an object. Their directions differ by 55$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 6 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.14E+00 kg
\choice 9.87E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.07E+01 kg
\choice 1.15E+01 kg
\choice 1.24E+01 kg
Two forces of 16 and 48N act on an object. Their directions differ by 55$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 7 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.16E+00 kg
\choice 6.65E+00 kg
\choice 7.18E+00 kg
\choice 7.76E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 8.38E+00 kg
Two forces of 22 and 59N act on an object. Their directions differ by 75$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 13 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.85E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 5.24E+00 kg
\choice 5.66E+00 kg
\choice 6.11E+00 kg
\choice 6.60E+00 kg
Two forces of 29 and 41N act on an object. Their directions differ by 71$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 13 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.79E+00 kg
\choice 4.09E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 4.42E+00 kg
\choice 4.77E+00 kg
\choice 5.15E+00 kg
Two forces of 34 and 55N act on an object. Their directions differ by 68$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 7 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.47E+00 kg
\choice 9.15E+00 kg
\choice 9.88E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.07E+01 kg
\choice 1.15E+01 kg
Two forces of 17 and 48N act on an object. Their directions differ by 76$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 8 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.86E+00 kg
\choice 6.33E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 6.83E+00 kg
\choice 7.38E+00 kg
\choice 7.97E+00 kg
Two forces of 29 and 32N act on an object. Their directions differ by 79$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 10 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.36E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 4.71E+00 kg
\choice 5.09E+00 kg
\choice 5.49E+00 kg
\choice 5.93E+00 kg
Two forces of 20 and 31N act on an object. Their directions differ by 69$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 12 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.81E+00 kg
\choice 3.04E+00 kg
\choice 3.28E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 3.54E+00 kg
\choice 3.82E+00 kg
Two forces of 31 and 53N act on an object. Their directions differ by 74$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 11 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.33E+00 kg
\choice 5.76E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 6.22E+00 kg
\choice 6.71E+00 kg
\choice 7.25E+00 kg
Two forces of 19 and 52N act on an object. Their directions differ by 77$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 9 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.58E+00 kg
\choice 7.11E+00 kg
\choice 7.68E+00 kg
\choice 8.29E+00 kg
\choice 8.96E+00 kg
Two forces of 33 and 55N act on an object. Their directions differ by 59$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 15 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.09E+00 kg
\choice 4.42E+00 kg
\choice 4.77E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 5.16E+00 kg
\choice 5.57E+00 kg
Two forces of 28 and 38N act on an object. Their directions differ by 68$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 6 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.74E+00 kg
\choice 7.28E+00 kg
\choice 7.86E+00 kg
\choice 8.49E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 9.17E+00 kg
Two forces of 22 and 48N act on an object. Their directions differ by 77$^\circ$. The resulting acceleration has a magnitude of 7 $m/s^2$.  What is the object's mass?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.48E+00 kg
\choice 7.00E+00 kg
\choice 7.56E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 8.16E+00 kg
\choice 8.81E+00 kg

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q9}
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.100E+03 kg, the intial speed is 48 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 23 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.25E+03 N
\choice 4.59E+03 N
\choice 4.96E+03 N
\choice 5.36E+03 N
\choice 5.78E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.140E+03 kg, the intial speed is 39 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 22 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.61E+03 N
\choice 2.82E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 3.04E+03 N
\choice 3.28E+03 N
\choice 3.55E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 9.760E+02 kg, the intial speed is 42 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 23 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.67E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 2.89E+03 N
\choice 3.12E+03 N
\choice 3.37E+03 N
\choice 3.64E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.100E+03 kg, the intial speed is 50 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 27 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.12E+03 N
\choice 3.37E+03 N
\choice 3.64E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 3.93E+03 N
\choice 4.24E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.050E+03 kg, the intial speed is 47 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 30 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.19E+03 N
\choice 2.37E+03 N
\choice 2.56E+03 N
\choice 2.76E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 2.98E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.200E+03 kg, the intial speed is 31 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 23 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.93E+03 N
\choice 2.09E+03 N
\choice 2.26E+03 N
\choice 2.44E+03 N
\choice 2.63E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.180E+03 kg, the intial speed is 45 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 27 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.41E+03 N
\choice 3.69E+03 N
\choice 3.98E+03 N
\choice 4.30E+03 N
\choice 4.65E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.130E+03 kg, the intial speed is 49 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 24 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.21E+03 N
\choice 3.46E+03 N
\choice 3.74E+03 N
\choice 4.04E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 4.36E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 9.020E+02 kg, the intial speed is 47 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 30 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.88E+03 N
\choice 2.03E+03 N
\choice 2.20E+03 N
\choice 2.37E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 2.56E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.130E+03 kg, the intial speed is 49 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 25 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.19E+03 N
\choice 4.52E+03 N
\choice 4.88E+03 N
\choice 5.27E+03 N
\choice 5.70E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.170E+03 kg, the intial speed is 36 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 24 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.44E+03 N
\choice 2.63E+03 N
\choice 2.84E+03 N
\choice 3.07E+03 N
\choice 3.32E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.140E+03 kg, the intial speed is 41 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 20 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.93E+03 N
\choice 3.17E+03 N
\choice 3.42E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 3.70E+03 N
\choice 3.99E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.100E+03 kg, the intial speed is 49 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 23 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.26E+03 N
\choice 3.52E+03 N
\choice 3.80E+03 N
\choice 4.10E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 4.43E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 9.600E+02 kg, the intial speed is 44 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 24 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.37E+03 N
\choice 2.56E+03 N
\choice 2.77E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 2.99E+03 N
\choice 3.23E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.120E+03 kg, the intial speed is 47 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 21 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.55E+03 N
\choice 4.91E+03 N
\choice 5.30E+03 N
\choice 5.73E+03 N
\choice 6.18E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 9.310E+02 kg, the intial speed is 46 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 26 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.71E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 2.92E+03 N
\choice 3.16E+03 N
\choice 3.41E+03 N
\choice 3.68E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.190E+03 kg, the intial speed is 32 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 29 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.62E+03 N
\choice 1.75E+03 N
\choice 1.89E+03 N
\choice 2.04E+03 N
\choice 2.21E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1.130E+03 kg, the intial speed is 41 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 30 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.80E+03 N
\choice 1.94E+03 N
\choice 2.09E+03 N
\choice 2.26E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 2.44E+03 N
Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 9.340E+02 kg, the intial speed is 35 km/hr, and the stopping distance is 28 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+03 N
\CorrectChoice 1.58E+03 N
\choice 1.70E+03 N
\choice 1.84E+03 N
\choice 1.99E+03 N

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q10}
Two forces are applied to a 2-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 2$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude11 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.08E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 1.17E+01 N
\choice 1.26E+01 N
\choice 1.37E+01 N
\choice 1.47E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 3-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 1$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude9 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.13E+00 N
\choice 8.78E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 9.49E+00 N
\choice 1.02E+01 N
\choice 1.11E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 2-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 3$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude12 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.07E+01 N
\choice 1.15E+01 N
\choice 1.24E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 1.34E+01 N
\choice 1.45E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 4-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 4$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude11 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.43E+01 N
\choice 1.54E+01 N
\choice 1.66E+01 N
\choice 1.80E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 1.94E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 3-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 4$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude11 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.29E+01 N
\choice 1.40E+01 N
\choice 1.51E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 1.63E+01 N
\choice 1.76E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 5-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 4$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude10 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.24E+01 N
\choice 2.41E+01 N
\choice 2.61E+01 N
\choice 2.82E+01 N
\choice 3.04E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 6-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 1$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude10 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.08E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 1.17E+01 N
\choice 1.26E+01 N
\choice 1.36E+01 N
\choice 1.47E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 7-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 4$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude11 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.01E+01 N
\choice 3.25E+01 N
\choice 3.51E+01 N
\choice 3.79E+01 N
\choice 4.09E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 5-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 2$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude13 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.64E+01 N
\choice 1.77E+01 N
\choice 1.91E+01 N
\choice 2.07E+01 N
\choice 2.23E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 5-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 3$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude9 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.75E+01 N
\choice 1.89E+01 N
\choice 2.04E+01 N
\choice 2.20E+01 N
\choice 2.38E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 8-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 3$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude11 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.44E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 2.64E+01 N
\choice 2.85E+01 N
\choice 3.08E+01 N
\choice 3.33E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 8-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 4$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude13 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.96E+01 N
\choice 3.20E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 3.45E+01 N
\choice 3.73E+01 N
\choice 4.03E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 8-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 2$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude9 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+01 N
\choice 1.70E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 1.84E+01 N
\choice 1.98E+01 N
\choice 2.14E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 6-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 1$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude11 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.95E+00 N
\choice 1.07E+01 N
\choice 1.16E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 1.25E+01 N
\choice 1.35E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 3-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 2$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude9 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.08E+01 N
\choice 1.17E+01 N
\choice 1.26E+01 N
\choice 1.36E+01 N
\choice 1.47E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 8-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 3$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude9 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.20E+01 N
\choice 2.37E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 2.56E+01 N
\choice 2.77E+01 N
\choice 2.99E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 7-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 1$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude14 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.34E+01 N
\choice 1.45E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 1.57E+01 N
\choice 1.69E+01 N
\choice 1.83E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 4-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 1$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude9 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.12E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 9.85E+00 N
\choice 1.06E+01 N
\choice 1.15E+01 N
\choice 1.24E+01 N
Two forces are applied to a 3-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of 3$m/s^2$ in the positive y-direction. If one
of the forces acts in the positive x-direction with magnitude13 N, find the magnitude of the other force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 1.58E+01 N
\choice 1.71E+01 N
\choice 1.84E+01 N
\choice 1.99E+01 N

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q11}
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.271-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.710E+02  N at 14$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.290E+02 N at 18$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.85E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 7.40E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.99E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 8.63E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.32E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.617-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.290E+02  N at 11$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.240E+02 N at 19$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.16E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.41E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.68E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.98E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.29E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.784-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.350E+02  N at 13$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.120E+02 N at 20$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.96E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.11E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.28E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.268-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.560E+02  N at 10$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.060E+02 N at 21$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.03E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.44E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.87E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.34E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.653-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.240E+02  N at 13$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.060E+02 N at 21$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.42E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.62E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.83E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.05E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.30E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.152-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.780E+02  N at 10$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.220E+02 N at 21$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.05E+03 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.13E+03 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.22E+03 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.32E+03 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.43E+03 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.662-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.590E+02  N at 13$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.150E+02 N at 20$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.40E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.59E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.02E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.26E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.976-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.310E+02  N at 13$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.280E+02 N at 19$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.84E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.14E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.31E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.50E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.284-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.570E+02  N at 10$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.110E+02 N at 21$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.59E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.12E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.69E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 8.30E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 8.97E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.135-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.750E+02  N at 15$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.060E+02 N at 22$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.28E+03 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.38E+03 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.49E+03 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.61E+03 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.74E+03 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.244-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.270E+02  N at 12$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.250E+02 N at 18$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.36E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.87E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.41E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 8.01E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 8.65E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.443-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.600E+02  N at 14$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.210E+02 N at 19$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.96E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.28E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.62E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.99E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.39E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.476-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.600E+02  N at 15$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.170E+02 N at 18$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.63E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.92E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.24E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.58E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.94E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.215-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.530E+02  N at 13$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.150E+02 N at 19$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.03E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 8.67E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.37E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.01E+03 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.09E+03 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.281-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.490E+02  N at 14$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.130E+02 N at 21$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.99E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.39E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.82E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.28E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.78E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.475-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.410E+02  N at 13$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.230E+02 N at 20$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.14E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.39E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.67E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.96E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.28E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.836-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.240E+02  N at 10$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.040E+02 N at 21$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.95E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.10E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.27E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.45E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.65E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.496-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.550E+02  N at 13$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.210E+02 N at 22$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.72E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.93E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.17E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.42E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.69E+02 $m/s^2$
Suppose you are viewing a soccer game a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0.681-kg. The first player kicks with force 1.420E+02  N at 10$^\circ$ north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 2.060E+02 N at 18$^\circ$ east of south.  Find the magnitude of the acceleration.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.101 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.55E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.75E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.97E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.21E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.47E+02 $m/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q12}
A 0.0579-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.42$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.42E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.86E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.33E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.83E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.38E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0564-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.73$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.07E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.48E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.92E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.39E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.90E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0494-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 2.57$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.07E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.40E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.75E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.13E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.54E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0634-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.28$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.20E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.62E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.07E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.55E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.07E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0596-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.16$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.98E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.29E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.64E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.01E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.41E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0525-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 2.06$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.80E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.02E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.26E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.52E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.81E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0644-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.32$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.68E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.14E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.63E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.16E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.73E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0558-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.92$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.33E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.76E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.22E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.72E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.25E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0502-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.3$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.23E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.65E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.10E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.59E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.12E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0561-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 2.07$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.04E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.28E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.54E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.83E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.13E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0549-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.7$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.34E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.84E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.39E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.98E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 8.62E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.056-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 2.75$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.74E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.04E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.36E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.71E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.08E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0543-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.11$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.32E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.75E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.21E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.71E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.24E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0598-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 2.33$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.93E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.17E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.42E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.69E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.99E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0528-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.18$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.00E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.32E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.67E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.04E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.44E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0581-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 2.48$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.12E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.37E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.64E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.93E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.24E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0464-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.77$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.54E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.98E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.46E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.97E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.53E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0491-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.97$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.30E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.80E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.35E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.93E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 8.57E-01 $m/s^2$
A 0.0618-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car
accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of 3.6$^\circ$ from the vertical because of the car\'s acceleration.
What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics Prob. 5.103 under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.89E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.29E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.71E-01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.17E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.66E-01 $m/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q13}
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-5\hat i +3\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(4\hat i +-1\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(2\hat i +5\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 4.53 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.59E+00 kg
\choice 9.27E+00 kg
\choice 1.00E+01 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-6\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(7\hat i +-1\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(1\hat i +7\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 3.8 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.74E+01 kg
\choice 7.28E+01 kg
\choice 7.86E+01 kg
\choice 8.49E+01 kg
\choice 9.17E+01 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-2\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(4\hat i +-6\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(4\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 3.59 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.18E+01 kg
\choice 3.44E+01 kg
\choice 3.71E+01 kg
\CorrectChoice 4.01E+01 kg
\choice 4.33E+01 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-5\hat i +1\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(4\hat i +-6\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(3\hat i +7\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 5.37 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.55E+00 kg
\choice 2.76E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 2.98E+00 kg
\choice 3.22E+00 kg
\choice 3.48E+00 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-4\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(6\hat i +-4\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(3\hat i +5\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 5.18 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.02E+01 kg
\CorrectChoice 4.34E+01 kg
\choice 4.69E+01 kg
\choice 5.07E+01 kg
\choice 5.47E+01 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-2\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(3\hat i +-2\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(2\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 3.62 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.53E+00 kg
\choice 9.21E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 9.94E+00 kg
\choice 1.07E+01 kg
\choice 1.16E+01 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-2\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(4\hat i +-7\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(1\hat i +3\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 3.76 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.04E+00 kg
\choice 7.60E+00 kg
\choice 8.21E+00 kg
\choice 8.87E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 9.57E+00 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-3\hat i +3\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(8\hat i +-1\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(4\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 3.39 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.28E+02 kg
\choice 3.54E+02 kg
\CorrectChoice 3.82E+02 kg
\choice 4.13E+02 kg
\choice 4.46E+02 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-2\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(7\hat i +-3\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(2\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 4.66 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.74E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.05E+01 kg
\choice 1.14E+01 kg
\choice 1.23E+01 kg
\choice 1.32E+01 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-2\hat i +1\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(4\hat i +-6\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(1\hat i +5\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 2.89 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 0.00E+00 kg
\choice 0.00E+00 kg
\choice 0.00E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 0.00E+00 kg
\choice 0.00E+00 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-4\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(3\hat i +-1\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(1\hat i +5\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 2.95 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 0.00E+00 kg
\choice 0.00E+00 kg
\choice 0.00E+00 kg
\choice 0.00E+00 kg
\choice 0.00E+00 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-3\hat i +4\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(6\hat i +-5\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(2\hat i +5\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 3.06 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.21E+02 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.31E+02 kg
\choice 1.41E+02 kg
\choice 1.52E+02 kg
\choice 1.65E+02 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-2\hat i +1\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(4\hat i +-3\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(1\hat i +5\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 5.71 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.42E+01 kg
\choice 1.53E+01 kg
\choice 1.65E+01 kg
\choice 1.79E+01 kg
\choice 1.93E+01 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-6\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(6\hat i +-7\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(2\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 3.1 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.16E+01 kg
\choice 1.25E+01 kg
\choice 1.35E+01 kg
\choice 1.46E+01 kg
\choice 1.58E+01 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-6\hat i +3\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(3\hat i +-7\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(1\hat i +7\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 5.58 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.53E+00 kg
\choice 5.97E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 6.45E+00 kg
\choice 6.97E+00 kg
\choice 7.53E+00 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-2\hat i +4\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(3\hat i +-4\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(3\hat i +1\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 3.99 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.71E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 4.01E+00 kg
\choice 4.33E+00 kg
\choice 4.68E+00 kg
\choice 5.05E+00 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-5\hat i +3\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(3\hat i +-1\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(4\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 5.72 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.59E+00 kg
\choice 1.04E+01 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.12E+01 kg
\choice 1.21E+01 kg
\choice 1.31E+01 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-5\hat i +3\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(3\hat i +-3\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(3\hat i +4\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 4.42 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.35E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 3.62E+00 kg
\choice 3.91E+00 kg
\choice 4.22E+00 kg
\choice 4.56E+00 kg
An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces:  $\vec F_1=\left(-3\hat i +3\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_2=\left(4\hat i +-6\hat j\right)N$,  $\vec F_3=\left(3\hat i +2\hat j\right)N$. The object experiences acceleration of 4.71 $m/s^2$. Find the mass of the object.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.40E+00 kg
\choice 3.67E+00 kg
\choice 3.96E+00 kg
\choice 4.28E+00 kg
\choice 4.62E+00 kg

\subsubsection*{up1-05 Q14}
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.99-kg, and its velocity is 5$\hat i m/s$. After 5 s, the velocity is $7\hat i +1\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.14E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.47E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 4.83E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 5.22E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 5.63E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.59-kg, and its velocity is 5$\hat i m/s$. After 11 s, the velocity is $5\hat i +5\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.21E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.55E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 4.91E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 5.30E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 5.73E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.25-kg, and its velocity is 2$\hat i m/s$. After 7 s, the velocity is $10\hat i +3\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.22E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.32E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.42E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.54E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.66E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.56-kg, and its velocity is 4$\hat i m/s$. After 6 s, the velocity is $8\hat i +3\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.13E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 6.62E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 7.14E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 7.72E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 8.33E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.25-kg, and its velocity is 1$\hat i m/s$. After 6 s, the velocity is $8\hat i +1\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.01E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.09E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.18E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.27E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.37E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.4-kg, and its velocity is 4$\hat i m/s$. After 11 s, the velocity is $12\hat i +6\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.79E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 8.42E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 9.09E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 9.82E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.06E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.71-kg, and its velocity is 2$\hat i m/s$. After 11 s, the velocity is $13\hat i +6\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.77E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.05E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.14E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.23E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.33E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.63-kg, and its velocity is 2$\hat i m/s$. After 15 s, the velocity is $9\hat i +7\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.66E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 6.11E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.60E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 7.13E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 7.70E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.48-kg, and its velocity is 5$\hat i m/s$. After 6 s, the velocity is $11\hat i +3\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.04E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.12E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.21E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.30E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.41E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.35-kg, and its velocity is 4$\hat i m/s$. After 8 s, the velocity is $12\hat i +6\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.25E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.35E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.46E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.57E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.70E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.95-kg, and its velocity is 1$\hat i m/s$. After 5 s, the velocity is $13\hat i +5\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.91E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 2.06E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 2.23E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 2.41E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.60E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.52-kg, and its velocity is 4$\hat i m/s$. After 5 s, the velocity is $11\hat i +6\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.71E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.84E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.99E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 2.15E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 2.32E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.48-kg, and its velocity is 3$\hat i m/s$. After 14 s, the velocity is $5\hat i +3\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.04E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 2.21E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 2.38E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.58E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 2.78E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.98-kg, and its velocity is 4$\hat i m/s$. After 10 s, the velocity is $9\hat i +3\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.63E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 5.00E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 5.40E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.83E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 6.30E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.12-kg, and its velocity is 3$\hat i m/s$. After 11 s, the velocity is $6\hat i +6\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.65E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.10E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 6.59E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 7.11E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 7.68E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.68-kg, and its velocity is 3$\hat i m/s$. After 5 s, the velocity is $10\hat i +4\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.19E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.28E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.38E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.49E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.61E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.21-kg, and its velocity is 2$\hat i m/s$. After 12 s, the velocity is $11\hat i +5\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.36E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 7.94E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 8.58E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 9.27E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.00E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.24-kg, and its velocity is 1$\hat i m/s$. After 8 s, the velocity is $13\hat i +5\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.62E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.76E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 1.90E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 2.05E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 2.21E+00 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1.55-kg, and its velocity is 5$\hat i m/s$. After 11 s, the velocity is $9\hat i +4\hat j m/s$. If a constant force is causing this change in motion, find the
magnitude of the force (assume a force directed in the xy plane.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.14E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 5.55E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 6.00E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 6.48E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
\choice 7.00E-01 $kg\cdot m/s^2$
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
\choice 2.31E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(3\hat i - 2\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(3\hat i +5\hat j -6\hat k)N$ and $(4\hat i -7\hat j +2\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
\choice 7.00E+00 N
\choice 8.00E+00 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
\choice 7.99E+01 N
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 3.500E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.44E+00 s
\choice 3.71E+00 s
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
A 2.5-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.100E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.45 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.93E+02
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.2$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s. What is the tension
in the cable 6.07 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 60 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.94E+00 kg
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 30-m long and inclined at
20$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
\choice 5.75E+00 s
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 4-kg and the hanging mass is 1-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.47E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.67E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 4-kg and the hanging mass is 1-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.22E+00 N
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 4-kg and the hanging mass is 1-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 1 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.49E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.69E+00 $m/s$

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q1}
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.25E+02 N
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
\choice 2.31E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
\choice 2.31E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.25E+02 N
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.25E+02 N
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
\choice 2.31E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.25E+02 N
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
\choice 2.31E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the tension in each of the two ropes
supporting the  swing under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q2}
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.25E+02 N
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
\choice 2.31E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.25E+02 N
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
\choice 2.31E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.25E+02 N
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.25E+02 N
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.25E+02 N
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.25E+02 N
\choice 1.35E+02 N
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N
\choice 2.14E+02 N
\choice 2.31E+02 N
A 30-kg girl in a swing is pushed to one side and held at rest by a horizontal force $\vec F$ so that the swing ropes are 30$^\circ$ with respect to the vertical. Calculate the  $||\vec F||$ under these conditions.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+02 N
\choice 1.57E+02 N
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+02 N
\choice 1.84E+02 N
\choice 1.98E+02 N

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q3}
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(9\hat i - 5\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(1\hat i +2\hat j -9\hat k)N$ and $(4\hat i -9\hat j +5\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
\choice 7.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(4\hat i - 9\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(1\hat i +4\hat j -6\hat k)N$ and $(2\hat i -5\hat j +2\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
\choice 7.00E+00 N
\choice 8.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(9\hat i - 8\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(9\hat i +1\hat j -7\hat k)N$ and $(4\hat i -1\hat j +3\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
\choice 7.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(6\hat i - 5\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(8\hat i +6\hat j -7\hat k)N$ and $(6\hat i -3\hat j +5\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.00E+00 N
\choice 2.00E+00 N
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(2\hat i - 3\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(5\hat i +7\hat j -8\hat k)N$ and $(8\hat i -9\hat j +2\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
\choice 7.00E+00 N
\choice 8.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(4\hat i - 7\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(1\hat i +5\hat j -8\hat k)N$ and $(5\hat i -1\hat j +5\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
\choice 7.00E+00 N
\choice 8.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(3\hat i - 7\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(3\hat i +8\hat j -8\hat k)N$ and $(2\hat i -2\hat j +5\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.00E+00 N
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(8\hat i - 5\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(2\hat i +2\hat j -6\hat k)N$ and $(4\hat i -1\hat j +4\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 0.00E+00 N
\choice 1.00E+00 N
\choice 2.00E+00 N
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(3\hat i - 6\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(5\hat i +5\hat j -9\hat k)N$ and $(5\hat i -5\hat j +4\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
\choice 7.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(3\hat i - 8\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(9\hat i +9\hat j -9\hat k)N$ and $(9\hat i -9\hat j +5\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.00E+00 N
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(1\hat i - 9\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(6\hat i +8\hat j -8\hat k)N$ and $(7\hat i -8\hat j +4\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 0.00E+00 N
\choice 1.00E+00 N
\choice 2.00E+00 N
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(1\hat i - 4\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(5\hat i +9\hat j -8\hat k)N$ and $(3\hat i -6\hat j +5\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.00E+00 N
\choice 2.00E+00 N
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(3\hat i - 9\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(8\hat i +4\hat j -7\hat k)N$ and $(3\hat i -5\hat j +5\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 0.00E+00 N
\choice 1.00E+00 N
\choice 2.00E+00 N
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(6\hat i - 9\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(7\hat i +6\hat j -7\hat k)N$ and $(8\hat i -7\hat j +5\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.00E+00 N
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(1\hat i - 8\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(9\hat i +1\hat j -7\hat k)N$ and $(2\hat i -4\hat j +3\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
\choice 7.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(4\hat i - 2\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(3\hat i +3\hat j -7\hat k)N$ and $(2\hat i -3\hat j +3\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
\choice 7.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(2\hat i - 9\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(7\hat i +7\hat j -8\hat k)N$ and $(6\hat i -6\hat j +2\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 0.00E+00 N
\choice 1.00E+00 N
\choice 2.00E+00 N
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(5\hat i - 6\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(2\hat i +7\hat j -6\hat k)N$ and $(1\hat i -9\hat j +4\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.00E+00 N
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N
Three forces act on an object, considered to
be a particle, which moves with constant velocity $\vec v =(8\hat i - 1\hat j)\;m/s$. Two of the forces are $(5\hat i +6\hat j -8\hat k)N$ and $(7\hat i -6\hat j +3\hat k)N$. Find the z component of the third force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.00E+00 N
\choice 3.00E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+00 N
\choice 5.00E+00 N
\choice 6.00E+00 N

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q4}
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.44E+01 N
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.03E+01 N
\choice 5.44E+01 N
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.44E+01 N
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
\choice 7.99E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.03E+01 N
\choice 5.44E+01 N
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
\choice 7.99E+01 N
\choice 8.63E+01 N
\choice 9.32E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
\choice 7.99E+01 N
\choice 8.63E+01 N
\choice 9.32E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.44E+01 N
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.03E+01 N
\choice 5.44E+01 N
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
\choice 7.99E+01 N
\choice 8.63E+01 N
\choice 9.32E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.44E+01 N
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
\choice 7.99E+01 N
\choice 8.63E+01 N
\choice 9.32E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
\choice 7.99E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
\choice 7.99E+01 N
\choice 8.63E+01 N
\choice 9.32E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.03E+01 N
\choice 5.44E+01 N
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
\choice 7.99E+01 N
\choice 8.63E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.03E+01 N
\choice 5.44E+01 N
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
\choice 7.99E+01 N
\choice 8.63E+01 N
A35-kg dolphin decreases from 12 m/s to 7.5 m/s in 2.3 s to join another dolphin in play. What was the magnitude of
the average force exerted to slow the first dolpin if it was moving horizontally?
(The gravitational force is balanced by the buoyant force of the water.)
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.87E+01 N
\choice 6.34E+01 N
\CorrectChoice 6.85E+01 N
\choice 7.40E+01 N
\choice 7.99E+01 N

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q5}
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 4.600E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.71E+00 s
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 3.620E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.71E+00 s
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 4.160E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.18E+00 s
\choice 3.44E+00 s
\choice 3.71E+00 s
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 3.540E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
\choice 5.45E+00 s
\choice 5.89E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 4.120E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.44E+00 s
\choice 3.71E+00 s
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 4.160E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.18E+00 s
\choice 3.44E+00 s
\choice 3.71E+00 s
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 4.800E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
\choice 5.45E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 2.880E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
\choice 5.45E+00 s
\choice 5.89E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 4.200E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
\choice 5.45E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 4.140E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
\choice 5.45E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 4.660E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.71E+00 s
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 4.560E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.44E+00 s
\choice 3.71E+00 s
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 3.240E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.18E+00 s
\choice 3.44E+00 s
\choice 3.71E+00 s
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 4.120E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.44E+00 s
\choice 3.71E+00 s
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 3.280E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
\choice 5.45E+00 s
\choice 5.89E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 3.100E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.44E+00 s
\choice 3.71E+00 s
\choice 4.01E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 2.780E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
\choice 5.45E+00 s
\choice 5.89E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 4.860E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
\choice 5.45E+00 s
\choice 5.89E+00 s
A large rocket has a mass of 2.000E+06-kg at takeoff, and its engines produce a thrust of 2.680E+07 N. How long does it take to reach  a velocity of 1.200E+02 km/h straight up, assuming constant mass and thrust?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 s
\choice 4.68E+00 s
\choice 5.05E+00 s
\choice 5.45E+00 s
\choice 5.89E+00 s

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q6}
A 3.11-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.280E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.418 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
A 2.33-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.180E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.375 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
\choice 3.06E+02
A 2.04-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.840E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.381 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
A 1.86-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.770E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.368 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
\choice 3.06E+02
\choice 3.30E+02
A 3.27-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.270E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.424 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
A 2.78-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.110E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.365 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
\choice 3.06E+02
A 3.04-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.510E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.403 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
A 3.33-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.510E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.426 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.93E+02
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
A 2.11-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.470E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.436 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
\choice 3.06E+02
A 3.32-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.290E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.381 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
A 2.22-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.640E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.357 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.79E+02
\choice 1.93E+02
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
A 3.45-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.750E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.376 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.79E+02
\choice 1.93E+02
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
A 1.62-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.410E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.38 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
\choice 3.06E+02
A 2.84-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.760E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.428 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
\choice 3.06E+02
\choice 3.30E+02
A 3.42-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.400E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.376 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.79E+02
\choice 1.93E+02
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
A 2.15-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.190E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.437 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.93E+02
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
A 2.22-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.240E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.399 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
A 2.32-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.800E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.363 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.79E+02
\choice 1.93E+02
\choice 2.08E+02
\choice 2.25E+02
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
A 1.94-kg fireworks shell is fired straight
up from a mortar at an initial speed that would reach a height of 1.340E+02 m if air resistance is neglected (not a reasonable
assumption here.) If the mortar itself is a tube of 0.375 long, what is the ratio of the average force on the
shell to the shell's weight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+02
\choice 2.62E+02
\choice 2.83E+02
\choice 3.06E+02
\choice 3.30E+02

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q7}
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+04 N
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+04 N
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+04 N
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+04 N
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.700E+03-kg.  The elevator is going up at a
constant velocity of 1.2 m/s when it begins to slow down
at a rate of 0.6$m/s^2$ for 8.5 s.What is the tension in the cable after the elevator begins to slow down?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q8}
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.510E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.71$m/s^2$ for 6.32 s. What is the tension
in the cable 3.72 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 2.270E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.78$m/s^2$ for 8.45 s. What is the tension
in the cable 5.7 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.610E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.27$m/s^2$ for 4.3 s. What is the tension
in the cable 2.83 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.490E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.19$m/s^2$ for 5.23 s. What is the tension
in the cable 2.71 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+04 N
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 2.550E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.73$m/s^2$ for 6.98 s. What is the tension
in the cable 4.14 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 2.500E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.33$m/s^2$ for 6.92 s. What is the tension
in the cable 4.8 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 2.210E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.32$m/s^2$ for 6.18 s. What is the tension
in the cable 3.81 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 2.180E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.64$m/s^2$ for 8.89 s. What is the tension
in the cable 5.91 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+04 N
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.320E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.46$m/s^2$ for 4.3 s. What is the tension
in the cable 2.48 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.590E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.52$m/s^2$ for 5.97 s. What is the tension
in the cable 3.75 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+04 N
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.730E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.22$m/s^2$ for 4.84 s. What is the tension
in the cable 2.71 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+04 N
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.480E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.33$m/s^2$ for 4.88 s. What is the tension
in the cable 3.66 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 2.870E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.87$m/s^2$ for 5.98 s. What is the tension
in the cable 4.0 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 2.660E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.46$m/s^2$ for 8.71 s. What is the tension
in the cable 6.05 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 2.360E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.9$m/s^2$ for 6.74 s. What is the tension
in the cable 3.59 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+04 N
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 2.830E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.21$m/s^2$ for 6.38 s. What is the tension
in the cable 4.72 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+04 N
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.520E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.3$m/s^2$ for 7.69 s. What is the tension
in the cable 4.43 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 2.500E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.67$m/s^2$ for 6.62 s. What is the tension
in the cable 3.88 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N
\choice 1.82E+04 N
\choice 1.97E+04 N
\choice 2.12E+04 N
An elevator filled with passengers has
a mass of 1.550E+03-kg.  The elevator begins to rise with an
acceleration of 1.51$m/s^2$ for 8.47 s. What is the tension
in the cable 6.05 s after the elevator begins to move?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+04 N
\choice 1.34E+04 N
\choice 1.44E+04 N
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+04 N
\choice 1.68E+04 N

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q9}
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg
\choice 1.26E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.94E+00 kg
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.35E+00 kg
\choice 7.94E+00 kg
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg
\choice 1.26E+01 kg
\choice 1.36E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg
\choice 1.26E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg
\choice 1.26E+01 kg
\choice 1.36E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.94E+00 kg
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.94E+00 kg
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.94E+00 kg
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.35E+00 kg
\choice 7.94E+00 kg
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.35E+00 kg
\choice 7.94E+00 kg
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg
\choice 1.26E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg
\choice 1.26E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg
\choice 1.26E+01 kg
\choice 1.36E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.94E+00 kg
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg
A student' backpack, full of textbooks,
is hung from a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an
elevator.  When the elevator is accelerating downward at
3.8 $m/s^2$, the scale reads 11 N. What is the
mass of the backpack?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.57E+00 kg
\choice 9.26E+00 kg
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 kg
\choice 1.08E+01 kg
\choice 1.17E+01 kg

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q10}
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.92E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
\choice 5.75E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
\choice 5.75E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.92E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
\choice 5.75E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
\choice 5.75E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
\choice 5.75E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.36E+00 s
\choice 3.63E+00 s
\choice 3.92E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.92E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
\choice 5.75E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.92E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.92E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.11E+00 s
\choice 3.36E+00 s
\choice 3.63E+00 s
\choice 3.92E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
\choice 5.75E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.36E+00 s
\choice 3.63E+00 s
\choice 3.92E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.92E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.11E+00 s
\choice 3.36E+00 s
\choice 3.63E+00 s
\choice 3.92E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s
\choice 5.33E+00 s
\choice 5.75E+00 s
A roller coaster starts from rest at
the top of a track 11-m long and inclined at
11$^\circ$ to the horizontal. How much time esapses
before it reaches the bottom of the track if friction can be
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.63E+00 s
\choice 3.92E+00 s
\CorrectChoice 4.23E+00 s
\choice 4.57E+00 s
\choice 4.93E+00 s

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q11}
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.47E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.67E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.47E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.44E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.56E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.47E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.56E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.56E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.47E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.67E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.56E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.44E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.56E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.29E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.47E+00 $m/s^2$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the acceleration of the system.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.56E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.68E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.12E+00 $m/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q12}
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
\choice 9.88E+00 N
\choice 1.07E+01 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.22E+00 N
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
\choice 9.88E+00 N
\choice 1.07E+01 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.22E+00 N
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
\choice 9.88E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
\choice 9.88E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
\choice 9.88E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.76E+00 N
\choice 6.22E+00 N
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
\choice 9.88E+00 N
\choice 1.07E+01 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
\choice 9.88E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.22E+00 N
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.22E+00 N
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
\choice 9.14E+00 N
\choice 9.88E+00 N
\choice 1.07E+01 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.22E+00 N
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the tension in the rope.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.22E+00 N
\choice 6.72E+00 N
\choice 7.26E+00 N
\CorrectChoice 7.84E+00 N
\choice 8.47E+00 N

\subsubsection*{up1-06 Q13}
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.57E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.49E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.69E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.49E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.69E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.49E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.57E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.49E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.57E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.57E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s$
\choice 1.83E+00 $m/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.49E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.69E+00 $m/s$
Two blocks are connected by a massless rope
as shown above.  The mass of the block on the table
is 11-kg and the hanging mass is 11-kg. The table
an pulley are frictionless. Find the speed with which the haning mass
hits the floor if it starts from rest and is intially located 11 m from the floor
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.49E+00 $m/s$
\choice 2.69E+00 $m/s$
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.6-m horizontally with a force of 5.0-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.78E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 3.00E+00 J
\choice 3.24E+00 J
\choice 3.50E+00 J
\choice 3.78E+00 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.500E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 40.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.000E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.70E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+03 J
\choice 4.32E+03 J
\choice 4.67E+03 J
\choice 5.04E+03 J
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.500E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 40.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.000E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.64E+05 N
\choice 5.01E+05 N
\choice 5.41E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 5.85E+05 N
\choice 6.31E+05 N
What is the total work done on a 1.500E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 40.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.000E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.01E+05 J
\choice 5.41E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 5.85E+05 J
\choice 6.31E+05 J
\choice 6.82E+05 J
A constant 20-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 5.0-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.94E+01 J
\choice 8.57E+01 J
\choice 9.26E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+02 J
\choice 1.08E+02 J
A 5.0-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.5. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 10.0-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.80E+02 J
\choice 1.95E+02 J
\choice 2.10E+02 J
\choice 2.27E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.45E+02 J
A 5.0-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.5. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 10.0-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.27E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.45E+02 J
\choice 2.65E+02 J
\choice 2.86E+02 J
\choice 3.09E+02 J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.2. It is pushed 20-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 30 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.22E+03J
\choice 2.39E+03J
\choice 2.58E+03J
\choice 2.79E+03J
\choice 3.01E+03J
How fast must a 3.000E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 65.0-kg sprinter running at 10.0-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.08E+00m/s
\choice 1.17E+00m/s
\choice 1.26E+00m/s
\choice 1.36E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.47E+00m/s
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 2.000E+03-kg automobile moving at 1.000E+02-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.26E+06J
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+07J
\choice 1.08E+07J
\choice 1.17E+07J
\choice 1.26E+07J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 80-kg runner sprinting at 10-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.43E+03 J
\choice 3.70E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+03 J
\choice 4.32E+03 J
\choice 4.67E+03 J
An 8.0-g bullet has a speed of 8.000E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.03E+06 J
\choice 2.19E+06 J
\choice 2.37E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 2.56E+06 J
\choice 2.76E+06 J
An 8.0-g bullet has a speed of 8.000E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.70E+05 J
\choice 5.08E+05 J
\choice 5.49E+05 J
\choice 5.93E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.40E+05 J
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.2-m while bringing a 9.000E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.1-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.93E+03N
\choice 4.24E+03N
\choice 4.58E+03N
\CorrectChoice 4.95E+03N
\choice 5.35E+03N
A constant 10-N horizontal force is applied to a 20-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 8.0-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.08E+00m/s
\choice 2.25E+00m/s
\choice 2.42E+00m/s
\choice 2.62E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.83E+00m/s
How long will it take an 8.500E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 40.0-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 15.0-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.08E+04 s
\choice 1.17E+04 s
\choice 1.26E+04 s
\choice 1.36E+04 s
\choice 1.47E+04 s
A man of mass 80-kg runs up a flight of stairs 20.0-m high in 10.0-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.35E+03 W
\choice 1.45E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.57E+03 W
\choice 1.70E+03 W
\choice 1.83E+03 W

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q1}
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.605-m horizontally with a force of 5.6-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.69E+00 J
\choice 2.90E+00 J
\choice 3.14E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 3.39E+00 J
\choice 3.66E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.581-m horizontally with a force of 5.66-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.61E+00 J
\choice 2.82E+00 J
\choice 3.04E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 3.29E+00 J
\choice 3.55E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.406-m horizontally with a force of 5.1-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.64E+00 J
\choice 1.78E+00 J
\choice 1.92E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 2.07E+00 J
\choice 2.24E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.774-m horizontally with a force of 5.74-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.81E+00 J
\choice 4.11E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 4.44E+00 J
\choice 4.80E+00 J
\choice 5.18E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.653-m horizontally with a force of 5.22-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.51E+00 J
\choice 2.71E+00 J
\choice 2.92E+00 J
\choice 3.16E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 3.41E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.63-m horizontally with a force of 5.46-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.53E+00 J
\choice 2.73E+00 J
\choice 2.95E+00 J
\choice 3.18E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 3.44E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.771-m horizontally with a force of 4.67-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.60E+00 J
\choice 3.89E+00 J
\choice 4.20E+00 J
\choice 4.54E+00 J
\choice 4.90E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.633-m horizontally with a force of 4.4-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.39E+00 J
\choice 2.58E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 2.79E+00 J
\choice 3.01E+00 J
\choice 3.25E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.613-m horizontally with a force of 5.37-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.61E+00 J
\choice 2.82E+00 J
\choice 3.05E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 3.29E+00 J
\choice 3.56E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.771-m horizontally with a force of 4.14-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.74E+00 J
\choice 2.96E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 3.19E+00 J
\choice 3.45E+00 J
\choice 3.72E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.664-m horizontally with a force of 4.18-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.38E+00 J
\choice 2.57E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 2.78E+00 J
\choice 3.00E+00 J
\choice 3.24E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.539-m horizontally with a force of 4.81-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.40E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 2.59E+00 J
\choice 2.80E+00 J
\choice 3.02E+00 J
\choice 3.27E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.534-m horizontally with a force of 4.16-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.90E+00 J
\choice 2.06E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 2.22E+00 J
\choice 2.40E+00 J
\choice 2.59E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.799-m horizontally with a force of 5.32-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.94E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 4.25E+00 J
\choice 4.59E+00 J
\choice 4.96E+00 J
\choice 5.35E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.431-m horizontally with a force of 5.0-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.15E+00 J
\choice 2.33E+00 J
\choice 2.51E+00 J
\choice 2.71E+00 J
\choice 2.93E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.75-m horizontally with a force of 4.04-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.23E+00 J
\choice 2.41E+00 J
\choice 2.60E+00 J
\choice 2.81E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 3.03E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.479-m horizontally with a force of 5.37-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.04E+00 J
\choice 2.21E+00 J
\choice 2.38E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 2.57E+00 J
\choice 2.78E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.525-m horizontally with a force of 5.38-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.82E+00 J
\choice 3.05E+00 J
\choice 3.29E+00 J
\choice 3.56E+00 J
\choice 3.84E+00 J
How much work does a supermarker checkout attendant do on a can of soup he pushes 0.415-m horizontally with a force of 5.62-N?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.16E+00 J
\CorrectChoice 2.33E+00 J
\choice 2.52E+00 J
\choice 2.72E+00 J
\choice 2.94E+00 J

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q2}
Calculate the work done on a 1.280E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 41.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 98-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.19E+03 J
\choice 3.44E+03 J
\choice 3.72E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.02E+03 J
\choice 4.34E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.700E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 40.1-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 90-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.61E+03 J
\choice 3.90E+03 J
\choice 4.21E+03 J
\choice 4.55E+03 J
\choice 4.91E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.240E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 41.5-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 85-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.02E+03 J
\choice 3.27E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 3.53E+03 J
\choice 3.81E+03 J
\choice 4.11E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.300E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 45.1-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.050E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.74E+03 J
\choice 5.11E+03 J
\choice 5.52E+03 J
\choice 5.97E+03 J
\choice 6.44E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.280E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 39.8-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.130E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.86E+03 J
\choice 4.16E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.50E+03 J
\choice 4.86E+03 J
\choice 5.25E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.800E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 44.2-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.180E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.22E+03 J
\choice 5.63E+03 J
\choice 6.08E+03 J
\choice 6.57E+03 J
\choice 7.10E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.660E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 44.7-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.110E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.25E+03 J
\choice 4.59E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.96E+03 J
\choice 5.36E+03 J
\choice 5.79E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.490E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 35.4-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 85-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.79E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 3.01E+03 J
\choice 3.25E+03 J
\choice 3.51E+03 J
\choice 3.79E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.210E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 47.3-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.100E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.20E+03 J
\choice 5.62E+03 J
\choice 6.07E+03 J
\choice 6.55E+03 J
\choice 7.08E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.470E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 42.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.170E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.61E+03 J
\choice 3.90E+03 J
\choice 4.21E+03 J
\choice 4.55E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.91E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.360E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 30.1-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 9.900E+01-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.37E+03 J
\choice 2.55E+03 J
\choice 2.76E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.98E+03 J
\choice 3.22E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.620E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 45.2-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.050E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.39E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.75E+03 J
\choice 5.13E+03 J
\choice 5.54E+03 J
\choice 5.98E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.230E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 43.7-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 93-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.48E+03 J
\choice 3.76E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.06E+03 J
\choice 4.39E+03 J
\choice 4.74E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.380E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 46.5-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 9.900E+01-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.65E+03 J
\choice 3.95E+03 J
\choice 4.26E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.60E+03 J
\choice 4.97E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.260E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 43.9-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 87-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.54E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 3.82E+03 J
\choice 4.12E+03 J
\choice 4.45E+03 J
\choice 4.81E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.510E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 48.9-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 98-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.52E+03 J
\choice 3.80E+03 J
\choice 4.11E+03 J
\choice 4.44E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.79E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.730E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 32.6-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 84-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.74E+03 J
\choice 2.96E+03 J
\choice 3.19E+03 J
\choice 3.45E+03 J
\choice 3.73E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.580E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 37.3-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.160E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.18E+03 J
\choice 3.43E+03 J
\choice 3.71E+03 J
\choice 4.01E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+03 J
Calculate the work done on a 1.300E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 46.8-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.180E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.73E+03 J
\choice 5.11E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 5.52E+03 J
\choice 5.96E+03 J
\choice 6.44E+03 J

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q3}
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.330E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 38.7-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 81-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.02E+05 N
\choice 5.42E+05 N
\choice 5.85E+05 N
\choice 6.32E+05 N
\choice 6.83E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.360E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 30.1-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.010E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.42E+05 N
\choice 3.69E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 3.99E+05 N
\choice 4.30E+05 N
\choice 4.65E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.360E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 49.9-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 92-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.25E+05 N
\choice 5.67E+05 N
\choice 6.12E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 6.61E+05 N
\choice 7.14E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.690E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 47.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 96-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.75E+05 N
\choice 8.37E+05 N
\choice 9.04E+05 N
\choice 9.76E+05 N
\choice 1.05E+06 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.540E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 44.5-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.170E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.18E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 6.67E+05 N
\choice 7.20E+05 N
\choice 7.78E+05 N
\choice 8.40E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.230E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 48.4-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.120E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.36E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 5.79E+05 N
\choice 6.25E+05 N
\choice 6.75E+05 N
\choice 7.29E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.660E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 48.3-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 90-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.82E+05 N
\choice 8.45E+05 N
\choice 9.12E+05 N
\choice 9.85E+05 N
\choice 1.06E+06 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.780E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 32.2-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.190E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.79E+05 N
\choice 5.17E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 5.58E+05 N
\choice 6.03E+05 N
\choice 6.51E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.310E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 47.1-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.070E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.15E+05 N
\choice 5.56E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 6.00E+05 N
\choice 6.48E+05 N
\choice 7.00E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.510E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 36.8-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 86-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.65E+05 N
\choice 5.02E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 5.42E+05 N
\choice 5.85E+05 N
\choice 6.32E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.240E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 35.5-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 83-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.29E+05 N
\choice 4.63E+05 N
\choice 5.00E+05 N
\choice 5.40E+05 N
\choice 5.83E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.740E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 46.6-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.060E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.32E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 7.90E+05 N
\choice 8.54E+05 N
\choice 9.22E+05 N
\choice 9.96E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.300E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 41.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 96-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.45E+05 N
\choice 4.80E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 5.19E+05 N
\choice 5.60E+05 N
\choice 6.05E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.440E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 38.1-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.160E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.92E+05 N
\choice 4.24E+05 N
\choice 4.58E+05 N
\choice 4.94E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 5.34E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.410E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 32.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.140E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.23E+05 N
\choice 3.48E+05 N
\choice 3.76E+05 N
\choice 4.06E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 4.39E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.280E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 45.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 84-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.20E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 5.61E+05 N
\choice 6.06E+05 N
\choice 6.55E+05 N
\choice 7.07E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.700E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 42.6-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.150E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.19E+05 N
\choice 5.60E+05 N
\choice 6.05E+05 N
\choice 6.53E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 7.06E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.200E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 43.4-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 93-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.02E+05 N
\choice 4.35E+05 N
\choice 4.69E+05 N
\CorrectChoice 5.07E+05 N
\choice 5.47E+05 N
Calculate the work done by the gravitational force on a 1.320E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 43.6-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.040E+02-N.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.60E+05 N
\choice 6.05E+05 N
\choice 6.53E+05 N
\choice 7.06E+05 N
\choice 7.62E+05 N

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q4}
What is the total work done on a 1.510E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 36.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 97-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.30E+05 J
\choice 5.72E+05 J
\choice 6.18E+05 J
\choice 6.67E+05 J
\choice 7.21E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.620E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 34.2-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 85-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.01E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 5.41E+05 J
\choice 5.84E+05 J
\choice 6.31E+05 J
\choice 6.81E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.430E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 45.8-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.080E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.06E+05 J
\choice 5.47E+05 J
\choice 5.90E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.38E+05 J
\choice 6.89E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.680E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 35.8-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 82-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.87E+05 J
\choice 6.34E+05 J
\choice 6.85E+05 J
\choice 7.40E+05 J
\choice 7.99E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.490E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 42.2-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.110E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.86E+05 J
\choice 5.25E+05 J
\choice 5.67E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.12E+05 J
\choice 6.61E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.210E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 33.1-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.130E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.09E+05 J
\choice 3.34E+05 J
\choice 3.60E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 3.89E+05 J
\choice 4.20E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.280E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 36.3-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 97-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.19E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 4.52E+05 J
\choice 4.88E+05 J
\choice 5.28E+05 J
\choice 5.70E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.610E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 47.4-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.140E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.37E+05 J
\choice 6.88E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 7.43E+05 J
\choice 8.03E+05 J
\choice 8.67E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.430E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 38.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.170E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.53E+05 J
\choice 4.89E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 5.29E+05 J
\choice 5.71E+05 J
\choice 6.17E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.410E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 44.1-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.190E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.60E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.05E+05 J
\choice 6.53E+05 J
\choice 7.05E+05 J
\choice 7.62E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.480E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 43.2-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.000E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.34E+05 J
\choice 5.77E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.23E+05 J
\choice 6.73E+05 J
\choice 7.27E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.700E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 39.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 86-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.47E+05 J
\choice 6.99E+05 J
\choice 7.55E+05 J
\choice 8.15E+05 J
\choice 8.80E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.410E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 42.8-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.130E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.87E+05 J
\choice 6.34E+05 J
\choice 6.85E+05 J
\choice 7.40E+05 J
\choice 7.99E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.230E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 34.9-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.110E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.58E+05 J
\choice 3.86E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 4.17E+05 J
\choice 4.51E+05 J
\choice 4.87E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.440E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 46.8-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.060E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.08E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.56E+05 J
\choice 7.09E+05 J
\choice 7.65E+05 J
\choice 8.27E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.590E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 40.4-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 92-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.60E+05 J
\choice 4.97E+05 J
\choice 5.37E+05 J
\choice 5.80E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.26E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.690E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 48.8-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.040E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.38E+05 J
\choice 6.89E+05 J
\choice 7.44E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 8.04E+05 J
\choice 8.68E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.440E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 48.0-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.020E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.95E+05 J
\choice 5.34E+05 J
\choice 5.77E+05 J
\choice 6.23E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.73E+05 J
What is the total work done on a 1.580E+03-kg elevator car by its cable to lift it 38.1-m at constant speed, assuming friction averages 1.000E+02-.?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.31E+05 J
\choice 4.66E+05 J
\choice 5.03E+05 J
\choice 5.43E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 5.87E+05 J

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q5}
A constant 28-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 5.27-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.37E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.48E+02 J
\choice 1.59E+02 J
\choice 1.72E+02 J
\choice 1.86E+02 J
A constant 18-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 3.72-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.74E+01 J
\choice 6.20E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 6.70E+01 J
\choice 7.23E+01 J
\choice 7.81E+01 J
A constant 22-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 3.08-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.98E+01 J
\choice 5.38E+01 J
\choice 5.81E+01 J
\choice 6.27E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 6.78E+01 J
A constant 29-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 4.64-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+02 J
\choice 1.25E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.35E+02 J
\choice 1.45E+02 J
\choice 1.57E+02 J
A constant 30-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 6.35-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.63E+02 J
\choice 1.76E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.90E+02 J
\choice 2.06E+02 J
\choice 2.22E+02 J
A constant 16-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 5.31-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.28E+01 J
\choice 7.87E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 8.50E+01 J
\choice 9.18E+01 J
\choice 9.91E+01 J
A constant 19-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 5.43-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.85E+01 J
\choice 9.55E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 1.03E+02 J
\choice 1.11E+02 J
\choice 1.20E+02 J
A constant 20-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 3.65-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.37E+01 J
\choice 5.79E+01 J
\choice 6.26E+01 J
\choice 6.76E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 7.30E+01 J
A constant 23-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 3.98-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.48E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 9.15E+01 J
\choice 9.89E+01 J
\choice 1.07E+02 J
\choice 1.15E+02 J
A constant 26-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 6.1-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.17E+02 J
\choice 1.26E+02 J
\choice 1.36E+02 J
\choice 1.47E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.59E+02 J
A constant 16-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 3.21-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.14E+01 J
\choice 5.55E+01 J
\choice 5.99E+01 J
\choice 6.47E+01 J
\choice 6.99E+01 J
A constant 18-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 5.19-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.01E+01 J
\choice 8.65E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 9.34E+01 J
\choice 1.01E+02 J
\choice 1.09E+02 J
A constant 13-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 5.12-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.16E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 6.66E+01 J
\choice 7.19E+01 J
\choice 7.76E+01 J
\choice 8.38E+01 J
A constant 24-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 5.83-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.11E+02 J
\choice 1.20E+02 J
\choice 1.30E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.40E+02 J
\choice 1.51E+02 J
A constant 13-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 4.46-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.37E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 5.80E+01 J
\choice 6.26E+01 J
\choice 6.76E+01 J
\choice 7.30E+01 J
A constant 24-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 4.77-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.14E+02 J
\choice 1.24E+02 J
\choice 1.34E+02 J
\choice 1.44E+02 J
\choice 1.56E+02 J
A constant 20-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 4.97-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.89E+01 J
\choice 8.52E+01 J
\choice 9.20E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 9.94E+01 J
\choice 1.07E+02 J
A constant 26-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 5.77-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.10E+02 J
\choice 1.19E+02 J
\choice 1.29E+02 J
\choice 1.39E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.50E+02 J
A constant 22-N force pushes a small ball in the direction of the force over a distance of 4.07-m. What is the work done by the force?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.11E+01 J
\choice 7.68E+01 J
\choice 8.29E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 8.95E+01 J
\choice 9.67E+01 J

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q6}
A 3.8-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.669. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 8.55-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.13E+02 J
\choice 2.30E+02 J
\choice 2.49E+02 J
\choice 2.69E+02 J
\choice 2.90E+02 J
A 6.53-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.431. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 11.3-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.89E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 3.12E+02 J
\choice 3.37E+02 J
\choice 3.64E+02 J
\choice 3.93E+02 J
A 5.0-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.502. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 6.09-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.10E+02 J
\choice 1.19E+02 J
\choice 1.29E+02 J
\choice 1.39E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.50E+02 J
A 4.3-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.583. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 10.2-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.15E+02 J
\choice 2.32E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.51E+02 J
\choice 2.71E+02 J
\choice 2.93E+02 J
A 5.31-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.674. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 7.67-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.14E+02 J
\choice 2.31E+02 J
\choice 2.49E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.69E+02 J
\choice 2.91E+02 J
A 5.63-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.645. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 13.0-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.29E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 4.63E+02 J
\choice 5.00E+02 J
\choice 5.40E+02 J
\choice 5.83E+02 J
A 3.24-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.308. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 7.93-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.66E+01 J
\choice 7.19E+01 J
\CorrectChoice 7.76E+01 J
\choice 8.38E+01 J
\choice 9.05E+01 J
A 6.38-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.353. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 12.4-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.54E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.74E+02 J
\choice 2.96E+02 J
\choice 3.20E+02 J
\choice 3.45E+02 J
A 4.69-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.464. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 6.48-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.10E+02 J
\choice 1.19E+02 J
\choice 1.28E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.38E+02 J
\choice 1.49E+02 J
A 5.98-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.382. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 8.08-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.81E+02 J
\choice 1.96E+02 J
\choice 2.11E+02 J
\choice 2.28E+02 J
A 6.07-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.555. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 13.3-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.49E+02 J
\choice 3.77E+02 J
\choice 4.07E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 4.40E+02 J
\choice 4.75E+02 J
A 3.64-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.578. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 13.5-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.05E+02 J
\choice 2.21E+02 J
\choice 2.39E+02 J
\choice 2.58E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.79E+02 J
A 3.59-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.656. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 8.76-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.87E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.02E+02 J
\choice 2.19E+02 J
\choice 2.36E+02 J
\choice 2.55E+02 J
A 5.49-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.674. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 12.2-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.43E+02 J
\choice 4.78E+02 J
\choice 5.17E+02 J
\choice 5.58E+02 J
\choice 6.02E+02 J
A 5.92-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.666. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 7.75-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.38E+02 J
\choice 2.57E+02 J
\choice 2.78E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 3.00E+02 J
\choice 3.24E+02 J
A 4.75-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.377. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 11.4-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.47E+02 J
\choice 1.59E+02 J
\choice 1.72E+02 J
\choice 1.85E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+02 J
A 6.88-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.451. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 7.23-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.04E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.20E+02 J
\choice 2.38E+02 J
\choice 2.57E+02 J
\choice 2.77E+02 J
A 3.41-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.444. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 8.45-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.96E+01 J
\choice 1.08E+02 J
\choice 1.16E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.26E+02 J
\choice 1.36E+02 J
A 4.59-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.357. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 9.06-cm. Find the work done by the applied horizontal force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.07E+02 J
\choice 1.16E+02 J
\choice 1.25E+02 J
\choice 1.35E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.46E+02 J

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q7}
A 6.96-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.332. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 13.7-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.11E+02 J
\choice 3.35E+02 J
\choice 3.62E+02 J
\choice 3.91E+02 J
\choice 4.23E+02 J
A 5.85-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.623. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 11.8-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.22E+02 J
\choice 4.56E+02 J
\choice 4.92E+02 J
\choice 5.31E+02 J
\choice 5.74E+02 J
A 3.3-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.61. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 10.3-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.03E+02 J
\choice 2.20E+02 J
\choice 2.37E+02 J
\choice 2.56E+02 J
\choice 2.77E+02 J
A 5.62-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.617. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 13.1-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.46E+02 J
\choice 4.81E+02 J
\choice 5.20E+02 J
\choice 5.61E+02 J
\choice 6.06E+02 J
A 3.22-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.618. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 6.04-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.09E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.18E+02 J
\choice 1.27E+02 J
\choice 1.38E+02 J
\choice 1.49E+02 J
A 6.93-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.512. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 9.92-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.45E+02 J
\choice 3.73E+02 J
\choice 4.03E+02 J
\choice 4.35E+02 J
\choice 4.70E+02 J
A 6.33-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.472. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 9.19-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.14E+02 J
\choice 2.31E+02 J
\choice 2.49E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.69E+02 J
\choice 2.91E+02 J
A 6.69-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.503. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 13.6-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.85E+02 J
\choice 4.16E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 4.49E+02 J
\choice 4.85E+02 J
\choice 5.24E+02 J
A 3.32-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.56. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 12.5-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.28E+02 J
\choice 2.46E+02 J
\choice 2.66E+02 J
\choice 2.87E+02 J
\choice 3.10E+02 J
A 6.94-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.503. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 10.0-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.94E+02 J
\choice 3.17E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 3.42E+02 J
\choice 3.70E+02 J
\choice 3.99E+02 J
A 3.51-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.49. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 7.56-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.38E+01 J
\choice 1.01E+02 J
\choice 1.09E+02 J
\choice 1.18E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.28E+02 J
A 3.58-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.387. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 11.9-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.19E+02 J
\choice 1.28E+02 J
\choice 1.39E+02 J
\choice 1.50E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.62E+02 J
A 6.03-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.416. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 9.63-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.03E+02 J
\choice 2.19E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.37E+02 J
\choice 2.56E+02 J
\choice 2.76E+02 J
A 3.38-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.581. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 13.5-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.06E+02 J
\choice 2.23E+02 J
\choice 2.41E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.60E+02 J
\choice 2.81E+02 J
A 3.27-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.518. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 12.3-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.62E+02 J
\choice 1.75E+02 J
\choice 1.89E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.04E+02 J
\choice 2.21E+02 J
A 4.19-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.335. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 7.84-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.00E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 1.08E+02 J
\choice 1.17E+02 J
\choice 1.26E+02 J
\choice 1.36E+02 J
A 3.65-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.65. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 11.7-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.00E+02 J
\choice 2.16E+02 J
\choice 2.33E+02 J
\choice 2.52E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 2.72E+02 J
A 5.84-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.508. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 10.3-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.20E+02 J
\choice 2.38E+02 J
\choice 2.57E+02 J
\choice 2.78E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 3.00E+02 J
A 6.72-kg box rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.635. A horizontal force pulls the box at constant velocity for 10.7-cm. Find the work done by the frictional force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.29E+02 J
\choice 3.56E+02 J
\choice 3.84E+02 J
\choice 4.15E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 4.48E+02 J

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q8}
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.183. It is pushed 19-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 37 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+03J
\choice 1.69E+03J
\choice 1.83E+03J
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+03J
\choice 2.13E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.177. It is pushed 17-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 21 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.26E+03J
\choice 1.36E+03J
\choice 1.46E+03J
\CorrectChoice 1.58E+03J
\choice 1.71E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.266. It is pushed 30-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 24 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.44E+03J
\choice 4.79E+03J
\choice 5.17E+03J
\choice 5.59E+03J
\choice 6.03E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.168. It is pushed 17-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 27 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.21E+03J
\choice 1.31E+03J
\choice 1.42E+03J
\CorrectChoice 1.53E+03J
\choice 1.65E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.164. It is pushed 28-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 23 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.92E+03J
\choice 2.07E+03J
\choice 2.24E+03J
\CorrectChoice 2.42E+03J
\choice 2.61E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.294. It is pushed 19-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 34 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.41E+03J
\choice 3.69E+03J
\choice 3.98E+03J
\choice 4.30E+03J
\choice 4.64E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.308. It is pushed 18-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 24 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.92E+03J
\CorrectChoice 3.15E+03J
\choice 3.40E+03J
\choice 3.67E+03J
\choice 3.97E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.264. It is pushed 13-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 36 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.65E+03J
\choice 1.78E+03J
\choice 1.93E+03J
\CorrectChoice 2.08E+03J
\choice 2.25E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.179. It is pushed 29-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 36 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.32E+03J
\choice 2.51E+03J
\choice 2.71E+03J
\CorrectChoice 2.92E+03J
\choice 3.16E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.246. It is pushed 22-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 20 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.31E+03J
\choice 2.50E+03J
\choice 2.70E+03J
\CorrectChoice 2.91E+03J
\choice 3.15E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.259. It is pushed 30-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 39 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.54E+03J
\choice 3.82E+03J
\choice 4.13E+03J
\choice 4.46E+03J
\CorrectChoice 4.82E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.231. It is pushed 16-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 33 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.97E+03J
\CorrectChoice 2.13E+03J
\choice 2.30E+03J
\choice 2.49E+03J
\choice 2.68E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.29. It is pushed 17-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 20 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.70E+03J
\choice 2.92E+03J
\choice 3.15E+03J
\choice 3.40E+03J
\choice 3.67E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.219. It is pushed 15-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 39 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.81E+03J
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+03J
\choice 2.11E+03J
\choice 2.28E+03J
\choice 2.46E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.245. It is pushed 22-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 32 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.29E+03J
\choice 2.48E+03J
\choice 2.67E+03J
\choice 2.89E+03J
\CorrectChoice 3.12E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.215. It is pushed 10-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 40 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.02E+03J
\choice 1.10E+03J
\choice 1.19E+03J
\CorrectChoice 1.29E+03J
\choice 1.39E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.152. It is pushed 18-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 28 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.07E+03J
\choice 1.16E+03J
\choice 1.25E+03J
\choice 1.35E+03J
\CorrectChoice 1.46E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.158. It is pushed 29-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 37 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.36E+03J
\CorrectChoice 2.55E+03J
\choice 2.75E+03J
\choice 2.97E+03J
\choice 3.21E+03J
Suppose that a sled plus passenger weighs 50kg. The coefficientof kinetic friction between the box and surface is 0.341. It is pushed 27-m across the snow at constant velocity by a force directed 33 below the horizontal. Calculate the work done by the applied force.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.79E+03J
\choice 6.26E+03J
\choice 6.76E+03J
\choice 7.30E+03J
\choice 7.88E+03J

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q9}
How fast must a 3.180E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 58.9-kg sprinter running at 11.9-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.29E+00m/s
\choice 1.39E+00m/s
\choice 1.50E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.62E+00m/s
\choice 1.75E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.310E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 58.5-kg sprinter running at 9.63-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.10E+00m/s
\choice 1.19E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.28E+00m/s
\choice 1.38E+00m/s
\choice 1.49E+00m/s
How fast must a 2.830E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 63.2-kg sprinter running at 12.0-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.32E+00m/s
\choice 1.42E+00m/s
\choice 1.54E+00m/s
\choice 1.66E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.79E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.460E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 60.7-kg sprinter running at 9.63-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.38E-01m/s
\choice 1.01E+00m/s
\choice 1.09E+00m/s
\choice 1.18E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.28E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.100E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 60.0-kg sprinter running at 8.29-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.16E-01m/s
\choice 9.89E-01m/s
\choice 1.07E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.15E+00m/s
\choice 1.25E+00m/s
How fast must a 2.670E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 55.6-kg sprinter running at 10.0-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.34E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.44E+00m/s
\choice 1.56E+00m/s
\choice 1.68E+00m/s
\choice 1.82E+00m/s
How fast must a 2.900E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 60.0-kg sprinter running at 8.88-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.10E+00m/s
\choice 1.18E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.28E+00m/s
\choice 1.38E+00m/s
\choice 1.49E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.060E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 60.4-kg sprinter running at 8.77-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.14E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.23E+00m/s
\choice 1.33E+00m/s
\choice 1.44E+00m/s
\choice 1.55E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.100E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 74.9-kg sprinter running at 8.48-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.69E-01m/s
\choice 1.05E+00m/s
\choice 1.13E+00m/s
\choice 1.22E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.32E+00m/s
How fast must a 2.530E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 57.4-kg sprinter running at 10.4-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.45E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.57E+00m/s
\choice 1.69E+00m/s
\choice 1.83E+00m/s
\choice 1.97E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.310E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 63.4-kg sprinter running at 8.55-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.10E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.18E+00m/s
\choice 1.28E+00m/s
\choice 1.38E+00m/s
\choice 1.49E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.370E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 61.6-kg sprinter running at 8.8-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.44E-01m/s
\choice 1.02E+00m/s
\choice 1.10E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.19E+00m/s
\choice 1.28E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.350E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 59.9-kg sprinter running at 11.2-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.39E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.50E+00m/s
\choice 1.62E+00m/s
\choice 1.75E+00m/s
\choice 1.89E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.260E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 72.2-kg sprinter running at 11.8-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.51E+00m/s
\choice 1.63E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.76E+00m/s
\choice 1.90E+00m/s
\choice 2.05E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.200E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 73.5-kg sprinter running at 10.2-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.33E+00m/s
\choice 1.43E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.55E+00m/s
\choice 1.67E+00m/s
\choice 1.80E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.320E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 56.5-kg sprinter running at 9.97-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.03E+00m/s
\choice 1.12E+00m/s
\choice 1.20E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.30E+00m/s
\choice 1.40E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.360E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 74.8-kg sprinter running at 10.7-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.60E+00m/s
\choice 1.72E+00m/s
\choice 1.86E+00m/s
\choice 2.01E+00m/s
\choice 2.17E+00m/s
How fast must a 2.890E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 55.7-kg sprinter running at 11.8-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.40E+00m/s
\choice 1.52E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.64E+00m/s
\choice 1.77E+00m/s
\choice 1.91E+00m/s
How fast must a 3.490E+03-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 69.2-kg sprinter running at 11.1-m/s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.45E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+00m/s
\choice 1.69E+00m/s
\choice 1.82E+00m/s
\choice 1.97E+00m/s

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q10}
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 1.500E+03-kg automobile moving at 91.8-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.65E+06J
\choice 5.02E+06J
\choice 5.42E+06J
\choice 5.85E+06J
\CorrectChoice 6.32E+06J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 2.410E+03-kg automobile moving at 1.130E+02-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.54E+07J
\choice 1.66E+07J
\choice 1.79E+07J
\choice 1.94E+07J
\choice 2.09E+07J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 2.370E+03-kg automobile moving at 98.9-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.52E+06J
\choice 9.20E+06J
\choice 9.94E+06J
\choice 1.07E+07J
\CorrectChoice 1.16E+07J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 1.550E+03-kg automobile moving at 96.7-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.21E+06J
\choice 6.71E+06J
\CorrectChoice 7.25E+06J
\choice 7.83E+06J
\choice 8.45E+06J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 1.560E+03-kg automobile moving at 1.020E+02-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.96E+06J
\choice 6.44E+06J
\choice 6.96E+06J
\choice 7.51E+06J
\CorrectChoice 8.12E+06J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 1.900E+03-kg automobile moving at 94.0-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.66E+06J
\choice 7.20E+06J
\choice 7.77E+06J
\CorrectChoice 8.39E+06J
\choice 9.07E+06J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 1.880E+03-kg automobile moving at 1.030E+02-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.33E+06J
\choice 7.92E+06J
\choice 8.55E+06J
\choice 9.23E+06J
\CorrectChoice 9.97E+06J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 1.800E+03-kg automobile moving at 1.130E+02-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.85E+06J
\choice 1.06E+07J
\CorrectChoice 1.15E+07J
\choice 1.24E+07J
\choice 1.34E+07J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 1.550E+03-kg automobile moving at 88.6-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.63E+06J
\CorrectChoice 6.08E+06J
\choice 6.57E+06J
\choice 7.10E+06J
\choice 7.66E+06J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 2.120E+03-kg automobile moving at 1.140E+02-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.09E+07J
\choice 1.18E+07J
\choice 1.28E+07J
\CorrectChoice 1.38E+07J
\choice 1.49E+07J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 2.170E+03-kg automobile moving at 1.010E+02-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.14E+06J
\choice 8.79E+06J
\choice 9.49E+06J
\choice 1.02E+07J
\CorrectChoice 1.11E+07J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 2.100E+03-kg automobile moving at 85.7-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.14E+06J
\CorrectChoice 7.71E+06J
\choice 8.33E+06J
\choice 8.99E+06J
\choice 9.71E+06J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 2.440E+03-kg automobile moving at 1.010E+02-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.24E+07J
\choice 1.34E+07J
\choice 1.45E+07J
\choice 1.57E+07J
\choice 1.69E+07J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 1.570E+03-kg automobile moving at 92.7-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.35E+06J
\choice 5.78E+06J
\choice 6.25E+06J
\CorrectChoice 6.75E+06J
\choice 7.29E+06J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 2.070E+03-kg automobile moving at 86.3-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.12E+06J
\choice 6.61E+06J
\choice 7.14E+06J
\CorrectChoice 7.71E+06J
\choice 8.33E+06J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 1.530E+03-kg automobile moving at 1.070E+02-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.95E+06J
\choice 7.51E+06J
\choice 8.11E+06J
\CorrectChoice 8.76E+06J
\choice 9.46E+06J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 2.470E+03-kg automobile moving at 95.5-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.28E+06J
\choice 8.94E+06J
\choice 9.66E+06J
\choice 1.04E+07J
\CorrectChoice 1.13E+07J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 2.470E+03-kg automobile moving at 87.6-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.78E+06J
\CorrectChoice 9.48E+06J
\choice 1.02E+07J
\choice 1.11E+07J
\choice 1.19E+07J
Calculate the kinetic energies of a 2.240E+03-kg automobile moving at 1.080E+02-km/h.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.12E+07J
\choice 1.21E+07J
\CorrectChoice 1.31E+07J
\choice 1.41E+07J
\choice 1.52E+07J

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q11}
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 84-kg runner sprinting at 8-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.30E+03 J
\choice 2.49E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.69E+03 J
\choice 2.90E+03 J
\choice 3.14E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 71-kg runner sprinting at 12-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.73E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 5.11E+03 J
\choice 5.52E+03 J
\choice 5.96E+03 J
\choice 6.44E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 76-kg runner sprinting at 11-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.26E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 4.60E+03 J
\choice 4.97E+03 J
\choice 5.36E+03 J
\choice 5.79E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 79-kg runner sprinting at 10-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.90E+03 J
\choice 3.14E+03 J
\choice 3.39E+03 J
\choice 3.66E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 3.95E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 74-kg runner sprinting at 10-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.17E+03 J
\choice 3.43E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 3.70E+03 J
\choice 4.00E+03 J
\choice 4.32E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 85-kg runner sprinting at 11-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.76E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 5.14E+03 J
\choice 5.55E+03 J
\choice 6.00E+03 J
\choice 6.48E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 89-kg runner sprinting at 8-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.44E+03 J
\choice 2.64E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.85E+03 J
\choice 3.08E+03 J
\choice 3.32E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 87-kg runner sprinting at 8-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.21E+03 J
\choice 2.39E+03 J
\choice 2.58E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.78E+03 J
\choice 3.01E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 73-kg runner sprinting at 9-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.17E+03 J
\choice 2.35E+03 J
\choice 2.53E+03 J
\choice 2.74E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.96E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 82-kg runner sprinting at 8-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.93E+03 J
\choice 2.08E+03 J
\choice 2.25E+03 J
\choice 2.43E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.62E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 82-kg runner sprinting at 9-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.85E+03 J
\choice 3.07E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 3.32E+03 J
\choice 3.59E+03 J
\choice 3.87E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 81-kg runner sprinting at 9-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.28E+03 J
\choice 3.54E+03 J
\choice 3.83E+03 J
\choice 4.13E+03 J
\choice 4.46E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 85-kg runner sprinting at 9-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.44E+03 J
\choice 3.72E+03 J
\choice 4.02E+03 J
\choice 4.34E+03 J
\choice 4.68E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 87-kg runner sprinting at 12-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.60E+03 J
\choice 4.97E+03 J
\choice 5.37E+03 J
\choice 5.80E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 6.26E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 72-kg runner sprinting at 10-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.60E+03 J
\choice 3.89E+03 J
\choice 4.20E+03 J
\choice 4.53E+03 J
\choice 4.90E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 82-kg runner sprinting at 12-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.47E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 5.90E+03 J
\choice 6.38E+03 J
\choice 6.89E+03 J
\choice 7.44E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 84-kg runner sprinting at 11-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.74E+03 J
\choice 4.03E+03 J
\choice 4.36E+03 J
\choice 4.71E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 5.08E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 74-kg runner sprinting at 8-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.19E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.37E+03 J
\choice 2.56E+03 J
\choice 2.76E+03 J
\choice 2.98E+03 J
Calculate the kinetic energies of an 74-kg runner sprinting at 11-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.48E+03 J
\choice 4.84E+03 J
\choice 5.22E+03 J
\choice 5.64E+03 J
\choice 6.09E+03 J

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q12}
An 6.47-g bullet has a speed of 7.420E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.53E+06 J
\choice 1.65E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 1.78E+06 J
\choice 1.92E+06 J
\choice 2.08E+06 J
An 7.01-g bullet has a speed of 8.960E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.81E+06 J
\choice 3.04E+06 J
\choice 3.28E+06 J
\choice 3.54E+06 J
\choice 3.83E+06 J
An 8.16-g bullet has a speed of 7.740E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.80E+06 J
\choice 1.94E+06 J
\choice 2.10E+06 J
\choice 2.26E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 2.44E+06 J
An 9.26-g bullet has a speed of 8.290E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.95E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 3.18E+06 J
\choice 3.44E+06 J
\choice 3.71E+06 J
\choice 4.01E+06 J
An 6.12-g bullet has a speed of 6.920E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.47E+06 J
\choice 1.58E+06 J
\choice 1.71E+06 J
\choice 1.85E+06 J
\choice 1.99E+06 J
An 9.94-g bullet has a speed of 9.300E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.41E+06 J
\choice 3.69E+06 J
\choice 3.98E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 4.30E+06 J
\choice 4.64E+06 J
An 6.72-g bullet has a speed of 8.920E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.29E+06 J
\choice 2.48E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 2.67E+06 J
\choice 2.89E+06 J
\choice 3.12E+06 J
An 7.69-g bullet has a speed of 8.760E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.73E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 2.95E+06 J
\choice 3.19E+06 J
\choice 3.44E+06 J
\choice 3.72E+06 J
An 6.41-g bullet has a speed of 6.930E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.13E+06 J
\choice 1.22E+06 J
\choice 1.32E+06 J
\choice 1.43E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 1.54E+06 J
An 8.1-g bullet has a speed of 8.350E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.42E+06 J
\choice 2.61E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 2.82E+06 J
\choice 3.05E+06 J
\choice 3.29E+06 J
An 8.31-g bullet has a speed of 9.320E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.61E+06 J
\choice 3.90E+06 J
\choice 4.21E+06 J
\choice 4.55E+06 J
\choice 4.91E+06 J
An 8.24-g bullet has a speed of 7.830E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.86E+06 J
\choice 2.01E+06 J
\choice 2.17E+06 J
\choice 2.34E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 2.53E+06 J
An 8.07-g bullet has a speed of 9.350E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.53E+06 J
\choice 3.81E+06 J
\choice 4.11E+06 J
\choice 4.44E+06 J
\choice 4.80E+06 J
An 6.76-g bullet has a speed of 9.190E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.64E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 2.85E+06 J
\choice 3.08E+06 J
\choice 3.33E+06 J
\choice 3.60E+06 J
An 7.38-g bullet has a speed of 8.800E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.45E+06 J
\choice 2.65E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 2.86E+06 J
\choice 3.09E+06 J
\choice 3.33E+06 J
An 6.39-g bullet has a speed of 8.840E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.98E+06 J
\choice 2.14E+06 J
\choice 2.31E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 2.50E+06 J
\choice 2.70E+06 J
An 7.23-g bullet has a speed of 8.550E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.64E+06 J
\choice 2.85E+06 J
\choice 3.08E+06 J
\choice 3.33E+06 J
\choice 3.60E+06 J
An 7.46-g bullet has a speed of 9.030E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.41E+06 J
\choice 2.61E+06 J
\choice 2.82E+06 J
\CorrectChoice 3.04E+06 J
\choice 3.28E+06 J
An 6.08-g bullet has a speed of 8.820E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.36E+06 J
\choice 2.55E+06 J
\choice 2.76E+06 J
\choice 2.98E+06 J
\choice 3.22E+06 J

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q13}
An 9.83-g bullet has a speed of 8.110E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.48E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 8.08E+05 J
\choice 8.73E+05 J
\choice 9.43E+05 J
\choice 1.02E+06 J
An 8.34-g bullet has a speed of 7.650E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.84E+05 J
\choice 5.23E+05 J
\choice 5.65E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.10E+05 J
\choice 6.59E+05 J
An 7.38-g bullet has a speed of 7.340E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.65E+05 J
\choice 3.95E+05 J
\choice 4.26E+05 J
\choice 4.60E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 4.97E+05 J
An 6.59-g bullet has a speed of 9.060E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.26E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.76E+05 J
\choice 7.30E+05 J
\choice 7.89E+05 J
\choice 8.52E+05 J
An 8.95-g bullet has a speed of 8.690E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 8.45E+05 J
\choice 9.12E+05 J
\choice 9.85E+05 J
\choice 1.06E+06 J
\choice 1.15E+06 J
An 6.18-g bullet has a speed of 9.020E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.62E+05 J
\choice 4.99E+05 J
\choice 5.39E+05 J
\choice 5.82E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.29E+05 J
An 9.22-g bullet has a speed of 6.800E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.23E+05 J
\choice 4.57E+05 J
\choice 4.93E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 5.33E+05 J
\choice 5.76E+05 J
An 8.74-g bullet has a speed of 7.290E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.98E+05 J
\choice 5.38E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 5.81E+05 J
\choice 6.27E+05 J
\choice 6.77E+05 J
An 6.88-g bullet has a speed of 7.150E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.77E+05 J
\choice 4.07E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 4.40E+05 J
\choice 4.75E+05 J
\choice 5.13E+05 J
An 9.87-g bullet has a speed of 8.360E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 8.62E+05 J
\choice 9.31E+05 J
\choice 1.01E+06 J
\choice 1.09E+06 J
\choice 1.17E+06 J
An 8.46-g bullet has a speed of 7.760E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.06E+05 J
\choice 5.46E+05 J
\choice 5.90E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.37E+05 J
\choice 6.88E+05 J
An 7.98-g bullet has a speed of 7.590E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.93E+05 J
\choice 5.32E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 5.75E+05 J
\choice 6.21E+05 J
\choice 6.70E+05 J
An 7.42-g bullet has a speed of 9.000E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.52E+05 J
\choice 5.96E+05 J
\choice 6.44E+05 J
\choice 6.96E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 7.51E+05 J
An 8.39-g bullet has a speed of 6.700E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.04E+05 J
\choice 4.36E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 4.71E+05 J
\choice 5.08E+05 J
\choice 5.49E+05 J
An 7.19-g bullet has a speed of 6.830E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.19E+05 J
\choice 4.53E+05 J
\choice 4.89E+05 J
\choice 5.28E+05 J
\choice 5.70E+05 J
An 6.01-g bullet has a speed of 7.680E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.80E+05 J
\choice 4.10E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 4.43E+05 J
\choice 4.79E+05 J
\choice 5.17E+05 J
An 6.19-g bullet has a speed of 8.910E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.88E+05 J
\choice 5.27E+05 J
\choice 5.69E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.14E+05 J
\choice 6.63E+05 J
An 9.21-g bullet has a speed of 7.860E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.10E+05 J
\choice 6.59E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 7.11E+05 J
\choice 7.68E+05 J
\choice 8.30E+05 J
An 7.05-g bullet has a speed of 8.350E+02-m/s. What is its kinetic energy if the speed is halved?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.27E+05 J
\choice 5.69E+05 J
\CorrectChoice 6.14E+05 J
\choice 6.64E+05 J
\choice 7.17E+05 J

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q14}
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.288-m while bringing a 1.040E+03-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.19-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.30E+03N
\choice 4.64E+03N
\choice 5.01E+03N
\choice 5.41E+03N
\choice 5.85E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.293-m while bringing a 9.470E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.19-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.83E+03N
\choice 3.05E+03N
\choice 3.30E+03N
\choice 3.56E+03N
\CorrectChoice 3.85E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.139-m while bringing a 1.040E+03-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.22-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.71E+03N
\choice 7.25E+03N
\choice 7.83E+03N
\choice 8.45E+03N
\CorrectChoice 9.13E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.261-m while bringing a 9.160E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.11-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.90E+03N
\choice 4.21E+03N
\choice 4.54E+03N
\choice 4.91E+03N
\choice 5.30E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.195-m while bringing a 7.600E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.17-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.56E+03N
\choice 4.92E+03N
\choice 5.32E+03N
\choice 5.74E+03N
\choice 6.20E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.286-m while bringing a 7.660E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.2-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.55E+03N
\choice 2.76E+03N
\choice 2.98E+03N
\CorrectChoice 3.21E+03N
\choice 3.47E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.288-m while bringing a 9.050E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 0.929-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.50E+03N
\choice 2.70E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.92E+03N
\choice 3.15E+03N
\choice 3.41E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.113-m while bringing a 7.930E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 0.861-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.44E+03N
\choice 4.80E+03N
\choice 5.18E+03N
\choice 5.59E+03N
\CorrectChoice 6.04E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.266-m while bringing a 8.250E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.26-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.10E+03N
\choice 3.35E+03N
\choice 3.62E+03N
\CorrectChoice 3.91E+03N
\choice 4.22E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.187-m while bringing a 1.010E+03-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.21-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.60E+03N
\choice 6.05E+03N
\CorrectChoice 6.54E+03N
\choice 7.06E+03N
\choice 7.62E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.184-m while bringing a 9.300E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.08-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.68E+03N
\choice 5.05E+03N
\CorrectChoice 5.46E+03N
\choice 5.90E+03N
\choice 6.37E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.212-m while bringing a 9.190E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 0.819-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.82E+03N
\choice 3.04E+03N
\choice 3.29E+03N
\CorrectChoice 3.55E+03N
\choice 3.83E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.219-m while bringing a 9.420E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.08-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.30E+03N
\CorrectChoice 4.65E+03N
\choice 5.02E+03N
\choice 5.42E+03N
\choice 5.85E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.244-m while bringing a 8.240E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.25-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.22E+03N
\choice 4.56E+03N
\choice 4.92E+03N
\choice 5.32E+03N
\choice 5.74E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.101-m while bringing a 9.920E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 0.997-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 9.79E+03N
\choice 1.06E+04N
\choice 1.14E+04N
\choice 1.23E+04N
\choice 1.33E+04N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.298-m while bringing a 7.520E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.06-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.67E+03N
\choice 2.89E+03N
\choice 3.12E+03N
\choice 3.37E+03N
\choice 3.64E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.266-m while bringing a 8.300E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 0.992-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.28E+03N
\choice 2.46E+03N
\choice 2.65E+03N
\choice 2.87E+03N
\CorrectChoice 3.10E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.187-m while bringing a 8.720E+02-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.22-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.69E+03N
\choice 6.14E+03N
\choice 6.64E+03N
\choice 7.17E+03N
\choice 7.74E+03N
A cars bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.205-m while bringing a 1.020E+03-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.15-m/s.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.72E+03N
\choice 6.18E+03N
\choice 6.67E+03N
\choice 7.21E+03N
\choice 7.78E+03N

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q15}
A constant 12-N horizontal force is applied to a 16-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 6.4-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.66E+00m/s
\choice 2.87E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 3.10E+00m/s
\choice 3.35E+00m/s
\choice 3.61E+00m/s
A constant 13-N horizontal force is applied to a 25-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 6.3-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.37E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.56E+00m/s
\choice 2.76E+00m/s
\choice 2.99E+00m/s
\choice 3.22E+00m/s
A constant 10-N horizontal force is applied to a 16-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 6.6-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.66E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.87E+00m/s
\choice 3.10E+00m/s
\choice 3.35E+00m/s
\choice 3.62E+00m/s
A constant 9-N horizontal force is applied to a 24-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 9.39-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.95E+00m/s
\choice 2.11E+00m/s
\choice 2.28E+00m/s
\choice 2.46E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.65E+00m/s
A constant 8-N horizontal force is applied to a 18-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 9.84-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.54E+00m/s
\choice 2.74E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.96E+00m/s
\choice 3.19E+00m/s
\choice 3.45E+00m/s
A constant 12-N horizontal force is applied to a 24-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 10.4-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.76E+00m/s
\choice 2.99E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 3.22E+00m/s
\choice 3.48E+00m/s
\choice 3.76E+00m/s
A constant 12-N horizontal force is applied to a 16-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 9.74-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.82E+00m/s
\choice 4.13E+00m/s
\choice 4.46E+00m/s
\choice 4.82E+00m/s
\choice 5.20E+00m/s
A constant 13-N horizontal force is applied to a 15-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 8.2-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.99E+00m/s
\choice 3.23E+00m/s
\choice 3.49E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 3.77E+00m/s
\choice 4.07E+00m/s
A constant 13-N horizontal force is applied to a 15-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 6.99-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.98E+00m/s
\choice 3.22E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 3.48E+00m/s
\choice 3.76E+00m/s
\choice 4.06E+00m/s
A constant 7-N horizontal force is applied to a 17-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 5.33-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.54E+00m/s
\choice 1.66E+00m/s
\choice 1.80E+00m/s
\choice 1.94E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.10E+00m/s
A constant 11-N horizontal force is applied to a 21-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 6.91-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.49E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.69E+00m/s
\choice 2.91E+00m/s
\choice 3.14E+00m/s
\choice 3.39E+00m/s
A constant 9-N horizontal force is applied to a 20-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 5.86-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.13E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.30E+00m/s
\choice 2.48E+00m/s
\choice 2.68E+00m/s
\choice 2.89E+00m/s
A constant 12-N horizontal force is applied to a 21-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 5.38-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.82E+00m/s
\choice 1.97E+00m/s
\choice 2.13E+00m/s
\choice 2.30E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.48E+00m/s
A constant 11-N horizontal force is applied to a 15-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 10.3-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.33E+00m/s
\choice 3.60E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 3.89E+00m/s
\choice 4.20E+00m/s
\choice 4.53E+00m/s
A constant 11-N horizontal force is applied to a 18-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 9.78-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.46E+00m/s
\choice 3.73E+00m/s
\choice 4.03E+00m/s
\choice 4.36E+00m/s
\choice 4.70E+00m/s
A constant 10-N horizontal force is applied to a 24-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 8.21-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.42E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.62E+00m/s
\choice 2.82E+00m/s
\choice 3.05E+00m/s
\choice 3.29E+00m/s
A constant 13-N horizontal force is applied to a 25-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 6.23-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.36E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.55E+00m/s
\choice 2.75E+00m/s
\choice 2.97E+00m/s
\choice 3.21E+00m/s
A constant 10-N horizontal force is applied to a 23-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 9.11-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.61E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.81E+00m/s
\choice 3.04E+00m/s
\choice 3.28E+00m/s
\choice 3.55E+00m/s
A constant 13-N horizontal force is applied to a 23-kg car at rest on a level floor. If friction is negligible, what is the speed of the cart when it has been pushed 8.38-m?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.08E+00m/s
\choice 3.32E+00m/s
\choice 3.59E+00m/s
\choice 3.88E+00m/s
\choice 4.19E+00m/s

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q16}
How long will it take an 6.670E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 36.7-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 16.0-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.39E+03 s
\choice 1.01E+04 s
\choice 1.10E+04 s
\choice 1.18E+04 s
\CorrectChoice 1.28E+04 s
How long will it take an 7.280E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 43.5-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 17.9-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.77E+04 s
\choice 1.91E+04 s
\CorrectChoice 2.06E+04 s
\choice 2.23E+04 s
\choice 2.40E+04 s
How long will it take an 6.800E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 43.6-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 13.1-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.96E+03 s
\choice 3.20E+03 s
\choice 3.46E+03 s
\choice 3.73E+03 s
\CorrectChoice 4.03E+03 s
How long will it take an 9.290E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 41.8-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 18.8-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.24E+04 s
\CorrectChoice 3.50E+04 s
\choice 3.78E+04 s
\choice 4.08E+04 s
\choice 4.41E+04 s
How long will it take an 6.180E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 36.2-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 18.3-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.73E+04 s
\choice 1.86E+04 s
\choice 2.01E+04 s
\choice 2.17E+04 s
\CorrectChoice 2.35E+04 s
How long will it take an 8.690E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 44.0-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 18.8-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.29E+04 s
\choice 2.47E+04 s
\choice 2.67E+04 s
\choice 2.88E+04 s
\CorrectChoice 3.11E+04 s
How long will it take an 6.420E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 39.3-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 13.5-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.91E+03 s
\choice 5.30E+03 s
\choice 5.73E+03 s
\choice 6.18E+03 s
\choice 6.68E+03 s
How long will it take an 9.060E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 39.6-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 12.9-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.70E+03 s
\choice 5.07E+03 s
\CorrectChoice 5.48E+03 s
\choice 5.92E+03 s
\choice 6.39E+03 s
How long will it take an 8.440E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 36.4-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 11.2-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.35E+03 s
\choice 2.54E+03 s
\CorrectChoice 2.74E+03 s
\choice 2.96E+03 s
\choice 3.19E+03 s
How long will it take an 7.930E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 41.3-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 13.5-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.95E+03 s
\choice 5.34E+03 s
\CorrectChoice 5.77E+03 s
\choice 6.23E+03 s
\choice 6.73E+03 s
How long will it take an 7.510E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 44.2-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 14.7-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.75E+03 s
\choice 6.21E+03 s
\choice 6.70E+03 s
\choice 7.24E+03 s
\CorrectChoice 7.82E+03 s
How long will it take an 8.140E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 35.9-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 17.6-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.04E+04 s
\choice 2.20E+04 s
\choice 2.38E+04 s
\CorrectChoice 2.57E+04 s
\choice 2.77E+04 s
How long will it take an 6.870E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 37.8-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 12.0-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.41E+03 s
\choice 2.60E+03 s
\choice 2.81E+03 s
\CorrectChoice 3.03E+03 s
\choice 3.27E+03 s
How long will it take an 7.710E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 38.1-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 15.8-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+04 s
\CorrectChoice 1.34E+04 s
\choice 1.44E+04 s
\choice 1.56E+04 s
\choice 1.68E+04 s
How long will it take an 6.100E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 42.5-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 15.9-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.05E+03 s
\CorrectChoice 9.78E+03 s
\choice 1.06E+04 s
\choice 1.14E+04 s
\choice 1.23E+04 s
How long will it take an 8.800E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 44.8-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 15.6-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.22E+04 s
\choice 1.31E+04 s
\choice 1.42E+04 s
\choice 1.53E+04 s
\choice 1.65E+04 s
How long will it take an 9.720E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 42.6-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 12.2-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.54E+03 s
\choice 3.83E+03 s
\CorrectChoice 4.13E+03 s
\choice 4.46E+03 s
\choice 4.82E+03 s
How long will it take an 9.550E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 44.3-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 12.4-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.11E+03 s
\choice 3.36E+03 s
\choice 3.63E+03 s
\choice 3.92E+03 s
\CorrectChoice 4.24E+03 s
How long will it take an 7.760E+02-kg car with a useful power output of 41.2-hp (1 hp equals 746 W) to reach a speed of 11.8-m/s, neglecting friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.89E+03 s
\choice 3.12E+03 s
\choice 3.37E+03 s
\choice 3.64E+03 s
\choice 3.93E+03 s

\subsubsection*{up1-07 Q17}
A man of mass 89.9-kg runs up a flight of stairs 25.0-m high in 13.2-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.43E+03 W
\choice 1.55E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.67E+03 W
\choice 1.80E+03 W
\choice 1.95E+03 W
A man of mass 73.9-kg runs up a flight of stairs 29.6-m high in 10.8-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.99E+03 W
\choice 2.15E+03 W
\choice 2.32E+03 W
\choice 2.50E+03 W
\choice 2.70E+03 W
A man of mass 82.1-kg runs up a flight of stairs 24.1-m high in 9.91-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+03 W
\choice 1.81E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+03 W
\choice 2.12E+03 W
\choice 2.28E+03 W
A man of mass 87.7-kg runs up a flight of stairs 20.1-m high in 11.2-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.43E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.54E+03 W
\choice 1.67E+03 W
\choice 1.80E+03 W
\choice 1.94E+03 W
A man of mass 86.1-kg runs up a flight of stairs 23.3-m high in 10.3-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.77E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.91E+03 W
\choice 2.06E+03 W
\choice 2.23E+03 W
\choice 2.41E+03 W
A man of mass 76.9-kg runs up a flight of stairs 17.6-m high in 14.9-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.07E+02 W
\choice 7.64E+02 W
\choice 8.25E+02 W
\CorrectChoice 8.91E+02 W
\choice 9.62E+02 W
A man of mass 71.0-kg runs up a flight of stairs 18.5-m high in 11.2-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.86E+02 W
\choice 1.07E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.15E+03 W
\choice 1.24E+03 W
\choice 1.34E+03 W
A man of mass 75.5-kg runs up a flight of stairs 21.3-m high in 11.3-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.11E+03 W
\choice 1.20E+03 W
\choice 1.29E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.40E+03 W
\choice 1.51E+03 W
A man of mass 88.4-kg runs up a flight of stairs 25.8-m high in 14.0-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.17E+03 W
\choice 1.27E+03 W
\choice 1.37E+03 W
\choice 1.48E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.60E+03 W
A man of mass 79.4-kg runs up a flight of stairs 25.8-m high in 10.9-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.71E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.84E+03 W
\choice 1.99E+03 W
\choice 2.15E+03 W
\choice 2.32E+03 W
A man of mass 80.4-kg runs up a flight of stairs 27.5-m high in 14.2-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.21E+03 W
\choice 1.31E+03 W
\choice 1.41E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.53E+03 W
\choice 1.65E+03 W
A man of mass 70.8-kg runs up a flight of stairs 21.2-m high in 14.8-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.31E+02 W
\choice 7.90E+02 W
\choice 8.53E+02 W
\choice 9.21E+02 W
\CorrectChoice 9.95E+02 W
A man of mass 89.0-kg runs up a flight of stairs 28.0-m high in 11.9-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.76E+03 W
\choice 1.90E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 2.05E+03 W
\choice 2.22E+03 W
\choice 2.40E+03 W
A man of mass 71.4-kg runs up a flight of stairs 26.7-m high in 11.0-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+03 W
\choice 1.84E+03 W
\choice 1.98E+03 W
\choice 2.14E+03 W
A man of mass 88.7-kg runs up a flight of stairs 27.3-m high in 11.3-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.95E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 2.10E+03 W
\choice 2.27E+03 W
\choice 2.45E+03 W
\choice 2.65E+03 W
A man of mass 85.0-kg runs up a flight of stairs 28.5-m high in 12.0-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.70E+03 W
\choice 1.83E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.98E+03 W
\choice 2.14E+03 W
\choice 2.31E+03 W
A man of mass 82.0-kg runs up a flight of stairs 28.8-m high in 12.2-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.63E+03 W
\choice 1.76E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.90E+03 W
\choice 2.05E+03 W
\choice 2.21E+03 W
A man of mass 90.7-kg runs up a flight of stairs 24.2-m high in 12.9-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.23E+03 W
\choice 1.33E+03 W
\choice 1.43E+03 W
\choice 1.55E+03 W
\CorrectChoice 1.67E+03 W
A man of mass 87.8-kg runs up a flight of stairs 21.5-m high in 11.0-s. How much power is used to lift the man?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.68E+03 W
\choice 1.82E+03 W
\choice 1.96E+03 W
\choice 2.12E+03 W
\choice 2.29E+03 W
A camera weighing 10-N falls from a small drone hovering 20.0-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.59E+02J
\choice 1.71E+02J
\choice 1.85E+02J
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+02J
\choice 2.16E+02J
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 15-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.96E+01 
\choice 5.36E+01 
\choice 5.79E+01 
\choice 6.25E+01 
\CorrectChoice 6.75E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 15-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.96E+01 
\choice 5.36E+01 
\choice 5.79E+01 
\choice 6.25E+01 
\CorrectChoice 6.75E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 15-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.02E+00 
\CorrectChoice 2.18E+00 
\choice 2.35E+00 
\choice 2.54E+00 
\choice 2.75E+00 
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.25-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 20-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 17-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.39E+01watts
\choice 1.50E+01watts
\choice 1.62E+01watts
\choice 1.75E+01watts
\choice 1.89E+01watts

\subsubsection*{up1-08 Q1}
A camera weighing 9-N falls from a small drone hovering 10.9-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.08E+01J
\CorrectChoice 9.81E+01J
\choice 1.06E+02J
\choice 1.14E+02J
\choice 1.24E+02J
A camera weighing 11-N falls from a small drone hovering 20.1-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.05E+02J
\CorrectChoice 2.21E+02J
\choice 2.39E+02J
\choice 2.58E+02J
\choice 2.79E+02J
A camera weighing 8-N falls from a small drone hovering 13.8-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.47E+01J
\choice 1.02E+02J
\CorrectChoice 1.10E+02J
\choice 1.19E+02J
\choice 1.29E+02J
A camera weighing 8-N falls from a small drone hovering 10.0-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 8.00E+01J
\choice 8.64E+01J
\choice 9.33E+01J
\choice 1.01E+02J
\choice 1.09E+02J
A camera weighing 8-N falls from a small drone hovering 27.4-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.74E+02J
\choice 1.88E+02J
\choice 2.03E+02J
\CorrectChoice 2.19E+02J
\choice 2.37E+02J
A camera weighing 12-N falls from a small drone hovering 20.8-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.98E+02J
\choice 2.14E+02J
\choice 2.31E+02J
\CorrectChoice 2.50E+02J
\choice 2.70E+02J
A camera weighing 11-N falls from a small drone hovering 25.3-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.78E+02J
\choice 3.01E+02J
\choice 3.25E+02J
\choice 3.51E+02J
\choice 3.79E+02J
A camera weighing 11-N falls from a small drone hovering 30.0-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.43E+02J
\choice 2.62E+02J
\choice 2.83E+02J
\choice 3.06E+02J
\CorrectChoice 3.30E+02J
A camera weighing 10-N falls from a small drone hovering 17.6-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.40E+02J
\choice 1.51E+02J
\choice 1.63E+02J
\CorrectChoice 1.76E+02J
\choice 1.90E+02J
A camera weighing 8-N falls from a small drone hovering 11.5-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.52E+01J
\CorrectChoice 9.20E+01J
\choice 9.94E+01J
\choice 1.07E+02J
\choice 1.16E+02J
A camera weighing 12-N falls from a small drone hovering 24.4-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.15E+02J
\choice 2.32E+02J
\choice 2.51E+02J
\choice 2.71E+02J
\CorrectChoice 2.93E+02J
A camera weighing 12-N falls from a small drone hovering 10.6-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.18E+02J
\CorrectChoice 1.27E+02J
\choice 1.37E+02J
\choice 1.48E+02J
\choice 1.60E+02J
A camera weighing 10-N falls from a small drone hovering 17.7-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.64E+02J
\CorrectChoice 1.77E+02J
\choice 1.91E+02J
\choice 2.06E+02J
\choice 2.23E+02J
A camera weighing 11-N falls from a small drone hovering 27.3-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.38E+02J
\choice 2.57E+02J
\choice 2.78E+02J
\CorrectChoice 3.00E+02J
\choice 3.24E+02J
A camera weighing 9-N falls from a small drone hovering 22.3-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.48E+02J
\choice 1.59E+02J
\choice 1.72E+02J
\choice 1.86E+02J
\CorrectChoice 2.01E+02J
A camera weighing 11-N falls from a small drone hovering 29.4-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.23E+02J
\choice 3.49E+02J
\choice 3.77E+02J
\choice 4.07E+02J
\choice 4.40E+02J
A camera weighing 9-N falls from a small drone hovering 20.5-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.71E+02J
\CorrectChoice 1.84E+02J
\choice 1.99E+02J
\choice 2.15E+02J
\choice 2.32E+02J
A camera weighing 12-N falls from a small drone hovering 11.1-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.23E+02J
\CorrectChoice 1.33E+02J
\choice 1.44E+02J
\choice 1.55E+02J
\choice 1.68E+02J
A camera weighing 9-N falls from a small drone hovering 21.3-m overhead and enters free fall.What is the gravitational potential energy of the camera before it falls from the drone?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.78E+02J
\CorrectChoice 1.92E+02J
\choice 2.07E+02J
\choice 2.24E+02J
\choice 2.41E+02J

\subsubsection*{up1-08 Q2}
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 13-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.50E+00 
\choice 7.02E+00 
\choice 7.58E+00 
\choice 8.19E+00 
\choice 8.84E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 14-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 5-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.75E+02 
\choice 1.89E+02 
\choice 2.04E+02 
\choice 2.20E+02 
\choice 2.38E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 15-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.25E+01 
\CorrectChoice 6.75E+01 
\choice 7.29E+01 
\choice 7.87E+01 
\choice 8.50E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 17-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.70E+01 
\choice 2.91E+01 
\choice 3.15E+01 
\CorrectChoice 3.40E+01 
\choice 3.67E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 16-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.74E+01 
\choice 2.96E+01 
\CorrectChoice 3.20E+01 
\choice 3.46E+01 
\choice 3.73E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 20-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.35E+00 
\choice 7.94E+00 
\choice 8.57E+00 
\choice 9.26E+00 
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 12-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.00E+00 
\choice 6.48E+00 
\choice 7.00E+00 
\choice 7.56E+00 
\choice 8.16E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 11-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 5-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.38E+02 
\choice 1.48E+02 
\choice 1.60E+02 
\choice 1.73E+02 
\choice 1.87E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 20-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 5-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.84E+02 
\choice 1.98E+02 
\choice 2.14E+02 
\choice 2.31E+02 
\CorrectChoice 2.50E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 12-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.06E+01 
\choice 2.22E+01 
\CorrectChoice 2.40E+01 
\choice 2.59E+01 
\choice 2.80E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 17-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.50E+01 
\choice 2.70E+01 
\choice 2.91E+01 
\choice 3.15E+01 
\CorrectChoice 3.40E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 13-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.02E+01 
\choice 5.42E+01 
\CorrectChoice 5.85E+01 
\choice 6.32E+01 
\choice 6.82E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 14-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 4-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.60E+01 
\choice 1.04E+02 
\CorrectChoice 1.12E+02 
\choice 1.21E+02 
\choice 1.31E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 15-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 5-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.88E+02 
\choice 2.02E+02 
\choice 2.19E+02 
\choice 2.36E+02 
\choice 2.55E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 18-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.62E+00 
\choice 7.14E+00 
\choice 7.72E+00 
\choice 8.33E+00 
\CorrectChoice 9.00E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 14-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+01 
\choice 3.02E+01 
\choice 3.27E+01 
\choice 3.53E+01 
\choice 3.81E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 12-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 5-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.50E+02 
\choice 1.62E+02 
\choice 1.75E+02 
\choice 1.89E+02 
\choice 2.04E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 15-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.51E+00 
\choice 5.95E+00 
\choice 6.43E+00 
\choice 6.94E+00 
\CorrectChoice 7.50E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 15-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the kinetic energy of the ball as it leaves the hand?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.79E+01 
\choice 6.25E+01 
\CorrectChoice 6.75E+01 
\choice 7.29E+01 
\choice 7.87E+01 

\subsubsection*{up1-08 Q3}
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 20-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.72E+01 
\choice 8.33E+01 
\CorrectChoice 9.00E+01 
\choice 9.72E+01 
\choice 1.05E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 19-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.02E+01 
\choice 3.26E+01 
\choice 3.52E+01 
\CorrectChoice 3.80E+01 
\choice 4.10E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 12-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 5-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.39E+02 
\CorrectChoice 1.50E+02 
\choice 1.62E+02 
\choice 1.75E+02 
\choice 1.89E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 10-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.97E+00 
\choice 4.29E+00 
\choice 4.63E+00 
\CorrectChoice 5.00E+00 
\choice 5.40E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 16-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.54E+01 
\choice 2.74E+01 
\choice 2.96E+01 
\CorrectChoice 3.20E+01 
\choice 3.46E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 12-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.41E+00 
\choice 4.76E+00 
\choice 5.14E+00 
\choice 5.56E+00 
\CorrectChoice 6.00E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 19-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 5-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.38E+02 
\choice 2.56E+02 
\choice 2.77E+02 
\choice 2.99E+02 
\choice 3.23E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 12-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.76E+00 
\choice 5.14E+00 
\choice 5.56E+00 
\CorrectChoice 6.00E+00 
\choice 6.48E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 14-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.48E+00 
\CorrectChoice 7.00E+00 
\choice 7.56E+00 
\choice 8.16E+00 
\choice 8.82E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 13-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 5-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.29E+02 
\choice 1.39E+02 
\choice 1.50E+02 
\CorrectChoice 1.62E+02 
\choice 1.76E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 13-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.60E+01 
\choice 2.81E+01 
\choice 3.03E+01 
\choice 3.28E+01 
\choice 3.54E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 18-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.09E+01 
\choice 3.33E+01 
\CorrectChoice 3.60E+01 
\choice 3.89E+01 
\choice 4.20E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 20-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.70E+01 
\CorrectChoice 4.00E+01 
\choice 4.32E+01 
\choice 4.67E+01 
\choice 5.04E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 18-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 4-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.33E+02 
\CorrectChoice 1.44E+02 
\choice 1.56E+02 
\choice 1.68E+02 
\choice 1.81E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 20-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 4-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.27E+02 
\choice 1.37E+02 
\choice 1.48E+02 
\CorrectChoice 1.60E+02 
\choice 1.73E+02 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 16-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.67E+01 
\CorrectChoice 7.20E+01 
\choice 7.78E+01 
\choice 8.40E+01 
\choice 9.07E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 14-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.00E+00 
\choice 7.56E+00 
\choice 8.16E+00 
\choice 8.82E+00 
\choice 9.52E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 20-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.14E+01 
\choice 7.72E+01 
\choice 8.33E+01 
\CorrectChoice 9.00E+01 
\choice 9.72E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 11-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. How much work is done by the gravitational force during the balls rise to its peak?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.09E+00 
\CorrectChoice 5.50E+00 
\choice 5.94E+00 
\choice 6.42E+00 
\choice 6.93E+00 

\subsubsection*{up1-08 Q4}
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 16-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.61E+00 
\choice 3.89E+00 
\choice 4.21E+00 
\choice 4.54E+00 
\CorrectChoice 4.91E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 11-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.91E+00 
\choice 5.30E+00 
\choice 5.72E+00 
\choice 6.18E+00 
\choice 6.67E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 13-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.60E+00 
\choice 1.73E+00 
\choice 1.87E+00 
\choice 2.02E+00 
\CorrectChoice 2.18E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 12-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 4-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.01E-01 
\choice 9.73E-01 
\choice 1.05E+00 
\choice 1.14E+00 
\CorrectChoice 1.23E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 18-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.82E+01 
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+01 
\choice 2.12E+01 
\choice 2.29E+01 
\choice 2.47E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 10-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 4-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.01E-01 
\choice 9.73E-01 
\choice 1.05E+00 
\choice 1.14E+00 
\CorrectChoice 1.23E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 13-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 4-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.23E+00 
\choice 1.32E+00 
\choice 1.43E+00 
\choice 1.54E+00 
\choice 1.67E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 19-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.73E+00 
\choice 1.87E+00 
\choice 2.02E+00 
\CorrectChoice 2.18E+00 
\choice 2.35E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 13-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 5-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.73E-01 
\choice 7.27E-01 
\CorrectChoice 7.85E-01 
\choice 8.48E-01 
\choice 9.15E-01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 20-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 5-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.77E-01 
\choice 6.23E-01 
\choice 6.73E-01 
\choice 7.27E-01 
\CorrectChoice 7.85E-01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 11-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.91E+00 
\choice 5.30E+00 
\choice 5.72E+00 
\choice 6.18E+00 
\choice 6.67E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 10-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.87E+00 
\choice 2.02E+00 
\CorrectChoice 2.18E+00 
\choice 2.35E+00 
\choice 2.54E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 14-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.87E+00 
\choice 2.02E+00 
\CorrectChoice 2.18E+00 
\choice 2.35E+00 
\choice 2.54E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 11-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 2-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.54E+00 
\CorrectChoice 4.91E+00 
\choice 5.30E+00 
\choice 5.72E+00 
\choice 6.18E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 20-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 4-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.14E+00 
\CorrectChoice 1.23E+00 
\choice 1.32E+00 
\choice 1.43E+00 
\choice 1.54E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 20-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 1-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.44E+01 
\choice 1.56E+01 
\choice 1.68E+01 
\choice 1.82E+01 
\CorrectChoice 1.96E+01 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 18-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 4-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.05E+00 
\choice 1.14E+00 
\CorrectChoice 1.23E+00 
\choice 1.32E+00 
\choice 1.43E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 16-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.18E+00 
\choice 2.35E+00 
\choice 2.54E+00 
\choice 2.75E+00 
\choice 2.97E+00 
A cats crinkle ball toy of mass 18-g is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 3-m/s. Assume in the problem that air drag is negligible. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.87E+00 
\choice 2.02E+00 
\CorrectChoice 2.18E+00 
\choice 2.35E+00 
\choice 2.54E+00 

\subsubsection*{up1-08 Q5}
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.277-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 19-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 14-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.68E+01watts
\choice 1.81E+01watts
\choice 1.96E+01watts
\choice 2.12E+01watts
\CorrectChoice 2.29E+01watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.178-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 21-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 12-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.10E+01watts
\choice 2.27E+01watts
\choice 2.45E+01watts
\CorrectChoice 2.64E+01watts
\choice 2.85E+01watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.329-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 15-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 13-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.31E+00watts
\choice 7.90E+00watts
\choice 8.53E+00watts
\CorrectChoice 9.21E+00watts
\choice 9.95E+00watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.244-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 20-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 21-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice -3.68E+00watts
\choice -3.97E+00watts
\choice -4.29E+00watts
\choice -4.63E+00watts
\CorrectChoice -5.00E+00watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.204-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 16-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 17-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice -2.89E+00watts
\choice -3.12E+00watts
\CorrectChoice -3.37E+00watts
\choice -3.64E+00watts
\choice -3.93E+00watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.331-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 16-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 12-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.47E+01watts
\choice 1.59E+01watts
\choice 1.72E+01watts
\CorrectChoice 1.85E+01watts
\choice 2.00E+01watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.211-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 22-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 12-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.32E+01watts
\CorrectChoice 3.59E+01watts
\choice 3.87E+01watts
\choice 4.18E+01watts
\choice 4.52E+01watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.195-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 15-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 18-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice -8.28E+00watts
\choice -8.94E+00watts
\CorrectChoice -9.65E+00watts
\choice -1.04E+01watts
\choice -1.13E+01watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.19-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 19-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 12-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.77E+01watts
\choice 1.91E+01watts
\CorrectChoice 2.06E+01watts
\choice 2.23E+01watts
\choice 2.40E+01watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.202-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 16-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 14-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.06E+00watts
\choice 6.54E+00watts
\choice 7.07E+00watts
\choice 7.63E+00watts
\choice 8.24E+00watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.245-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 24-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 13-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.62E+01watts
\CorrectChoice 4.99E+01watts
\choice 5.38E+01watts
\choice 5.82E+01watts
\choice 6.28E+01watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.267-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 20-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 20-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 0.00E+00watts
\choice 0.00E+00watts
\CorrectChoice 0.00E+00watts
\choice 0.00E+00watts
\choice 0.00E+00watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.287-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 20-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 16-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.64E+01watts
\choice 1.77E+01watts
\choice 1.91E+01watts
\CorrectChoice 2.07E+01watts
\choice 2.23E+01watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.34-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 15-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 22-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice -4.08E+01watts
\CorrectChoice -4.40E+01watts
\choice -4.76E+01watts
\choice -5.14E+01watts
\choice -5.55E+01watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.182-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 17-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 21-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice -1.38E+01watts
\choice -1.49E+01watts
\choice -1.61E+01watts
\choice -1.74E+01watts
\choice -1.88E+01watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.197-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 22-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 22-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 0.00E+00watts
\CorrectChoice 0.00E+00watts
\choice 0.00E+00watts
\choice 0.00E+00watts
\choice 0.00E+00watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.179-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 20-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 21-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice -2.70E+00watts
\choice -2.91E+00watts
\choice -3.15E+00watts
\choice -3.40E+00watts
\CorrectChoice -3.67E+00watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.283-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 19-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 12-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.07E+01watts
\choice 3.32E+01watts
\choice 3.58E+01watts
\choice 3.87E+01watts
\choice 4.18E+01watts
A boy throws a ball of mass 0.25-kg straight upward with an initial speed of 25-m/s. When the ball returns to the boy, its speed is 22-m/s. How much work does air resistance do on the ball during its flight?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.63E+01watts
\CorrectChoice 1.76E+01watts
\choice 1.90E+01watts
\choice 2.06E+01watts
\choice 2.22E+01watts
A skater of mass 40-kg is carrying a box of mass 5-kg. The skater has a speed of 5-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.14E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.31E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.50E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.70E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.92E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 40-kg is carrying a box of mass 5-kg. The skater has a speed of 5-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.50E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.70E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.92E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.15E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.40E+01kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 40-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 1.000E+02-m by 5.000E+02-m over a distance of 1.0-km down a hill in 5.5-s? Assume a density of 3.500E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.27E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.37E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.48E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.60E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.73E+08kg*m/s
A 75-kg person is riding in a car moving at 20.0 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 1.0-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.78E+04N
\CorrectChoice 3.00E+04N
\choice 3.24E+04N
\choice 3.50E+04N
\choice 3.78E+04N
A 75-kg person is riding in a car moving at 20.0when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 15.0-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+03N
\choice 2.16E+03N
\choice 2.33E+03N
\choice 2.52E+03N
\choice 2.72E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 50-kg/s and a speed of 42.0-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.94E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.10E+03N
\choice 2.27E+03N
\choice 2.45E+03N
\choice 2.65E+03N
A bullet of mass 2.000E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.000E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.5-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.68E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 3.97E+02m/s east
\choice 4.29E+02m/s east
\choice 4.63E+02m/s east
\choice 5.00E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 2.000E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.000E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.5-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.38E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 4.73E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 5.11E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 5.51E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 5.96E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.000E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.000E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.5-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.73E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.11E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.51E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 5.96E+02N towards the block
\choice 6.43E+02N towards the block
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.5-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.2-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 50-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.08E+00m/s
\choice 5.48E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.92E+00m/s
\choice 6.39E+00m/s
\choice 6.91E+00m/s
A 5.5-kg bowling ball moving at 9.0-m/s collides with a 0.85-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 15.0-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 90.0-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.15-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 45.0-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 15.0-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.98E-02m
\choice 2.14E-02m
\choice 2.31E-02m
\CorrectChoice 2.50E-02m
\choice 2.70E-02m

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q1}
A skater of mass 44-kg is carrying a box of mass 5-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.78E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 3.00E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.24E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.50E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.78E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 46-kg is carrying a box of mass 7-kg. The skater has a speed of 4-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.40E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.59E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.02E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.27E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 30-kg is carrying a box of mass 6-kg. The skater has a speed of 3-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.32E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.43E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.54E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.67E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.80E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 42-kg is carrying a box of mass 4-kg. The skater has a speed of 5-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.16E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.33E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.52E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.72E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 40-kg is carrying a box of mass 5-kg. The skater has a speed of 7-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.50E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.78E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.08E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.41E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.76E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 45-kg is carrying a box of mass 3-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.67E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.94E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.10E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.27E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 47-kg is carrying a box of mass 4-kg. The skater has a speed of 3-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.53E+00kg*m/s
\choice 1.03E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.11E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.20E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.30E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 34-kg is carrying a box of mass 4-kg. The skater has a speed of 7-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.22E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.40E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.59E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.02E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 39-kg is carrying a box of mass 4-kg. The skater has a speed of 7-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.02E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.27E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.53E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.81E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 39-kg is carrying a box of mass 4-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.91E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.06E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.22E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.40E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.59E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 32-kg is carrying a box of mass 5-kg. The skater has a speed of 4-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.85E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.16E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.33E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.52E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 32-kg is carrying a box of mass 7-kg. The skater has a speed of 4-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.59E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.02E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.27E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.53E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 50-kg is carrying a box of mass 7-kg. The skater has a speed of 3-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.94E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.10E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.27E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.45E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 37-kg is carrying a box of mass 7-kg. The skater has a speed of 7-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.20E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.54E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 4.90E+01kg*m/s
\choice 5.29E+01kg*m/s
\choice 5.72E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 33-kg is carrying a box of mass 5-kg. The skater has a speed of 4-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.47E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.59E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.71E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.85E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 33-kg is carrying a box of mass 5-kg. The skater has a speed of 5-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.14E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.31E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.50E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.70E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.92E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 35-kg is carrying a box of mass 4-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.22E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.40E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.59E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.02E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 49-kg is carrying a box of mass 4-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.76E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.91E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.06E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.22E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.40E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 32-kg is carrying a box of mass 7-kg. The skater has a speed of 3-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.67E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.94E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.10E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.27E+01kg*m/s

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q2}
A skater of mass 43-kg is carrying a box of mass 3-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.32E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.43E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.54E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.67E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.80E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 32-kg is carrying a box of mass 7-kg. The skater has a speed of 4-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.06E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.22E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.40E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.59E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 50-kg is carrying a box of mass 4-kg. The skater has a speed of 7-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.02E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.27E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.53E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.81E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 35-kg is carrying a box of mass 7-kg. The skater has a speed of 7-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.90E+01kg*m/s
\choice 5.29E+01kg*m/s
\choice 5.72E+01kg*m/s
\choice 6.17E+01kg*m/s
\choice 6.67E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 47-kg is carrying a box of mass 6-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.60E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.89E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.20E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.53E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.90E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 38-kg is carrying a box of mass 3-kg. The skater has a speed of 4-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.11E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.20E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.30E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.40E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.51E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 32-kg is carrying a box of mass 3-kg. The skater has a speed of 5-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.50E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.62E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.75E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.89E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.04E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 37-kg is carrying a box of mass 7-kg. The skater has a speed of 7-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.20E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.54E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 4.90E+01kg*m/s
\choice 5.29E+01kg*m/s
\choice 5.72E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 50-kg is carrying a box of mass 7-kg. The skater has a speed of 4-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.59E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.02E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.27E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.53E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 45-kg is carrying a box of mass 5-kg. The skater has a speed of 5-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.98E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.14E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.31E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.50E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.70E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 36-kg is carrying a box of mass 6-kg. The skater has a speed of 5-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.38E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.57E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.78E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 3.00E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.24E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 38-kg is carrying a box of mass 5-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.38E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.57E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.78E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 3.00E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.24E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 47-kg is carrying a box of mass 6-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.60E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.89E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.20E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.53E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.90E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 33-kg is carrying a box of mass 4-kg. The skater has a speed of 5-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.85E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.16E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.33E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.52E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 31-kg is carrying a box of mass 3-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.43E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.54E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.67E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.94E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 39-kg is carrying a box of mass 5-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.00E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.24E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.50E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.78E+01kg*m/s
\choice 4.08E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 32-kg is carrying a box of mass 4-kg. The skater has a speed of 7-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.59E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.02E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.27E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.53E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 44-kg is carrying a box of mass 6-kg. The skater has a speed of 6-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.65E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.86E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.09E+01kg*m/s
\choice 3.33E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 3.60E+01kg*m/s
A skater of mass 39-kg is carrying a box of mass 4-kg. The skater has a speed of 5-m/s with respect to the floor and is gliding without any friction on a smooth surface. Find the momentum of the box with respect to the floor after she puts the box down on the frictionless skating surface.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.59E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.71E+01kg*m/s
\choice 1.85E+01kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+01kg*m/s
\choice 2.16E+01kg*m/s

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q3}
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 34-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 1.120E+02-m by 4.680E+02-m over a distance of 0.833-km down a hill in 4.97-s? Assume a density of 3.220E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.07E+07kg*m/s
\choice 7.64E+07kg*m/s
\choice 8.25E+07kg*m/s
\choice 8.91E+07kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 9.62E+07kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 35-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 89-m by 5.170E+02-m over a distance of 1.21-km down a hill in 4.53-s? Assume a density of 3.280E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.04E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.12E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.21E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.31E+08kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.41E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 42-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 1.020E+02-m by 4.370E+02-m over a distance of 0.93-km down a hill in 4.63-s? Assume a density of 3.290E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+08kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.24E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.34E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.44E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.56E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 39-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 94-m by 5.560E+02-m over a distance of 0.835-km down a hill in 5.3-s? Assume a density of 3.960E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.18E+08kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.27E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.37E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.48E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.60E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 42-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 1.060E+02-m by 4.410E+02-m over a distance of 1.09-km down a hill in 4.68-s? Assume a density of 3.240E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.18E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.27E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.37E+08kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.48E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.60E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 34-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 9.900E+01-m by 4.050E+02-m over a distance of 1.2-km down a hill in 6.39-s? Assume a density of 3.410E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 8.73E+07kg*m/s
\choice 9.43E+07kg*m/s
\choice 1.02E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.10E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.19E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 30-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 1.080E+02-m by 4.060E+02-m over a distance of 1.23-km down a hill in 5.8-s? Assume a density of 3.610E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.32E+07kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.01E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.09E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.17E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.27E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 47-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 83-m by 4.900E+02-m over a distance of 1.08-km down a hill in 5.06-s? Assume a density of 3.390E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.28E+08kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.38E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.49E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.61E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.74E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 33-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 83-m by 4.170E+02-m over a distance of 0.85-km down a hill in 4.5-s? Assume a density of 3.060E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.11E+07kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 6.60E+07kg*m/s
\choice 7.13E+07kg*m/s
\choice 7.70E+07kg*m/s
\choice 8.32E+07kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 39-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 83-m by 5.150E+02-m over a distance of 0.948-km down a hill in 5.85-s? Assume a density of 3.130E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.83E+07kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 8.46E+07kg*m/s
\choice 9.13E+07kg*m/s
\choice 9.86E+07kg*m/s
\choice 1.07E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 49-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 85-m by 5.100E+02-m over a distance of 0.866-km down a hill in 5.89-s? Assume a density of 3.980E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+08kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.24E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.34E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.45E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.57E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 38-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 91-m by 5.820E+02-m over a distance of 1.17-km down a hill in 5.73-s? Assume a density of 3.530E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.07E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.15E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.24E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.34E+08kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.45E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 31-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 1.090E+02-m by 5.520E+02-m over a distance of 1.06-km down a hill in 5.74-s? Assume a density of 3.000E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.03E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.12E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.21E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.30E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.41E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 33-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 1.070E+02-m by 5.660E+02-m over a distance of 1.2-km down a hill in 5.42-s? Assume a density of 3.320E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.17E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.26E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.36E+08kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.47E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.59E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 39-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 1.130E+02-m by 5.500E+02-m over a distance of 0.887-km down a hill in 4.68-s? Assume a density of 3.740E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.47E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.59E+08kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.72E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.86E+08kg*m/s
\choice 2.00E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 47-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 84-m by 4.560E+02-m over a distance of 1.05-km down a hill in 4.83-s? Assume a density of 3.660E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.05E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.14E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.23E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.33E+08kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.43E+08kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 30-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 1.180E+02-m by 5.470E+02-m over a distance of 0.953-km down a hill in 6.3-s? Assume a density of 3.080E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.63E+07kg*m/s
\choice 7.16E+07kg*m/s
\choice 7.73E+07kg*m/s
\choice 8.35E+07kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 9.02E+07kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 32-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 1.000E+02-m by 4.660E+02-m over a distance of 1.02-km down a hill in 6.37-s? Assume a density of 3.020E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.72E+07kg*m/s
\choice 6.18E+07kg*m/s
\choice 6.68E+07kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 7.21E+07kg*m/s
\choice 7.79E+07kg*m/s
What is the average momentum of an avalanche that moves a 45-cm-thick layer of snow over an area of 1.110E+02-m by 5.170E+02-m over a distance of 1.05-km down a hill in 5.12-s? Assume a density of 3.030E+02-kg/m\textsuperscript{3} for the snow.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.49E+08kg*m/s
\CorrectChoice 1.60E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.73E+08kg*m/s
\choice 1.87E+08kg*m/s
\choice 2.02E+08kg*m/s

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q4}
A 81-kg person is riding in a car moving at 19.1 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 1.2-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.81E+04N
\choice 1.95E+04N
\choice 2.11E+04N
\choice 2.28E+04N
\CorrectChoice 2.46E+04N
A 73-kg person is riding in a car moving at 14.9 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 0.952-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+04N
\choice 1.84E+04N
\choice 1.99E+04N
\choice 2.14E+04N
\choice 2.32E+04N
A 73-kg person is riding in a car moving at 15.0 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 0.694-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.37E+04N
\choice 2.56E+04N
\choice 2.76E+04N
\choice 2.98E+04N
\choice 3.22E+04N
A 65-kg person is riding in a car moving at 10.8 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 0.87-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 8.71E+03N
\choice 9.41E+03N
\choice 1.02E+04N
\choice 1.10E+04N
\choice 1.19E+04N
A 80-kg person is riding in a car moving at 23.3 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 0.995-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.74E+04N
\choice 4.04E+04N
\CorrectChoice 4.36E+04N
\choice 4.71E+04N
\choice 5.09E+04N
A 70-kg person is riding in a car moving at 19.6 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 1.41-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.77E+04N
\CorrectChoice 1.91E+04N
\choice 2.06E+04N
\choice 2.22E+04N
\choice 2.40E+04N
A 75-kg person is riding in a car moving at 18.2 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 1.08-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.97E+04N
\choice 2.13E+04N
\CorrectChoice 2.30E+04N
\choice 2.48E+04N
\choice 2.68E+04N
A 76-kg person is riding in a car moving at 24.8 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 0.716-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.60E+04N
\choice 6.04E+04N
\CorrectChoice 6.53E+04N
\choice 7.05E+04N
\choice 7.61E+04N
A 71-kg person is riding in a car moving at 19.5 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 0.598-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.32E+04N
\choice 3.58E+04N
\choice 3.87E+04N
\choice 4.18E+04N
\CorrectChoice 4.51E+04N
A 64-kg person is riding in a car moving at 10.0 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 1.42-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.17E+03N
\CorrectChoice 4.51E+03N
\choice 4.87E+03N
\choice 5.26E+03N
\choice 5.68E+03N
A 74-kg person is riding in a car moving at 24.4 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 0.81-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.04E+04N
\CorrectChoice 5.44E+04N
\choice 5.87E+04N
\choice 6.34E+04N
\choice 6.85E+04N
A 78-kg person is riding in a car moving at 27.5 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 0.777-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.59E+04N
\choice 8.20E+04N
\choice 8.85E+04N
\choice 9.56E+04N
\choice 1.03E+05N
A 76-kg person is riding in a car moving at 16.5 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 1.27-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.51E+04N
\CorrectChoice 1.63E+04N
\choice 1.76E+04N
\choice 1.90E+04N
\choice 2.05E+04N
A 82-kg person is riding in a car moving at 28.1 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 0.935-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.50E+04N
\choice 5.94E+04N
\choice 6.41E+04N
\CorrectChoice 6.92E+04N
\choice 7.48E+04N
A 68-kg person is riding in a car moving at 12.9 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 1.33-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.25E+03N
\choice 6.75E+03N
\choice 7.29E+03N
\choice 7.88E+03N
\CorrectChoice 8.51E+03N
A 79-kg person is riding in a car moving at 12.2 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 0.991-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.10E+04N
\CorrectChoice 1.19E+04N
\choice 1.28E+04N
\choice 1.38E+04N
\choice 1.49E+04N
A 64-kg person is riding in a car moving at 23.8 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 0.855-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.37E+04N
\choice 3.64E+04N
\choice 3.93E+04N
\CorrectChoice 4.24E+04N
\choice 4.58E+04N
A 65-kg person is riding in a car moving at 18.9 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 1.38-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.44E+04N
\choice 1.56E+04N
\CorrectChoice 1.68E+04N
\choice 1.82E+04N
\choice 1.96E+04N
A 69-kg person is riding in a car moving at 18.5 when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by a padded dashboard that compresses an average of 1.37-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.60E+04N
\CorrectChoice 1.72E+04N
\choice 1.86E+04N
\choice 2.01E+04N
\choice 2.17E+04N

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q5}
A 66-kg person is riding in a car moving at 28.7when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 19.4-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.22E+03N
\choice 2.40E+03N
\choice 2.59E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+03N
\choice 3.03E+03N
A 63-kg person is riding in a car moving at 19.6when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 11.3-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+03N
\choice 1.70E+03N
\choice 1.84E+03N
\choice 1.98E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.14E+03N
A 64-kg person is riding in a car moving at 12.6when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 19.5-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.83E+02N
\choice 4.14E+02N
\choice 4.47E+02N
\choice 4.82E+02N
\CorrectChoice 5.21E+02N
A 69-kg person is riding in a car moving at 28.2when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 10.8-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.70E+03N
\CorrectChoice 5.08E+03N
\choice 5.49E+03N
\choice 5.93E+03N
\choice 6.40E+03N
A 82-kg person is riding in a car moving at 28.8when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 15.0-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.53E+03N
\choice 4.90E+03N
\choice 5.29E+03N
\choice 5.71E+03N
\choice 6.17E+03N
A 81-kg person is riding in a car moving at 15.4when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 15.5-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.11E+02N
\choice 9.84E+02N
\choice 1.06E+03N
\choice 1.15E+03N
\CorrectChoice 1.24E+03N
A 75-kg person is riding in a car moving at 23.4when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 19.6-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.54E+03N
\choice 1.66E+03N
\choice 1.80E+03N
\choice 1.94E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.10E+03N
A 71-kg person is riding in a car moving at 14.2when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 16.9-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.84E+02N
\CorrectChoice 8.47E+02N
\choice 9.15E+02N
\choice 9.88E+02N
\choice 1.07E+03N
A 73-kg person is riding in a car moving at 12.9when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 15.8-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.10E+02N
\choice 6.59E+02N
\choice 7.12E+02N
\CorrectChoice 7.69E+02N
\choice 8.30E+02N
A 60-kg person is riding in a car moving at 25.8when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 10.8-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.94E+03N
\choice 3.17E+03N
\choice 3.42E+03N
\CorrectChoice 3.70E+03N
\choice 3.99E+03N
A 60-kg person is riding in a car moving at 11.8when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 17.9-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.32E+02N
\CorrectChoice 4.67E+02N
\choice 5.04E+02N
\choice 5.44E+02N
\choice 5.88E+02N
A 88-kg person is riding in a car moving at 21.2when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 15.0-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.09E+03N
\choice 2.26E+03N
\choice 2.44E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.64E+03N
\choice 2.85E+03N
A 88-kg person is riding in a car moving at 10.2when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 10.2-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.31E+02N
\CorrectChoice 8.98E+02N
\choice 9.69E+02N
\choice 1.05E+03N
\choice 1.13E+03N
A 90-kg person is riding in a car moving at 14.2when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 15.5-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.17E+03N
\choice 1.26E+03N
\choice 1.37E+03N
\choice 1.47E+03N
\choice 1.59E+03N
A 67-kg person is riding in a car moving at 21.1when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 12.8-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.16E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.33E+03N
\choice 2.52E+03N
\choice 2.72E+03N
\choice 2.94E+03N
A 85-kg person is riding in a car moving at 19.9when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 11.6-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.13E+03N
\choice 2.30E+03N
\choice 2.49E+03N
\choice 2.69E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.90E+03N
A 84-kg person is riding in a car moving at 18.8when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 19.6-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.20E+03N
\choice 1.30E+03N
\choice 1.40E+03N
\CorrectChoice 1.51E+03N
\choice 1.64E+03N
A 86-kg person is riding in a car moving at 26.7when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 18.9-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.78E+03N
\choice 3.00E+03N
\CorrectChoice 3.24E+03N
\choice 3.50E+03N
\choice 3.78E+03N
A 72-kg person is riding in a car moving at 29.5when the car runs into a bridge abutment. Calculate the average force on the person if he is stopped by an air bag that compresses an average of 11.4-cm.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.36E+03N
\choice 4.71E+03N
\choice 5.09E+03N
\CorrectChoice 5.50E+03N
\choice 5.94E+03N

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q6}
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 47-kg/s and a speed of 48.8-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.29E+03N
\choice 2.48E+03N
\choice 2.68E+03N
\choice 2.89E+03N
\choice 3.12E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 44-kg/s and a speed of 31.9-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.03E+03N
\choice 1.11E+03N
\choice 1.20E+03N
\choice 1.30E+03N
\CorrectChoice 1.40E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 55-kg/s and a speed of 36.8-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.02E+03N
\choice 2.19E+03N
\choice 2.36E+03N
\choice 2.55E+03N
\choice 2.75E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 53-kg/s and a speed of 52.2-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.77E+03N
\choice 2.99E+03N
\choice 3.23E+03N
\choice 3.49E+03N
\choice 3.76E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 52-kg/s and a speed of 41.6-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.00E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.16E+03N
\choice 2.34E+03N
\choice 2.52E+03N
\choice 2.73E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 48-kg/s and a speed of 34.2-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.21E+03N
\choice 1.30E+03N
\choice 1.41E+03N
\choice 1.52E+03N
\CorrectChoice 1.64E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 44-kg/s and a speed of 37.8-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.43E+03N
\choice 1.54E+03N
\CorrectChoice 1.66E+03N
\choice 1.80E+03N
\choice 1.94E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 48-kg/s and a speed of 42.9-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.63E+03N
\choice 1.77E+03N
\choice 1.91E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.06E+03N
\choice 2.22E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 56-kg/s and a speed of 38.7-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.17E+03N
\choice 2.34E+03N
\choice 2.53E+03N
\choice 2.73E+03N
\choice 2.95E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 53-kg/s and a speed of 43.5-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.31E+03N
\choice 2.49E+03N
\choice 2.69E+03N
\choice 2.90E+03N
\choice 3.14E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 41-kg/s and a speed of 34.2-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.03E+03N
\choice 1.11E+03N
\choice 1.20E+03N
\choice 1.30E+03N
\CorrectChoice 1.40E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 54-kg/s and a speed of 39.5-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.83E+03N
\choice 1.97E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.13E+03N
\choice 2.30E+03N
\choice 2.49E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 45-kg/s and a speed of 35.6-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.37E+03N
\choice 1.48E+03N
\CorrectChoice 1.60E+03N
\choice 1.73E+03N
\choice 1.87E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 53-kg/s and a speed of 50.3-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.47E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.67E+03N
\choice 2.88E+03N
\choice 3.11E+03N
\choice 3.36E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 48-kg/s and a speed of 41.6-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.47E+03N
\choice 1.59E+03N
\choice 1.71E+03N
\choice 1.85E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 55-kg/s and a speed of 47.8-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.43E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.63E+03N
\choice 2.84E+03N
\choice 3.07E+03N
\choice 3.31E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 46-kg/s and a speed of 52.1-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.76E+03N
\choice 1.90E+03N
\choice 2.05E+03N
\choice 2.22E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.40E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 41-kg/s and a speed of 51.7-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.12E+03N
\choice 2.29E+03N
\choice 2.47E+03N
\choice 2.67E+03N
\choice 2.88E+03N
Water from a fire hose is directed horizontally against a wall at a rate of 49-kg/s and a speed of 52.2-m/s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall, assuming the waters horizontal momentum is reduced to zero.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.19E+03N
\choice 2.37E+03N
\CorrectChoice 2.56E+03N
\choice 2.76E+03N
\choice 2.98E+03N

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q7}
A bullet of mass 2.480E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.880E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.48-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.85E+02m/s east
\choice 5.24E+02m/s east
\choice 5.66E+02m/s east
\choice 6.11E+02m/s east
\choice 6.60E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 2.470E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.300E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.88-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.39E+02m/s east
\choice 3.66E+02m/s east
\choice 3.95E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 4.27E+02m/s east
\choice 4.61E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 1.520E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.210E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.94-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.52E+02m/s east
\choice 2.72E+02m/s east
\choice 2.93E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 3.17E+02m/s east
\choice 3.42E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 1.670E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.940E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.9-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.52E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 4.88E+02m/s east
\choice 5.28E+02m/s east
\choice 5.70E+02m/s east
\choice 6.15E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 1.710E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.040E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.63-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.21E+02m/s east
\choice 2.39E+02m/s east
\choice 2.58E+02m/s east
\choice 2.79E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 3.01E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 2.210E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.240E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.63-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.76E+02m/s east
\choice 2.98E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 3.22E+02m/s east
\choice 3.47E+02m/s east
\choice 3.75E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 2.260E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.820E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.21-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.44E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 4.79E+02m/s east
\choice 5.18E+02m/s east
\choice 5.59E+02m/s east
\choice 6.04E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 1.860E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.810E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.69-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.50E+02m/s east
\choice 3.78E+02m/s east
\choice 4.09E+02m/s east
\choice 4.41E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 4.77E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 2.050E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.080E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.8-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.24E+02m/s east
\choice 2.42E+02m/s east
\choice 2.62E+02m/s east
\choice 2.83E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 3.05E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 1.820E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.390E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.41-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.20E+02m/s east
\choice 3.46E+02m/s east
\choice 3.73E+02m/s east
\choice 4.03E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 4.36E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 2.450E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.940E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.95-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.89E+02m/s east
\choice 4.20E+02m/s east
\choice 4.54E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 4.90E+02m/s east
\choice 5.29E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 2.080E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.970E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.23-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.63E+02m/s east
\choice 3.92E+02m/s east
\choice 4.24E+02m/s east
\choice 4.57E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 4.94E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 2.480E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.850E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.3-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.82E+02m/s east
\choice 5.21E+02m/s east
\choice 5.63E+02m/s east
\choice 6.08E+02m/s east
\choice 6.56E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 1.870E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.270E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.27-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.64E+02m/s east
\choice 3.93E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 4.24E+02m/s east
\choice 4.58E+02m/s east
\choice 4.95E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 1.770E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.630E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.5-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.94E+02m/s east
\choice 4.25E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 4.59E+02m/s east
\choice 4.96E+02m/s east
\choice 5.36E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 1.950E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.090E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.66-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.63E+02m/s east
\choice 2.84E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 3.06E+02m/s east
\choice 3.31E+02m/s east
\choice 3.57E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 1.750E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.980E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.15-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.24E+02m/s east
\choice 4.58E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 4.95E+02m/s east
\choice 5.34E+02m/s east
\choice 5.77E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 1.840E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.420E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.23-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.15E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 3.40E+02m/s east
\choice 3.67E+02m/s east
\choice 3.96E+02m/s east
\choice 4.28E+02m/s east
A bullet of mass 2.150E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.810E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.95-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the block/bullet combination immediately after the impact?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.09E+02m/s east
\choice 4.41E+02m/s east
\CorrectChoice 4.77E+02m/s east
\choice 5.15E+02m/s east
\choice 5.56E+02m/s east

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q8}
A bullet of mass 1.550E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.490E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.25-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.01E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 4.67E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 5.05E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 5.45E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.060E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.970E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.68-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.67E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 6.13E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 6.62E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.14E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.72E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.440E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.710E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.69-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.28E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 6.78E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.32E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 7.91E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 8.54E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 1.780E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.820E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.4-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.31E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 5.74E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 6.20E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 6.70E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.23E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.090E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.650E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.66-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.57E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 6.01E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 6.49E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.01E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.57E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 1.670E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.380E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.74-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.98E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 7.54E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 8.15E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 8.80E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 9.50E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.090E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.730E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.66-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.18E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 6.68E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.21E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 7.79E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 8.41E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.400E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.450E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.12-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.05E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 3.30E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 3.56E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 3.85E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 4.15E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 1.810E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.910E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.47-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.14E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 6.63E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 7.16E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.73E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 8.35E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.450E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.390E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.6-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.28E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 4.62E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 4.99E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 5.39E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 5.82E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 1.710E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.510E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.8-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 8.03E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 8.68E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 9.37E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 1.01E+03N towards the bullet
\choice 1.09E+03N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.470E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.500E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.27-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.42E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 4.78E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 5.16E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 5.57E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 6.02E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.370E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.530E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.2-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.90E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 4.21E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 4.55E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 4.92E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 5.31E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.460E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.880E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.9-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.30E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.89E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 8.52E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 9.20E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 9.94E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.440E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.170E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.96-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.16E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 6.66E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.19E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.76E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 8.39E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 1.840E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.690E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.96-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.22E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.80E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 8.42E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 9.10E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 9.82E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 1.600E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.580E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.87-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.72E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.26E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 7.84E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 8.47E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 9.14E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.190E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.120E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.74-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.28E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 4.62E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 4.99E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 5.39E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 5.82E+02N towards the bullet
A bullet of mass 2.400E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.520E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 2.0-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse by the block on the bullet?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.30E+02N towards the bullet
\CorrectChoice 8.97E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 9.68E+02N towards the bullet
\choice 1.05E+03N towards the bullet
\choice 1.13E+03N towards the bullet

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q9}
A bullet of mass 2.120E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.520E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.77-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.83E+02N towards the block
\choice 6.30E+02N towards the block
\choice 6.80E+02N towards the block
\choice 7.35E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 7.93E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.250E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.310E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.09-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.33E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 4.68E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.05E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.45E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.89E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 1.810E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.260E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.79-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.78E+02N towards the block
\choice 6.24E+02N towards the block
\choice 6.74E+02N towards the block
\choice 7.28E+02N towards the block
\choice 7.86E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.420E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.130E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.5-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.32E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 4.67E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.04E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.44E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.88E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 1.970E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.080E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.41-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.99E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 4.31E+02N towards the block
\choice 4.66E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.03E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.43E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.130E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.050E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.41-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.67E+02N towards the block
\choice 6.13E+02N towards the block
\choice 6.62E+02N towards the block
\choice 7.15E+02N towards the block
\choice 7.72E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 1.600E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.520E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.19-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.24E+02N towards the block
\choice 4.58E+02N towards the block
\choice 4.94E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 5.34E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.77E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.470E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.210E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.33-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.12E+02N towards the block
\choice 3.37E+02N towards the block
\choice 3.64E+02N towards the block
\choice 3.93E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 4.25E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.390E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.740E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.95-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.86E+02N towards the block
\choice 8.49E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 9.17E+02N towards the block
\choice 9.90E+02N towards the block
\choice 1.07E+03N towards the block
A bullet of mass 1.970E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.900E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.54-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.42E+02N towards the block
\choice 6.93E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 7.49E+02N towards the block
\choice 8.09E+02N towards the block
\choice 8.73E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.420E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.830E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.15-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.76E+02N towards the block
\choice 4.06E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 4.38E+02N towards the block
\choice 4.73E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.11E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.010E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.780E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.72-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.45E+02N towards the block
\choice 6.96E+02N towards the block
\choice 7.52E+02N towards the block
\choice 8.12E+02N towards the block
\choice 8.77E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 1.800E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.080E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.39-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.12E+02N towards the block
\choice 3.37E+02N towards the block
\choice 3.64E+02N towards the block
\choice 3.93E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 4.25E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.140E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.130E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.32-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.11E+02N towards the block
\choice 4.43E+02N towards the block
\choice 4.79E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.17E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.59E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.190E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.400E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.26-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.38E+02N towards the block
\choice 4.73E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.10E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 5.51E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.95E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.340E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.470E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.91-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.57E+02N towards the block
\choice 7.10E+02N towards the block
\choice 7.67E+02N towards the block
\choice 8.28E+02N towards the block
\choice 8.94E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 1.950E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.200E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.76-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.10E+02N towards the block
\choice 4.43E+02N towards the block
\choice 4.79E+02N towards the block
\choice 5.17E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 5.58E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.090E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 4.740E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.72-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.93E+02N towards the block
\choice 7.49E+02N towards the block
\CorrectChoice 8.09E+02N towards the block
\choice 8.73E+02N towards the block
\choice 9.43E+02N towards the block
A bullet of mass 2.090E+02-g traveling horizontally towards the east with speed 3.380E+02-m/s, which strikes a block of mass 1.95-kg that is initially at rest on a frictionless table. After striking the block, the bullet is embedded in the block and the block and the bullet move together as one unit. What is the magnitude and direction of the impulse from the bullet on the block?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.53E+02N towards the block
\choice 7.05E+02N towards the block
\choice 7.62E+02N towards the block
\choice 8.23E+02N towards the block
\choice 8.88E+02N towards the block

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q10}
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.55-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 5.91-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 48-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.58E+00m/s
\choice 4.94E+00m/s
\choice 5.34E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.77E+00m/s
\choice 6.23E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.4-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.27-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 52-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.48E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.92E+00m/s
\choice 6.40E+00m/s
\choice 6.91E+00m/s
\choice 7.46E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.88-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.47-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 49-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.95E+00m/s
\choice 5.34E+00m/s
\choice 5.77E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 6.23E+00m/s
\choice 6.73E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.06-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.14-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 42-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.89E+00m/s
\choice 5.29E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.71E+00m/s
\choice 6.16E+00m/s
\choice 6.66E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.98-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.33-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 40-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.19E+00m/s
\choice 6.69E+00m/s
\choice 7.22E+00m/s
\choice 7.80E+00m/s
\choice 8.42E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.65-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 5.58-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 47-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.12E+00m/s
\choice 4.45E+00m/s
\choice 4.81E+00m/s
\choice 5.19E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.61E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.0-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.88-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 59-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.13E+00m/s
\choice 6.62E+00m/s
\choice 7.15E+00m/s
\choice 7.72E+00m/s
\choice 8.34E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.59-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 5.84-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 45-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.56E+00m/s
\choice 4.92E+00m/s
\choice 5.31E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.74E+00m/s
\choice 6.20E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.78-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.13-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 55-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.55E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.99E+00m/s
\choice 6.47E+00m/s
\choice 6.99E+00m/s
\choice 7.55E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.75-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.14-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 50-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.40E+00m/s
\choice 4.75E+00m/s
\choice 5.13E+00m/s
\choice 5.54E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.98E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.05-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.54-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 54-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.50E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.94E+00m/s
\choice 6.42E+00m/s
\choice 6.93E+00m/s
\choice 7.49E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.84-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 5.82-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 46-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.63E+00m/s
\choice 5.00E+00m/s
\choice 5.40E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.83E+00m/s
\choice 6.29E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.86-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.63-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 40-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.65E+00m/s
\choice 5.02E+00m/s
\choice 5.42E+00m/s
\choice 5.85E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 6.32E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.45-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.89-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 60-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.01E+00m/s
\choice 5.41E+00m/s
\choice 5.85E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 6.31E+00m/s
\choice 6.82E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.64-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.04-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 47-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.44E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.88E+00m/s
\choice 6.35E+00m/s
\choice 6.86E+00m/s
\choice 7.41E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.71-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 5.91-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 54-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.63E+00m/s
\choice 5.00E+00m/s
\choice 5.40E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.83E+00m/s
\choice 6.30E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.84-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 6.07-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 60-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.75E+00m/s
\choice 5.13E+00m/s
\choice 5.54E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.98E+00m/s
\choice 6.46E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.18-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 5.8-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 60-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.55E+00m/s
\choice 6.00E+00m/s
\choice 6.48E+00m/s
\choice 6.99E+00m/s
\choice 7.55E+00m/s
Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 5.03-m/s and the trailing skater moving at 5.67-m/s. When the trailing skater catches up with the leading skater, he picks her up without applying any horizontal forces on his skates. If the trailing skater is 50\% heavier than the 59-kg leading skater, what is their speed after he picks her up?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.01E+00m/s
\CorrectChoice 5.41E+00m/s
\choice 5.85E+00m/s
\choice 6.31E+00m/s
\choice 6.82E+00m/s

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q11}
A 5.92-kg bowling ball moving at 7.04-m/s collides with a 0.782-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 17.1-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.01-kg bowling ball moving at 10.4-m/s collides with a 0.824-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 13.4-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.27-kg bowling ball moving at 10.9-m/s collides with a 0.883-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 15.9-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.18-kg bowling ball moving at 7.95-m/s collides with a 0.909-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 15.6-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.85-kg bowling ball moving at 8.71-m/s collides with a 0.874-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 15.2-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.69-kg bowling ball moving at 9.46-m/s collides with a 0.885-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 13.3-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.21-kg bowling ball moving at 9.64-m/s collides with a 0.794-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 15.0-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.7-kg bowling ball moving at 10.7-m/s collides with a 0.815-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 17.1-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.54-kg bowling ball moving at 10.1-m/s collides with a 0.855-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 17.2-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.09-kg bowling ball moving at 8.68-m/s collides with a 0.844-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 17.3-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.77-kg bowling ball moving at 9.7-m/s collides with a 0.928-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 15.7-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.94-kg bowling ball moving at 8.83-m/s collides with a 0.845-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 13.5-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.84-kg bowling ball moving at 9.47-m/s collides with a 0.89-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 16.3-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.09-kg bowling ball moving at 10.4-m/s collides with a 0.936-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 14.1-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.41-kg bowling ball moving at 7.43-m/s collides with a 0.789-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 17.4-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.85-kg bowling ball moving at 7.0-m/s collides with a 0.797-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 13.1-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.75-kg bowling ball moving at 7.72-m/s collides with a 0.825-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 14.0-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.53-kg bowling ball moving at 8.57-m/s collides with a 0.852-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 15.3-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
A 5.91-kg bowling ball moving at 9.62-m/s collides with a 0.938-kg bowling pin, which is scattered at an angle to the initial direction of the bowling ball and with a speed of 15.8-m/s. Verify that the collision is elastic and calculate the final speed of the bowling ball.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)
\choice Problem solved by 0.00E+00 students (to date.)

\subsubsection*{up1-09 Q12}
A 91.4-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.184-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 43.8-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 15.4-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.28E-02m
\choice 2.46E-02m
\choice 2.66E-02m
\choice 2.87E-02m
\CorrectChoice 3.10E-02m
A 9.930E+01-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.156-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 45.5-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 12.7-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.85E-02m
\CorrectChoice 2.00E-02m
\choice 2.15E-02m
\choice 2.33E-02m
\choice 2.51E-02m
A 96.4-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.122-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 44.0-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 17.0-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.71E-02m
\choice 1.84E-02m
\choice 1.99E-02m
\CorrectChoice 2.15E-02m
\choice 2.32E-02m
A 89.7-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.195-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 42.7-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 16.3-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.81E-02m
\choice 3.04E-02m
\choice 3.28E-02m
\CorrectChoice 3.54E-02m
\choice 3.83E-02m
A 98.1-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.167-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 43.0-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 16.9-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.28E-02m
\choice 2.47E-02m
\choice 2.66E-02m
\CorrectChoice 2.88E-02m
\choice 3.11E-02m
A 97.9-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.124-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 45.2-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 14.8-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.49E-02m
\choice 1.61E-02m
\choice 1.74E-02m
\CorrectChoice 1.87E-02m
\choice 2.02E-02m
A 81.4-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.172-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 40.1-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 15.1-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.74E-02m
\choice 2.95E-02m
\CorrectChoice 3.19E-02m
\choice 3.45E-02m
\choice 3.72E-02m
A 96.8-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.119-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 44.9-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 14.6-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.32E-02m
\choice 1.42E-02m
\choice 1.54E-02m
\choice 1.66E-02m
\CorrectChoice 1.79E-02m
A 80.9-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.166-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 49.6-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 16.9-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.21E-02m
\CorrectChoice 3.47E-02m
\choice 3.75E-02m
\choice 4.04E-02m
\choice 4.37E-02m
A 85.2-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.115-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 42.3-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 15.8-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.97E-02m
\CorrectChoice 2.13E-02m
\choice 2.30E-02m
\choice 2.49E-02m
\choice 2.69E-02m
A 91.0-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.169-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 45.6-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 16.9-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.49E-02m
\choice 2.69E-02m
\choice 2.91E-02m
\CorrectChoice 3.14E-02m
\choice 3.39E-02m
A 97.7-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.119-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 49.6-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 16.3-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.46E-02m
\choice 1.58E-02m
\choice 1.70E-02m
\choice 1.84E-02m
\CorrectChoice 1.99E-02m
A 96.1-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.126-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 47.3-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 16.4-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.99E-02m
\CorrectChoice 2.15E-02m
\choice 2.32E-02m
\choice 2.51E-02m
\choice 2.71E-02m
A 80.8-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.19-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 47.7-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 13.5-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.17E-02m
\choice 3.43E-02m
\choice 3.70E-02m
\choice 4.00E-02m
\choice 4.32E-02m
A 95.6-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.106-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 49.9-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 16.0-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.77E-02m
\choice 1.92E-02m
\choice 2.07E-02m
\choice 2.23E-02m
\choice 2.41E-02m
A 9.990E+01-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.188-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 46.3-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 17.8-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.35E-02m
\choice 3.62E-02m
\choice 3.91E-02m
\choice 4.22E-02m
\choice 4.56E-02m
A 98.7-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.11-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 44.9-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 14.8-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.31E-02m
\choice 1.41E-02m
\choice 1.53E-02m
\CorrectChoice 1.65E-02m
\choice 1.78E-02m
A 80.1-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.137-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 42.9-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 17.5-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.57E-02m
\choice 2.77E-02m
\CorrectChoice 2.99E-02m
\choice 3.23E-02m
\choice 3.49E-02m
A 84.9-kg ice hockey player hits a 0.129-kg puck, giving the puck a velocity of 47.2-m/s. If both are initially at rest and if the ice is frictionless, how far does the player recoil in the time it takes the puck to reach the goal 13.5-m away?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.05E-02m
\choice 2.22E-02m
\choice 2.39E-02m
\choice 2.58E-02m
\choice 2.79E-02m
A particle moves 3 m along a circle with a radius of 1.5 m in a time of +1 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.85E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+00 rad
\choice 2.16E+00 rad
\choice 2.33E+00 rad
\choice 2.52E+00 rad
A particle moves 3 m along a circle with a radius of 1.5 m in 1.0 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+00 rad/s
\choice 2.16E+00 rad/s
\choice 2.33E+00 rad/s
\choice 2.52E+00 rad/s
\choice 2.72E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 3 m along a circle with a radius of 1.5 m in 1.0 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.56E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.00E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.48E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.00E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.56E+00 $m/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (25 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 2.0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.29E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.63E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 5.00E+01 rad/s
\choice 5.40E+01 rad/s
\choice 5.83E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (25 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.84E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.98E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.14E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.31E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.50E+01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.5 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.0 s. Its blades are 20 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.69E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.91E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.14E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.39E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.66E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.5 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.0 s. Its blades are 20 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.57E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.69E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.83E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.97E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.13E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.5 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.0 s. Its blades are 20 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.45E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.57E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.69E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.83E+02$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.97E+02$ m/s^2$
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 12-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.200E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.28 m and outer radius is 0.33 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.05E+03 J
\choice 1.13E+03 J
\choice 1.22E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 1.32E+03 J
\choice 1.42E+03 J
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 55.0 N at a distance of 0.85 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.01E+01Nm
\choice 4.33E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 4.68E+01Nm
\choice 5.05E+01Nm
\choice 5.45E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 1.800E+02 N tangentialto a 0.28-m-radius, 75.0-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.67E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 5.04E+01Nm
\choice 5.44E+01Nm
\choice 5.88E+01Nm
\choice 6.35E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 1.800E+02 N tangentialto a 0.28-m-radius, 75.0-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.71E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.85E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.00E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.16E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.33E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.800E+02 N tangentialto a 0.28-m-radius, 75.0-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 20.0+ N exerted 1.5 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.70E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.84E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.99E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.15E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.32E+01 $rad/s^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.000E+03 rev/min over a period of 6.0 seconds by a constant torque of 2.000E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.10E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 9.82E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.06E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.15E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.24E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.000E+03 rev/min over a period of 6.0 seconds by a constant torque of 2.000E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 3.0 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.98E+04 W
\choice 9.70E+04 W
\CorrectChoice 1.05E+05 W
\choice 1.13E+05 W
\choice 1.22E+05 W

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q1}
A particle moves 1.16 m along a circle with a radius of 1.31 m in a time of +1.91 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.03E-01 rad
\choice 7.59E-01 rad
\choice 8.20E-01 rad
\CorrectChoice 8.85E-01 rad
\choice 9.56E-01 rad
A particle moves 3.22 m along a circle with a radius of 1.38 m in a time of +1.68 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.33E+00 rad
\choice 2.52E+00 rad
\choice 2.72E+00 rad
\choice 2.94E+00 rad
\choice 3.17E+00 rad
A particle moves 4.35 m along a circle with a radius of 1.99 m in a time of +1.85 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.61E+00 rad
\choice 1.74E+00 rad
\choice 1.87E+00 rad
\choice 2.02E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 2.19E+00 rad
A particle moves 3.88 m along a circle with a radius of 1.15 m in a time of +1.53 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.68E+00 rad
\choice 2.89E+00 rad
\choice 3.12E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 3.37E+00 rad
\choice 3.64E+00 rad
A particle moves 2.8 m along a circle with a radius of 1.15 m in a time of +1.17 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.79E+00 rad
\choice 1.93E+00 rad
\choice 2.09E+00 rad
\choice 2.25E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+00 rad
A particle moves 1.96 m along a circle with a radius of 1.87 m in a time of +1.88 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.70E-01 rad
\choice 8.32E-01 rad
\choice 8.99E-01 rad
\choice 9.70E-01 rad
\CorrectChoice 1.05E+00 rad
A particle moves 1.17 m along a circle with a radius of 1.14 m in a time of +1.21 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.50E-01 rad
\CorrectChoice 1.03E+00 rad
\choice 1.11E+00 rad
\choice 1.20E+00 rad
\choice 1.29E+00 rad
A particle moves 2.63 m along a circle with a radius of 1.54 m in a time of +1.4 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.26E+00 rad
\choice 1.36E+00 rad
\choice 1.46E+00 rad
\choice 1.58E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 1.71E+00 rad
A particle moves 4.2 m along a circle with a radius of 1.51 m in a time of +1.8 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.78E+00 rad
\choice 3.00E+00 rad
\choice 3.24E+00 rad
\choice 3.50E+00 rad
\choice 3.78E+00 rad
A particle moves 2.71 m along a circle with a radius of 1.6 m in a time of +1.88 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+00 rad
\choice 1.34E+00 rad
\choice 1.45E+00 rad
\choice 1.57E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 1.69E+00 rad
A particle moves 4.87 m along a circle with a radius of 1.58 m in a time of +1.67 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.27E+00 rad
\choice 2.45E+00 rad
\choice 2.64E+00 rad
\choice 2.85E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 3.08E+00 rad
A particle moves 2.49 m along a circle with a radius of 1.85 m in a time of +1.74 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+00 rad
\choice 1.25E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 1.35E+00 rad
\choice 1.45E+00 rad
\choice 1.57E+00 rad
A particle moves 3.88 m along a circle with a radius of 1.45 m in a time of +1.37 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.29E+00 rad
\choice 2.48E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 2.68E+00 rad
\choice 2.89E+00 rad
\choice 3.12E+00 rad
A particle moves 1.7 m along a circle with a radius of 1.47 m in a time of +1.42 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.91E-01 rad
\choice 1.07E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 1.16E+00 rad
\choice 1.25E+00 rad
\choice 1.35E+00 rad
A particle moves 3.62 m along a circle with a radius of 1.82 m in a time of +1.23 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.58E+00 rad
\choice 1.71E+00 rad
\choice 1.84E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 1.99E+00 rad
\choice 2.15E+00 rad
A particle moves 1.11 m along a circle with a radius of 1.84 m in a time of +1.95 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.79E-01 rad
\choice 5.17E-01 rad
\choice 5.59E-01 rad
\CorrectChoice 6.03E-01 rad
\choice 6.52E-01 rad
A particle moves 3.0 m along a circle with a radius of 1.21 m in a time of +1.22 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.30E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 2.48E+00 rad
\choice 2.68E+00 rad
\choice 2.89E+00 rad
\choice 3.12E+00 rad
A particle moves 3.8 m along a circle with a radius of 1.86 m in a time of +1.2 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.62E+00 rad
\choice 1.75E+00 rad
\choice 1.89E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 2.04E+00 rad
\choice 2.21E+00 rad
A particle moves 4.48 m along a circle with a radius of 1.86 m in a time of +1.91 s. Through what angle does it rotate?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.77E+00 rad
\choice 1.91E+00 rad
\choice 2.06E+00 rad
\choice 2.23E+00 rad
\CorrectChoice 2.41E+00 rad

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q2}
A particle moves 4.74 m along a circle with a radius of 1.35 m in 0.828 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.93E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 4.24E+00 rad/s
\choice 4.58E+00 rad/s
\choice 4.95E+00 rad/s
\choice 5.34E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 4.9 m along a circle with a radius of 1.97 m in 1.96 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.09E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.18E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.27E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.37E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.48E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 2.28 m along a circle with a radius of 1.8 m in 1.62 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.82E-01 rad/s
\choice 8.44E-01 rad/s
\choice 9.12E-01 rad/s
\choice 9.85E-01 rad/s
\choice 1.06E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 1.86 m along a circle with a radius of 1.68 m in 1.36 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.54E-01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 8.14E-01 rad/s
\choice 8.79E-01 rad/s
\choice 9.50E-01 rad/s
\choice 1.03E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 3.13 m along a circle with a radius of 1.94 m in 0.553 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.50E+00 rad/s
\choice 2.70E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 2.92E+00 rad/s
\choice 3.15E+00 rad/s
\choice 3.40E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 3.57 m along a circle with a radius of 1.62 m in 0.919 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.40E+00 rad/s
\choice 2.59E+00 rad/s
\choice 2.80E+00 rad/s
\choice 3.02E+00 rad/s
\choice 3.26E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 1.12 m along a circle with a radius of 1.65 m in 1.4 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.56E-01 rad/s
\choice 3.85E-01 rad/s
\choice 4.16E-01 rad/s
\choice 4.49E-01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 4.85E-01 rad/s
A particle moves 4.07 m along a circle with a radius of 1.75 m in 1.74 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.34E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.44E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.56E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.68E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 2.26 m along a circle with a radius of 1.52 m in 1.06 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.11E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.20E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.30E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.40E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.51E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 4.34 m along a circle with a radius of 1.61 m in 1.68 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.27E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.38E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.49E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.60E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.73E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 4.26 m along a circle with a radius of 1.84 m in 1.07 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.72E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.86E+00 rad/s
\choice 2.00E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 2.16E+00 rad/s
\choice 2.34E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 2.72 m along a circle with a radius of 1.75 m in 0.59 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.44E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 2.63E+00 rad/s
\choice 2.85E+00 rad/s
\choice 3.07E+00 rad/s
\choice 3.32E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 1.19 m along a circle with a radius of 1.75 m in 0.636 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.07E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.15E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.25E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.35E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.45E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 2.88 m along a circle with a radius of 1.22 m in 1.71 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.10E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.18E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.28E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.38E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.49E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 3.41 m along a circle with a radius of 1.48 m in 1.31 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.29E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.40E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.51E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.63E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.76E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 1.38 m along a circle with a radius of 1.71 m in 1.95 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.14E-01 rad/s
\choice 4.47E-01 rad/s
\choice 4.83E-01 rad/s
\choice 5.21E-01 rad/s
\choice 5.63E-01 rad/s
A particle moves 1.7 m along a circle with a radius of 1.78 m in 1.7 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.82E-01 rad/s
\choice 5.20E-01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 5.62E-01 rad/s
\choice 6.07E-01 rad/s
\choice 6.55E-01 rad/s
A particle moves 3.49 m along a circle with a radius of 1.49 m in 1.72 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.08E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.17E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.26E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.36E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.47E+00 rad/s
A particle moves 2.17 m along a circle with a radius of 1.85 m in 0.887 seconds. What is its angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.13E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.22E+00 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.32E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.43E+00 rad/s
\choice 1.54E+00 rad/s

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q3}
A particle moves 2.29 m along a circle with a radius of 1.8 m in 0.615 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.13E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 7.70E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 8.32E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 8.98E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.70E+00 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 3.32 m along a circle with a radius of 1.76 m in 0.735 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.52E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.20E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.94E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.07E+01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.16E+01 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 1.16 m along a circle with a radius of 1.24 m in 1.49 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.89E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.28E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.70E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.16E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.65E-01 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 4.94 m along a circle with a radius of 1.37 m in 1.15 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.25E+01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.35E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.45E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.57E+01 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 2.61 m along a circle with a radius of 1.21 m in 1.32 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.99E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.23E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.49E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.77E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.07E+00 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 1.39 m along a circle with a radius of 1.94 m in 1.76 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.22E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.47E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.75E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.05E-01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.37E-01 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 1.56 m along a circle with a radius of 1.3 m in 1.2 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.11E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.20E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.30E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.40E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.52E+00 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 4.2 m along a circle with a radius of 2.65 m in 1.75 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.86E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.01E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.17E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.35E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.54E+00 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 4.84 m along a circle with a radius of 2.44 m in 0.952 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.41E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.08E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.06E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.14E+01 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 2.84 m along a circle with a radius of 2.15 m in 1.17 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.01E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.18E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.35E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.54E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.74E+00 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 4.25 m along a circle with a radius of 1.62 m in 1.25 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.66E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.12E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.61E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 7.14E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.71E+00 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 3.6 m along a circle with a radius of 2.31 m in 0.936 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.93E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.40E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.92E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.47E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 8.07E+00 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 4.91 m along a circle with a radius of 2.69 m in 0.695 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.59E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.72E+01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.86E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.00E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.16E+01 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 3.57 m along a circle with a radius of 2.68 m in 1.81 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.07E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.15E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.24E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.34E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.45E+00 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 4.46 m along a circle with a radius of 2.06 m in 1.71 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.62E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.83E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.06E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.30E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.57E+00 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 1.53 m along a circle with a radius of 2.3 m in 0.788 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.20E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.30E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.41E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.52E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.64E+00 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 1.81 m along a circle with a radius of 1.85 m in 0.992 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.67E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.80E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.94E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.10E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.27E+00 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 4.76 m along a circle with a radius of 1.62 m in 0.692 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.92E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.15E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.41E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.68E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.97E+01 $m/s^2$
A particle moves 4.15 m along a circle with a radius of 1.61 m in 0.635 sec. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.11E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.27E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.46E+01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.65E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.87E+01 $m/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q4}
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (21 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.58 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.84E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.07E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 3.32E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.58E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.87E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (15 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.33 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.15E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.33E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.51E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.71E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (21 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.64 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.73E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.95E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.19E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 3.44E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.72E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (18 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.97 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.81E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.04E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.28E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 3.55E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.83E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (35 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.79 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.26E+01 rad/s
\choice 6.77E+01 rad/s
\choice 7.31E+01 rad/s
\choice 7.89E+01 rad/s
\choice 8.52E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (19 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.31 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.83E+01 rad/s
\choice 1.98E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.13E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.30E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 2.49E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (28 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.75 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.20E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.54E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 4.90E+01 rad/s
\choice 5.29E+01 rad/s
\choice 5.72E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (19 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.37 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.60E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.81E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.04E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.28E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.54E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (26 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 2.42 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.39E+01 rad/s
\choice 5.83E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 6.29E+01 rad/s
\choice 6.80E+01 rad/s
\choice 7.34E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (19 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.47 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.05E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.22E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.39E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.59E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 2.79E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (20 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.66 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.32E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.59E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.87E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.18E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.52E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (25 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 2.45 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.50E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.86E+01 rad/s
\choice 5.25E+01 rad/s
\choice 5.67E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 6.13E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (25 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.33 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.08E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 3.32E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.59E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.88E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.19E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (16 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 2.08 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.08E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 3.33E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.59E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.88E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.19E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (17 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.35 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.12E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 2.30E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.48E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.68E+01 rad/s
\choice 2.89E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (15 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 0.994 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.18E+01 rad/s
\choice 1.28E+01 rad/s
\choice 1.38E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.49E+01 rad/s
\choice 1.61E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (34 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 2.05 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.97E+01 rad/s
\choice 7.53E+01 rad/s
\choice 8.13E+01 rad/s
\choice 8.78E+01 rad/s
\choice 9.48E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (34 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.44 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.60E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.89E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.20E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.53E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 4.90E+01 rad/s
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (25 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the instaneous angular velocity of the propellers at t = 1.39 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.98E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.22E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 3.48E+01 rad/s
\choice 3.75E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.05E+01 rad/s

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q5}
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (30 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.5 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.21E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.38E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.57E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.78E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.00E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (29 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.61 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.90E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.13E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.38E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.65E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.95E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (20 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.15 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.59E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.71E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.85E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.16E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (26 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.9 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.23E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.41E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.60E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.81E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.03E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (27 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.39 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.14E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.31E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.50E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.70E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.92E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (30 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.75 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.21E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.38E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.57E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.78E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.00E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (20 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.73 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.16E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.33E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.52E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.72E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (28 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 2.62 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.59E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.02E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.27E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.53E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (21 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 2.9 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.54E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.67E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.80E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.94E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.10E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (32 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.59 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.20E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.46E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.73E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.03E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.35E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (25 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 2.98 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.98E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.14E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.31E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.50E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.70E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (27 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 2.56 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.14E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.31E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.50E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.70E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.92E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (22 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 2.52 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.62E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.75E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.89E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.04E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.20E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (24 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.65 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.06E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.22E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.40E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.59E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.80E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (23 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.16 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.97E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.13E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.30E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.48E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.68E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (21 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.45 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.54E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.67E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.80E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.94E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.10E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (20 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.79 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.16E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.33E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.52E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.72E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (23 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.59 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.97E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.13E+01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.30E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.48E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.68E+01 $rad/s^2$
On takeoff, the propellers on a UAV increase their angularvelocity for 3.0 seconds from rest in such a way that the angular velocity obeys, $\omega$ = (29 t) rad/s, where t is measured in seconds. What is the angular acceleration of the propellers at t = 3.52 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.90E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.13E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.38E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.65E+01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.95E+01 $rad/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q6}
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.499 rev/s and slows to a stop in 11.1 s. Its blades are 19 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.62E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.82E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.05E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.29E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.56E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.502 rev/s and slows to a stop in 12.9 s. Its blades are 18 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.10E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.26E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.45E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.64E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.85E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.284 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.3 s. Its blades are 22 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.27E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.38E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.49E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.60E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.73E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.434 rev/s and slows to a stop in 7.82 s. Its blades are 20 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.56E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.77E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.99E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.23E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.49E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.962 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.81 s. Its blades are 24 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.16E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 6.65E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 7.19E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 7.76E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 8.38E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.653 rev/s and slows to a stop in 8.02 s. Its blades are 15 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.76E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.06E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.39E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.74E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.12E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.614 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.19 s. Its blades are 23 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.20E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.53E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.90E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 5.29E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 5.71E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.435 rev/s and slows to a stop in 12.0 s. Its blades are 16 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.95E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.11E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.28E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.46E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.66E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.286 rev/s and slows to a stop in 7.96 s. Its blades are 18 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.79E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.94E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.09E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.26E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.44E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.325 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.1 s. Its blades are 17 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.49E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.60E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.73E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.87E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.02E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.617 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.5 s. Its blades are 23 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.42E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.69E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.99E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.31E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.65E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.709 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.67 s. Its blades are 17 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.66E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.95E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.27E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.61E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.98E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.749 rev/s and slows to a stop in 12.1 s. Its blades are 19 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.33E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 3.60E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.89E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.20E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.54E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.264 rev/s and slows to a stop in 7.52 s. Its blades are 15 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.89E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.04E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.21E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.38E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.57E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.837 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.3 s. Its blades are 21 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.05E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.38E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.73E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.11E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 5.51E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.217 rev/s and slows to a stop in 12.5 s. Its blades are 24 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.35E-02 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.01E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.09E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.18E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.27E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.387 rev/s and slows to a stop in 11.0 s. Its blades are 17 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.90E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.05E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.21E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.39E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 2.58E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.95 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.96 s. Its blades are 21 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.14E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 5.55E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.99E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 6.47E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 6.99E-01 $rad/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.715 rev/s and slows to a stop in 11.9 s. Its blades are 16 m in length. What was the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the turbine?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.78E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.08E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.40E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.76E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 5.14E-01 $rad/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q7}
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.218 rev/s and slows to a stop in 12.3 s. Its blades are 15 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.07E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.23E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.41E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.61E+01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.81E+01 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.772 rev/s and slows to a stop in 7.05 s. Its blades are 21 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.94E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.34E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.76E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.22E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.72E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.98 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.86 s. Its blades are 22 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 8.34E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.01E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.73E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.05E+03 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.13E+03 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.229 rev/s and slows to a stop in 7.07 s. Its blades are 18 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.73E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.02E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.35E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.69E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.07E+01 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.275 rev/s and slows to a stop in 11.8 s. Its blades are 18 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.95E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.27E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.61E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.98E+01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.37E+01 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.286 rev/s and slows to a stop in 8.98 s. Its blades are 20 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.54E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.98E+01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.46E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.98E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.53E+01 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.994 rev/s and slows to a stop in 7.54 s. Its blades are 22 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.95E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 8.58E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.27E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.00E+03 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.08E+03 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.884 rev/s and slows to a stop in 7.07 s. Its blades are 15 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.67E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.97E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.28E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.63E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.00E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.44 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.8 s. Its blades are 23 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.29E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.40E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.51E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.63E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.76E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.56 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.5 s. Its blades are 24 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.18E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.36E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.55E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.75E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.97E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.911 rev/s and slows to a stop in 12.5 s. Its blades are 25 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.50E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.02E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 7.58E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 8.19E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 8.85E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.685 rev/s and slows to a stop in 7.51 s. Its blades are 16 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.54E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.74E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.96E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.20E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.46E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.365 rev/s and slows to a stop in 8.39 s. Its blades are 20 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.02E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.74E+01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.05E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.14E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.23E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.241 rev/s and slows to a stop in 7.29 s. Its blades are 21 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.82E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.20E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.62E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.07E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.55E+01 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.635 rev/s and slows to a stop in 11.2 s. Its blades are 25 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.16E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.41E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.68E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.98E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.30E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.503 rev/s and slows to a stop in 8.86 s. Its blades are 15 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.19E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.28E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.39E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.50E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.62E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.967 rev/s and slows to a stop in 8.72 s. Its blades are 16 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.69E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.06E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.47E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.91E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 6.38E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.356 rev/s and slows to a stop in 7.71 s. Its blades are 17 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.88E+01 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 8.51E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.19E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 9.92E+01 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.07E+02 $m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.436 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.67 s. Its blades are 16 m in length. What was the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.11E+02 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.20E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.30E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.40E+02 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.51E+02 $m/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q8}
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.311 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.03 s. Its blades are 15 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.74E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 6.20E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 6.69E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 7.23E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 7.80E+01$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.232 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.6 s. Its blades are 17 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.87E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 3.10E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 3.35E+01$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.62E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 3.91E+01$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.22 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.1 s. Its blades are 23 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.41E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 4.76E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.14E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.55E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.99E+01$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.806 rev/s and slows to a stop in 11.3 s. Its blades are 16 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.52E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 3.80E+02$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.10E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 4.43E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 4.79E+02$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.402 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.72 s. Its blades are 17 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.09E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.17E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.27E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.37E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.48E+02$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.334 rev/s and slows to a stop in 8.0 s. Its blades are 21 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.94E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 8.58E+01$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 9.26E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.00E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.08E+02$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.291 rev/s and slows to a stop in 8.77 s. Its blades are 20 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.74E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 6.20E+01$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.70E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 7.24E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 7.81E+01$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.412 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.79 s. Its blades are 15 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.62E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 9.31E+01$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.01E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.09E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.17E+02$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.279 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.9 s. Its blades are 18 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.07E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 4.40E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 4.75E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.13E+01$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.54E+01$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.464 rev/s and slows to a stop in 8.31 s. Its blades are 22 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.38E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.49E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.60E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 1.73E+02$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.87E+02$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.261 rev/s and slows to a stop in 10.9 s. Its blades are 15 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.97E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 3.21E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 3.46E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 3.74E+01$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.04E+01$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.817 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.99 s. Its blades are 22 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.26E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 4.60E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 4.97E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.37E+02$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.80E+02$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.784 rev/s and slows to a stop in 11.0 s. Its blades are 22 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.34E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.77E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 6.23E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 6.73E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 7.26E+02$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.24 rev/s and slows to a stop in 12.5 s. Its blades are 20 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.90E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 4.22E+01$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.55E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 4.92E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.31E+01$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.838 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.8 s. Its blades are 17 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.71E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.09E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.50E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.94E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 6.41E+02$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.58 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.97 s. Its blades are 19 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.34E+02$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.52E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 2.73E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 2.94E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 3.18E+02$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.715 rev/s and slows to a stop in 7.86 s. Its blades are 24 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.49E+02$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.85E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.23E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 5.65E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 6.10E+02$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.755 rev/s and slows to a stop in 9.71 s. Its blades are 17 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.28E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 3.54E+02$ m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.83E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 4.13E+02$ m/s^2$
\choice 4.46E+02$ m/s^2$
A wind turbine is rotating counterclockwise at 0.305 rev/s and slows to a stop in 8.1 s. Its blades are 16 m in length. What was the magnitudeof the total linear acceleration of the tip of the blades at t = 0 s?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.89E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 6.36E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 6.87E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 7.42E+01$ m/s^2$
\choice 8.01E+01$ m/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q9}
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 13-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.350E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.274 m and outer radius is 0.336 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.65E+03 J
\choice 1.78E+03 J
\choice 1.92E+03 J
\choice 2.07E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.24E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 17-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 84 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.278 m and outer radius is 0.331 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.68E+02 J
\choice 8.30E+02 J
\choice 8.96E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 9.68E+02 J
\choice 1.05E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 18-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.340E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.288 m and outer radius is 0.309 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.01E+03 J
\choice 1.09E+03 J
\choice 1.18E+03 J
\choice 1.28E+03 J
\choice 1.38E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 17-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.400E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.29 m and outer radius is 0.349 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.31E+03 J
\choice 2.49E+03 J
\choice 2.69E+03 J
\choice 2.91E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 3.14E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 15-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.050E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.307 m and outer radius is 0.358 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.30E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 1.40E+03 J
\choice 1.51E+03 J
\choice 1.64E+03 J
\choice 1.77E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 16-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.560E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.303 m and outer radius is 0.346 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.52E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.72E+03 J
\choice 2.93E+03 J
\choice 3.17E+03 J
\choice 3.42E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 20-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.040E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.289 m and outer radius is 0.368 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.41E+03 J
\choice 2.60E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.81E+03 J
\choice 3.03E+03 J
\choice 3.27E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 13-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.580E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.266 m and outer radius is 0.336 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.17E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 3.42E+03 J
\choice 3.69E+03 J
\choice 3.99E+03 J
\choice 4.31E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 16-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 80 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.318 m and outer radius is 0.327 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.49E+02 J
\choice 1.60E+02 J
\choice 1.73E+02 J
\choice 1.87E+02 J
\choice 2.02E+02 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 14-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.200E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.275 m and outer radius is 0.338 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.43E+03 J
\choice 1.55E+03 J
\choice 1.67E+03 J
\choice 1.80E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 1.95E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 13-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.400E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.266 m and outer radius is 0.321 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.51E+03 J
\choice 1.63E+03 J
\choice 1.76E+03 J
\choice 1.90E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.06E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 18-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.100E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.286 m and outer radius is 0.351 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.79E+03 J
\choice 1.93E+03 J
\choice 2.09E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.25E+03 J
\choice 2.43E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 18-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.360E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.296 m and outer radius is 0.355 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.35E+03 J
\choice 2.54E+03 J
\choice 2.74E+03 J
\choice 2.96E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 3.20E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 18-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 97 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.263 m and outer radius is 0.349 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.06E+03 J
\CorrectChoice 2.23E+03 J
\choice 2.41E+03 J
\choice 2.60E+03 J
\choice 2.81E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 20-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.000E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.296 m and outer radius is 0.315 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.27E+02 J
\choice 4.61E+02 J
\choice 4.98E+02 J
\choice 5.37E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 5.80E+02 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 16-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.160E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.294 m and outer radius is 0.309 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.51E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 4.87E+02 J
\choice 5.26E+02 J
\choice 5.68E+02 J
\choice 6.13E+02 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 16-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.270E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.267 m and outer radius is 0.314 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.76E+03 J
\choice 1.90E+03 J
\choice 2.05E+03 J
\choice 2.22E+03 J
\choice 2.40E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 19-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 81 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.258 m and outer radius is 0.307 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.40E+02 J
\choice 7.99E+02 J
\CorrectChoice 8.63E+02 J
\choice 9.32E+02 J
\choice 1.01E+03 J
The moment of inertia of a solid  disk is $I=\tfrac{1}{2}MR^2$ where $M$ is mass and $R$ is radius. Use this to model a wheel as a disk with a concentric hole  and calculate the rotational kinetic energy of a 14-kg motorcycle wheel if its angular velocity is 1.030E+02 rad/s and its inner radius is 0.292 m and outer radius is 0.335 m.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+03 J
\choice 1.08E+03 J
\choice 1.17E+03 J
\choice 1.26E+03 J
\choice 1.36E+03 J

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q10}
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 57.5 N at a distance of 0.578 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.08E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 3.32E+01Nm
\choice 3.59E+01Nm
\choice 3.88E+01Nm
\choice 4.19E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 51.7 N at a distance of 0.781 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.21E+01Nm
\choice 3.46E+01Nm
\choice 3.74E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 4.04E+01Nm
\choice 4.36E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 72.4 N at a distance of 1.05 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.60E+01Nm
\choice 8.21E+01Nm
\choice 8.87E+01Nm
\choice 9.58E+01Nm
\choice 1.03E+02Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 50.4 N at a distance of 0.644 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.25E+01Nm
\choice 3.51E+01Nm
\choice 3.79E+01Nm
\choice 4.09E+01Nm
\choice 4.42E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 63.7 N at a distance of 1.08 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.46E+01Nm
\choice 5.90E+01Nm
\choice 6.37E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 6.88E+01Nm
\choice 7.43E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 68.0 N at a distance of 0.782 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.56E+01Nm
\choice 4.92E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 5.32E+01Nm
\choice 5.74E+01Nm
\choice 6.20E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 52.8 N at a distance of 1.11 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.65E+01Nm
\choice 5.02E+01Nm
\choice 5.43E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 5.86E+01Nm
\choice 6.33E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 67.5 N at a distance of 0.581 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.92E+01Nm
\choice 4.24E+01Nm
\choice 4.57E+01Nm
\choice 4.94E+01Nm
\choice 5.34E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 50.5 N at a distance of 0.564 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.09E+01Nm
\choice 2.26E+01Nm
\choice 2.44E+01Nm
\choice 2.64E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 2.85E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 63.4 N at a distance of 0.801 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.08E+01Nm
\choice 5.48E+01Nm
\choice 5.92E+01Nm
\choice 6.40E+01Nm
\choice 6.91E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 73.1 N at a distance of 0.529 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.07E+01Nm
\choice 3.32E+01Nm
\choice 3.58E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 3.87E+01Nm
\choice 4.18E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 74.7 N at a distance of 0.975 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.78E+01Nm
\choice 6.24E+01Nm
\choice 6.74E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 7.28E+01Nm
\choice 7.87E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 73.4 N at a distance of 0.556 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.24E+01Nm
\choice 3.50E+01Nm
\choice 3.78E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 4.08E+01Nm
\choice 4.41E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 61.3 N at a distance of 1.04 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.06E+01Nm
\choice 5.47E+01Nm
\choice 5.90E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 6.38E+01Nm
\choice 6.89E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 64.4 N at a distance of 1.15 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.35E+01Nm
\choice 6.86E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 7.41E+01Nm
\choice 8.00E+01Nm
\choice 8.64E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 50.6 N at a distance of 0.648 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.81E+01Nm
\choice 3.04E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 3.28E+01Nm
\choice 3.54E+01Nm
\choice 3.82E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 61.9 N at a distance of 0.615 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.26E+01Nm
\choice 3.52E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 3.81E+01Nm
\choice 4.11E+01Nm
\choice 4.44E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 59.2 N at a distance of 0.64 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.78E+01Nm
\choice 3.01E+01Nm
\choice 3.25E+01Nm
\choice 3.51E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 3.79E+01Nm
When opening a door, you push on it perperndicularlywith a force of 56.4 N at a distance of 0.574 m from thehinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.57E+01Nm
\choice 2.78E+01Nm
\choice 3.00E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 3.24E+01Nm
\choice 3.50E+01Nm

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q11}
Suppose you exert a force of 1.260E+02 N tangentialto a 0.308-m-radius, 87.1-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.33E+01Nm
\choice 3.59E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 3.88E+01Nm
\choice 4.19E+01Nm
\choice 4.53E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 1.820E+02 N tangentialto a 0.245-m-radius, 88.9-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.54E+01Nm
\choice 3.82E+01Nm
\choice 4.13E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 4.46E+01Nm
\choice 4.82E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 2.160E+02 N tangentialto a 0.425-m-radius, 67.4-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.50E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 9.18E+01Nm
\choice 9.91E+01Nm
\choice 1.07E+02Nm
\choice 1.16E+02Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 2.020E+02 N tangentialto a 0.342-m-radius, 55.4-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.91E+01Nm
\choice 7.46E+01Nm
\choice 8.06E+01Nm
\choice 8.70E+01Nm
\choice 9.40E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 2.140E+02 N tangentialto a 0.379-m-radius, 78.0-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.51E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 8.11E+01Nm
\choice 8.76E+01Nm
\choice 9.46E+01Nm
\choice 1.02E+02Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 1.290E+02 N tangentialto a 0.188-m-radius, 52.8-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.93E+01Nm
\choice 2.08E+01Nm
\choice 2.25E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 2.43E+01Nm
\choice 2.62E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 2.050E+02 N tangentialto a 0.178-m-radius, 85.6-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.68E+01Nm
\choice 2.90E+01Nm
\choice 3.13E+01Nm
\choice 3.38E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 3.65E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 2.080E+02 N tangentialto a 0.231-m-radius, 63.1-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.81E+01Nm
\choice 4.12E+01Nm
\choice 4.45E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 4.80E+01Nm
\choice 5.19E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 1.520E+02 N tangentialto a 0.206-m-radius, 82.5-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.13E+01Nm
\choice 3.38E+01Nm
\choice 3.65E+01Nm
\choice 3.94E+01Nm
\choice 4.26E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 1.830E+02 N tangentialto a 0.344-m-radius, 65.0-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.83E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 6.30E+01Nm
\choice 6.80E+01Nm
\choice 7.34E+01Nm
\choice 7.93E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 2.020E+02 N tangentialto a 0.224-m-radius, 78.4-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.19E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 4.52E+01Nm
\choice 4.89E+01Nm
\choice 5.28E+01Nm
\choice 5.70E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 2.040E+02 N tangentialto a 0.21-m-radius, 69.8-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.40E+01Nm
\choice 3.67E+01Nm
\choice 3.97E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 4.28E+01Nm
\choice 4.63E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 1.940E+02 N tangentialto a 0.307-m-radius, 62.0-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.11E+01Nm
\choice 5.51E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 5.96E+01Nm
\choice 6.43E+01Nm
\choice 6.95E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 1.580E+02 N tangentialto a 0.22-m-radius, 88.3-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.55E+01Nm
\choice 2.76E+01Nm
\choice 2.98E+01Nm
\choice 3.22E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 3.48E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 2.180E+02 N tangentialto a 0.371-m-radius, 64.0-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.42E+01Nm
\choice 6.93E+01Nm
\choice 7.49E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 8.09E+01Nm
\choice 8.73E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 1.960E+02 N tangentialto a 0.241-m-radius, 79.7-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.72E+01Nm
\choice 5.10E+01Nm
\choice 5.51E+01Nm
\choice 5.95E+01Nm
\choice 6.43E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 1.620E+02 N tangentialto a 0.229-m-radius, 73.1-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.71E+01Nm
\choice 4.01E+01Nm
\choice 4.33E+01Nm
\choice 4.67E+01Nm
\choice 5.05E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 1.640E+02 N tangentialto a 0.361-m-radius, 69.3-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.08E+01Nm
\choice 5.48E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 5.92E+01Nm
\choice 6.39E+01Nm
\choice 6.91E+01Nm
Suppose you exert a force of 2.080E+02 N tangentialto a 0.323-m-radius, 60.8-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What torque is exerted?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.76E+01Nm
\choice 6.22E+01Nm
\CorrectChoice 6.72E+01Nm
\choice 7.26E+01Nm
\choice 7.84E+01Nm

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q12}
Suppose you exert a force of 1.620E+02 N tangentialto a 0.248-m-radius, 85.1-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.54E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.66E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.79E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.93E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.09E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.500E+02 N tangentialto a 0.273-m-radius, 90.7-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.21E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.31E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.41E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.53E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.65E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 2.150E+02 N tangentialto a 0.181-m-radius, 63.6-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.74E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 4.03E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 4.36E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 4.71E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 5.08E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.700E+02 N tangentialto a 0.404-m-radius, 87.7-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.89E+00$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 9.60E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.04E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.12E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.21E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.300E+02 N tangentialto a 0.376-m-radius, 92.3-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.51E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 5.95E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 6.42E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 6.94E+00$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 7.49E+00$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.430E+02 N tangentialto a 0.231-m-radius, 61.9-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.47E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.59E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.71E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.85E+01$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 2.240E+02 N tangentialto a 0.415-m-radius, 71.4-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.11E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.20E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.30E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.40E+01$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.51E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 2.220E+02 N tangentialto a 0.192-m-radius, 97.4-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.37E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.56E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.77E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.99E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 3.23E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.310E+02 N tangentialto a 0.236-m-radius, 66.6-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.67E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.80E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.94E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.10E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.27E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.560E+02 N tangentialto a 0.178-m-radius, 51.2-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.72E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.94E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 3.17E+01$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.42E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 3.70E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.610E+02 N tangentialto a 0.393-m-radius, 88.3-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.59E+00$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 9.28E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.00E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.08E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.17E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.480E+02 N tangentialto a 0.325-m-radius, 86.7-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.72E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 8.34E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 9.01E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 9.73E+00$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.05E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.400E+02 N tangentialto a 0.305-m-radius, 71.3-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.46E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.02E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.10E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.19E+01$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.29E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.340E+02 N tangentialto a 0.21-m-radius, 87.9-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.07E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.15E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.24E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.34E+01$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.45E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.480E+02 N tangentialto a 0.339-m-radius, 87.0-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.38E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 7.97E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 8.60E+00$ rad/s^2$
\choice 9.29E+00$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.360E+02 N tangentialto a 0.157-m-radius, 61.1-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.43E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.63E+01$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.84E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 3.06E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 3.31E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.850E+02 N tangentialto a 0.312-m-radius, 66.7-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.65E+01$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.78E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.92E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.07E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.24E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.790E+02 N tangentialto a 0.446-m-radius, 72.5-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.11E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.20E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.29E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.39E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 1.51E+01$ rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 1.640E+02 N tangentialto a 0.169-m-radius, 71.0-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration assuming negligible opposing friction?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.17E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.34E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.53E+01$ rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.73E+01$ rad/s^2$
\choice 2.95E+01$ rad/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q13}
Suppose you exert a force of 16.9 N tangentialto a 0.365-m-radius, 80.0-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 4.08+ N exerted 29.1 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.01E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 8.65E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 9.35E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.01E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.09E+00 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 18.2 N tangentialto a 0.317-m-radius, 98.2-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 3.75+ N exerted 27.3 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.91E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 9.62E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.04E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.12E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.21E+00 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 11.6 N tangentialto a 0.299-m-radius, 58.1-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 5.27+ N exerted 29.1 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.90E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 7.45E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 8.05E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 8.69E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 9.38E-01 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 19.6 N tangentialto a 0.292-m-radius, 76.0-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 3.16+ N exerted 27.9 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.28E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.38E+00 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.49E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.61E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.74E+00 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 15.9 N tangentialto a 0.359-m-radius, 95.7-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 5.68+ N exerted 31.1 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.70E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 5.07E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 5.48E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 5.92E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.39E-01 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 19.5 N tangentialto a 0.386-m-radius, 66.3-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 4.88+ N exerted 25.9 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.09E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.17E+00 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.27E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.37E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.48E+00 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 17.5 N tangentialto a 0.38-m-radius, 81.3-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 3.95+ N exerted 31.1 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.55E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 9.24E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 9.98E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.08E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.16E+00 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 14.1 N tangentialto a 0.297-m-radius, 57.2-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 3.83+ N exerted 35.3 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.04E+00 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.12E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.21E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.31E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.42E+00 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 18.5 N tangentialto a 0.386-m-radius, 96.7-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 3.4+ N exerted 27.7 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.97E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 8.61E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 9.29E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.00E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.08E+00 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 10.7 N tangentialto a 0.318-m-radius, 90.1-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 4.11+ N exerted 26.9 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.71E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.00E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.32E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 4.67E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.04E-01 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 16.6 N tangentialto a 0.282-m-radius, 56.3-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 5.65+ N exerted 28.2 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.18E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.28E+00 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.38E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.49E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.61E+00 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 14.4 N tangentialto a 0.387-m-radius, 92.2-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 5.68+ N exerted 30.7 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.14E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.55E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 5.99E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 6.47E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 6.99E-01 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 10.7 N tangentialto a 0.303-m-radius, 80.3-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 3.47+ N exerted 31.8 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.37E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 5.80E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 6.27E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 6.77E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 7.31E-01 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 19.3 N tangentialto a 0.307-m-radius, 89.9-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 3.48+ N exerted 28.3 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.08E+00 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.17E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.26E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.36E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.47E+00 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 17.0 N tangentialto a 0.304-m-radius, 56.5-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 4.78+ N exerted 31.1 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.12E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.21E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.31E+00 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.41E+00 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.52E+00 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 16.6 N tangentialto a 0.357-m-radius, 95.4-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 4.35+ N exerted 30.4 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.49E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 7.01E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 7.57E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 8.18E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 8.83E-01 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 12.4 N tangentialto a 0.282-m-radius, 68.3-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 3.12+ N exerted 29.0 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.02E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 7.58E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 8.18E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 8.84E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 9.54E-01 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 16.0 N tangentialto a 0.36-m-radius, 74.6-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 5.12+ N exerted 32.7 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.83E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 8.45E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 9.13E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 9.86E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 1.06E+00 $rad/s^2$
Suppose you exert a force of 11.7 N tangentialto a 0.314-m-radius, 56.3-kg grindstone (a solid disc).What is the angular acceleration if there is an opposing frictionalforce of 5.36+ N exerted 31.5 1.50-cm from the axis?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.62E-01 $rad/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 7.15E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 7.73E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 8.34E-01 $rad/s^2$
\choice 9.01E-01 $rad/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q14}
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.450E+03 rev/min over a period of 8.52 seconds by a constant torque of 2.800E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.15E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.25E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.35E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.45E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.57E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.140E+03 rev/min over a period of 8.68 seconds by a constant torque of 1.300E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.50E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 8.10E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 8.75E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 9.45E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.02E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.370E+03 rev/min over a period of 7.6 seconds by a constant torque of 1.910E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.44E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 8.03E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 8.67E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 9.37E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.01E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.380E+03 rev/min over a period of 8.65 seconds by a constant torque of 2.280E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.08E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.17E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.26E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.36E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.47E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.370E+03 rev/min over a period of 5.55 seconds by a constant torque of 1.590E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.27E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 5.70E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 6.15E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 6.64E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 7.17E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.870E+03 rev/min over a period of 6.09 seconds by a constant torque of 1.270E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.14E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 3.39E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 3.66E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.95E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 4.27E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.470E+03 rev/min over a period of 7.94 seconds by a constant torque of 1.290E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 6.65E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 7.19E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 7.76E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 8.38E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 9.05E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.180E+03 rev/min over a period of 6.25 seconds by a constant torque of 1.750E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.51E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 7.03E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 7.59E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 8.20E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 8.85E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.210E+03 rev/min over a period of 7.75 seconds by a constant torque of 2.100E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.02E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.10E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.19E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.28E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.39E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 7.630E+02 rev/min over a period of 8.44 seconds by a constant torque of 2.580E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.00E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 2.16E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 2.34E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 2.52E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.73E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.960E+03 rev/min over a period of 8.87 seconds by a constant torque of 1.370E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.92E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 6.39E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 6.91E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 7.46E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 8.05E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.340E+03 rev/min over a period of 5.46 seconds by a constant torque of 1.830E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.23E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 5.65E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 6.10E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 6.59E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 7.12E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.280E+03 rev/min over a period of 5.7 seconds by a constant torque of 2.680E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.05E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 9.77E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.06E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.14E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.23E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.510E+03 rev/min over a period of 8.46 seconds by a constant torque of 1.880E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.39E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 7.98E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 8.62E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 9.31E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.01E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.980E+03 rev/min over a period of 7.53 seconds by a constant torque of 2.760E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.37E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 7.96E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 8.59E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 9.28E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 7.270E+02 rev/min over a period of 7.92 seconds by a constant torque of 1.540E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.27E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.37E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.48E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.60E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.73E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.460E+03 rev/min over a period of 8.03 seconds by a constant torque of 2.320E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.13E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.22E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.32E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.42E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.53E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.680E+03 rev/min over a period of 7.04 seconds by a constant torque of 2.340E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.03E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 8.67E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 9.36E+01 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.01E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.09E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 5.640E+02 rev/min over a period of 8.15 seconds by a constant torque of 1.080E+03 Nm. What is the moment of inertia on the propeller?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.18E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.28E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.38E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.49E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$
\choice 1.61E+02 $kg\cdot m^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-10 Q15}
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.920E+03 rev/min over a period of 6.32 seconds by a constant torque of 1.410E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 3.73 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.55E+05 W
\CorrectChoice 1.67E+05 W
\choice 1.81E+05 W
\choice 1.95E+05 W
\choice 2.11E+05 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 6.450E+02 rev/min over a period of 5.79 seconds by a constant torque of 1.360E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 2.76 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.22E+04 W
\choice 3.48E+04 W
\choice 3.75E+04 W
\choice 4.05E+04 W
\CorrectChoice 4.38E+04 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 7.810E+02 rev/min over a period of 6.9 seconds by a constant torque of 1.930E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 3.02 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.08E+04 W
\choice 5.48E+04 W
\choice 5.92E+04 W
\choice 6.40E+04 W
\CorrectChoice 6.91E+04 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 8.910E+02 rev/min over a period of 6.39 seconds by a constant torque of 2.670E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 2.91 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.01E+04 W
\choice 9.73E+04 W
\choice 1.05E+05 W
\CorrectChoice 1.13E+05 W
\choice 1.23E+05 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.190E+03 rev/min over a period of 7.52 seconds by a constant torque of 2.890E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 2.83 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.96E+04 W
\choice 1.08E+05 W
\choice 1.16E+05 W
\choice 1.25E+05 W
\CorrectChoice 1.36E+05 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.010E+03 rev/min over a period of 7.28 seconds by a constant torque of 1.860E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 3.37 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.81E+04 W
\choice 8.43E+04 W
\CorrectChoice 9.11E+04 W
\choice 9.84E+04 W
\choice 1.06E+05 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.970E+03 rev/min over a period of 7.49 seconds by a constant torque of 2.440E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 3.26 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.19E+05 W
\choice 2.37E+05 W
\choice 2.56E+05 W
\choice 2.76E+05 W
\choice 2.98E+05 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.190E+03 rev/min over a period of 7.13 seconds by a constant torque of 2.400E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 2.25 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.49E+04 W
\choice 8.09E+04 W
\choice 8.74E+04 W
\CorrectChoice 9.44E+04 W
\choice 1.02E+05 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 7.620E+02 rev/min over a period of 5.78 seconds by a constant torque of 2.330E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 2.37 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.05E+04 W
\choice 6.54E+04 W
\choice 7.06E+04 W
\CorrectChoice 7.62E+04 W
\choice 8.23E+04 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 7.160E+02 rev/min over a period of 7.67 seconds by a constant torque of 2.740E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 2.77 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.87E+04 W
\CorrectChoice 7.42E+04 W
\choice 8.01E+04 W
\choice 8.65E+04 W
\choice 9.35E+04 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.970E+03 rev/min over a period of 7.43 seconds by a constant torque of 2.570E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 2.87 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.63E+05 W
\choice 1.76E+05 W
\choice 1.90E+05 W
\CorrectChoice 2.05E+05 W
\choice 2.21E+05 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 5.960E+02 rev/min over a period of 7.29 seconds by a constant torque of 1.910E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 3.55 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.61E+04 W
\choice 4.98E+04 W
\choice 5.38E+04 W
\CorrectChoice 5.81E+04 W
\choice 6.27E+04 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 9.380E+02 rev/min over a period of 6.56 seconds by a constant torque of 1.450E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 2.42 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.50E+04 W
\choice 4.87E+04 W
\CorrectChoice 5.25E+04 W
\choice 5.67E+04 W
\choice 6.13E+04 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.650E+03 rev/min over a period of 5.96 seconds by a constant torque of 2.530E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 2.13 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.24E+05 W
\choice 1.34E+05 W
\choice 1.45E+05 W
\CorrectChoice 1.56E+05 W
\choice 1.69E+05 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 2.000E+03 rev/min over a period of 7.37 seconds by a constant torque of 2.350E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 2.57 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.47E+05 W
\choice 1.59E+05 W
\CorrectChoice 1.72E+05 W
\choice 1.85E+05 W
\choice 2.00E+05 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 1.160E+03 rev/min over a period of 6.95 seconds by a constant torque of 2.900E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 3.85 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.67E+05 W
\choice 1.81E+05 W
\CorrectChoice 1.95E+05 W
\choice 2.11E+05 W
\choice 2.28E+05 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 7.440E+02 rev/min over a period of 6.15 seconds by a constant torque of 1.140E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 2.61 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.77E+04 W
\choice 4.07E+04 W
\choice 4.40E+04 W
\choice 4.75E+04 W
\choice 5.13E+04 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 9.860E+02 rev/min over a period of 7.56 seconds by a constant torque of 2.130E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 3.48 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.37E+04 W
\CorrectChoice 1.01E+05 W
\choice 1.09E+05 W
\choice 1.18E+05 W
\choice 1.28E+05 W
A propeller is accelerated from rest to an angular velocity of 7.570E+02 rev/min over a period of 5.58 seconds by a constant torque of 1.940E+03 Nm. What power is being provided to the propeller 3.24 s after it starts rotating?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.09E+04 W
\choice 7.66E+04 W
\choice 8.27E+04 W
\CorrectChoice 8.93E+04 W
\choice 9.64E+04 W
A marble rolls down an incline at 30 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.24E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.50E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.78E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.08E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.41E+00 $m/s^2$
 An airplane of mass 4.000E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 10 km with a constant speed of 2.500E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 15 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.94E+10 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 8.57E+10 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 9.26E+10 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 1.08E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 A boulder of mass 20 kg and radius 20 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.70E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.84E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.99E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.15E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 2.32E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.1kg,R=0.1m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 10 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.03E+01rad/s
\choice 1.11E+01rad/s
\choice 1.20E+01rad/s
\choice 1.30E+01rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.40E+01rad/s
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.000E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 50 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.86E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.41E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 8.00E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.64E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.33E-01rad/sec
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 13.5 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.5 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.4 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.97E+00 flips
\choice 4.29E+00 flips
\choice 4.63E+00 flips
\choice 5.00E+00 flips
\choice 5.40E+00 flips
A gyroscope has a 0.5-kg disk that spins at 40 rev/s. The center of mass of the disk is 10 cm from a pivot which is also the radius of the disk. What is the precession angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.19E-01 rad/s
\choice 6.69E-01 rad/s
\choice 7.22E-01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 7.80E-01 rad/s
\choice 8.42E-01 rad/s

\subsubsection*{up1-11 Q1}
A marble rolls down an incline at 39.7 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.29E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.55E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.83E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.14E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.47E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 24.1 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.45E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.65E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.86E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.09E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.33E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 32.2 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.74E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.96E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.20E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.45E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.73E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 16.2 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.81E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.95E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.11E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.28E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.46E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 22.9 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.34E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.52E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.72E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.94E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.18E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 22.3 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.28E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.46E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.66E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.87E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.10E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 26.3 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.46E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.66E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.87E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.10E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.35E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 36.5 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.31E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.57E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.86E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 4.16E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.50E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 18.4 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.21E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.39E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.58E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.78E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.01E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 35.1 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.03E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.35E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.69E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.07E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.48E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 15.2 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.84E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.98E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.14E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.31E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.50E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 20.0 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.05E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.22E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.39E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.59E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.79E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 32.2 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.45E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.73E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.03E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.35E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.70E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 16.5 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.70E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.84E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 1.99E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.15E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.32E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 32.1 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.73E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.95E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.19E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 3.44E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 3.72E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 32.1 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.72E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.02E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.34E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 4.69E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 5.06E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 18.7 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.92E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.08E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.24E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.42E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.62E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 18.6 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.64E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.77E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.91E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.07E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.23E+00 $m/s^2$
A marble rolls down an incline at 18.7 degrees from rest. What is its acceleration?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.65E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.78E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 1.92E+00 $m/s^2$
\choice 2.08E+00 $m/s^2$
\CorrectChoice 2.24E+00 $m/s^2$

\subsubsection*{up1-11 Q2}
 An airplane of mass 4.720E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 25.3 km with a constant speed of 2.680E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 42.2 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.54E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.74E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.96E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 3.20E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.46E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 4.760E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 27.6 km with a constant speed of 2.020E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 40.9 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.11E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.28E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.46E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 2.65E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.87E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 4.920E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 27.1 km with a constant speed of 2.660E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 45.1 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.04E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.28E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 3.55E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.83E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 4.14E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 4.530E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 28.5 km with a constant speed of 2.570E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 45.9 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.44E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.63E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.84E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.07E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 3.32E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 4.210E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 20.5 km with a constant speed of 2.950E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 41.1 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.18E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.36E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 2.55E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.75E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.97E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 3.110E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 23.7 km with a constant speed of 2.000E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 46.7 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.26E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 1.36E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 1.47E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 1.59E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 1.72E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 4.750E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 23.1 km with a constant speed of 2.080E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 44.1 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.96E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.11E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 2.28E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.46E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.66E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 3.140E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 28.2 km with a constant speed of 2.320E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 45.4 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.76E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 1.90E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 2.05E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.22E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.40E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 4.940E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 24.1 km with a constant speed of 2.710E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 43.2 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.99E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 3.23E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.48E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.76E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 4.06E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 3.010E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 23.2 km with a constant speed of 2.740E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 43.6 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.52E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 1.64E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 1.77E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 1.91E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.07E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 3.950E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 25.9 km with a constant speed of 2.480E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 45.9 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.54E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.74E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.96E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.20E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.45E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 3.970E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 26.1 km with a constant speed of 2.130E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 42.8 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.75E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 1.89E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.04E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 2.21E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.38E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 4.010E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 20.8 km with a constant speed of 2.660E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 44.2 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.22E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.40E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.59E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.79E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.02E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 4.180E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 24.2 km with a constant speed of 2.510E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 43.8 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.54E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.74E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.96E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.20E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.45E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 4.800E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 26.5 km with a constant speed of 2.850E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 42.2 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.36E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 3.63E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.92E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 4.23E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 4.57E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 3.900E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 27.0 km with a constant speed of 2.070E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 44.5 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.02E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 2.18E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.35E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.54E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.75E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 4.870E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 22.8 km with a constant speed of 2.790E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 42.4 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.66E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.87E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 3.10E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.35E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 3.61E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 4.400E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 21.7 km with a constant speed of 2.130E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 44.6 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.03E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.20E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.37E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.56E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.77E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
 An airplane of mass 3.570E+04 kg flies horizontally at an altitude of 22.7 km with a constant speed of 2.660E+02 m/s relative to Earth. What is the magnitude of the airplane\textquotesingle s angular momentum relative to a ground observer at the moment the plane is 41.9 km away from the observer?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.00E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\CorrectChoice 2.16E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.33E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.51E+11 $kg/m^2$ 
\choice 2.72E+11 $kg/m^2$ 

\subsubsection*{up1-11 Q3}
 A boulder of mass 23 kg and radius 25 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.45E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.65E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.86E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 3.09E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 3.33E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 20 kg and radius 20 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.32E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.50E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.70E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.92E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 3.15E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 24 kg and radius 20 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.78E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 3.00E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 3.25E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 3.50E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 3.79E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 22 kg and radius 22 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.41E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.60E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 2.81E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 3.03E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 3.27E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 15 kg and radius 20 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.74E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.88E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.03E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.19E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.37E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 15 kg and radius 24 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.09E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.25E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.43E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.63E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.84E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 18 kg and radius 15 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.57E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.69E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.83E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.97E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.13E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 17 kg and radius 18 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.64E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.77E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.92E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.07E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.23E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 18 kg and radius 15 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.34E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.45E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.57E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.69E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.83E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 22 kg and radius 16 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.89E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 2.04E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.20E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.38E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.57E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 19 kg and radius 17 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.61E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.73E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.87E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.02E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.18E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 25 kg and radius 19 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.75E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.97E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 3.21E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 3.47E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 3.75E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 15 kg and radius 20 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.38E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.49E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.61E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.74E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.88E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 18 kg and radius 16 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.23E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.33E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.43E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.55E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 1.67E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 19 kg and radius 25 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.02E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.19E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.36E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.55E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 2.75E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 16 kg and radius 25 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.70E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.84E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.99E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.15E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 2.32E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 18 kg and radius 20 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.66E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.79E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.93E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 2.09E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.25E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 21 kg and radius 18 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.88E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.03E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 2.19E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.37E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.56E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
 A boulder of mass 22 kg and radius 18 cm rolls down a hill 15 m high from rest. What is the angular momentum at the bottom of the hill?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.69E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.82E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 1.97E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\choice 2.13E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$
\CorrectChoice 2.30E+01 $kg\cdot m^2/s$

\subsubsection*{up1-11 Q4}
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.0849kg,R=0.0519m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 6 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.01E+00rad/s
\choice 7.57E+00rad/s
\choice 8.17E+00rad/s
\CorrectChoice 8.83E+00rad/s
\choice 9.53E+00rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.0519kg,R=0.114m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 10 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.30E+01rad/s
\choice 1.41E+01rad/s
\choice 1.52E+01rad/s
\choice 1.64E+01rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.77E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.103kg,R=0.0598m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 7 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.14E+00rad/s
\choice 7.71E+00rad/s
\choice 8.33E+00rad/s
\choice 9.00E+00rad/s
\CorrectChoice 9.72E+00rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.103kg,R=0.104m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 15 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.53E+01rad/s
\choice 1.65E+01rad/s
\choice 1.79E+01rad/s
\choice 1.93E+01rad/s
\CorrectChoice 2.08E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.13kg,R=0.0535m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 7 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.48E+00rad/s
\CorrectChoice 9.15E+00rad/s
\choice 9.89E+00rad/s
\choice 1.07E+01rad/s
\choice 1.15E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.12kg,R=0.0684m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 8 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.14E+00rad/s
\choice 9.88E+00rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.07E+01rad/s
\choice 1.15E+01rad/s
\choice 1.24E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.083kg,R=0.144m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 6 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.62E+00rad/s
\choice 8.23E+00rad/s
\CorrectChoice 8.89E+00rad/s
\choice 9.60E+00rad/s
\choice 1.04E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.138kg,R=0.128m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 13 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.23E+01rad/s
\choice 1.33E+01rad/s
\choice 1.44E+01rad/s
\choice 1.55E+01rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.68E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.0549kg,R=0.0873m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 15 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.40E+01rad/s
\CorrectChoice 2.59E+01rad/s
\choice 2.80E+01rad/s
\choice 3.02E+01rad/s
\choice 3.27E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.12kg,R=0.109m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 15 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.71E+01rad/s
\choice 1.85E+01rad/s
\CorrectChoice 2.00E+01rad/s
\choice 2.16E+01rad/s
\choice 2.33E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.0991kg,R=0.0718m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 11 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.32E+01rad/s
\choice 1.43E+01rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.54E+01rad/s
\choice 1.67E+01rad/s
\choice 1.80E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.0889kg,R=0.0734m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 5 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.76E+00rad/s
\choice 6.22E+00rad/s
\choice 6.71E+00rad/s
\CorrectChoice 7.25E+00rad/s
\choice 7.83E+00rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.138kg,R=0.111m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 9 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.22E+00rad/s
\choice 9.95E+00rad/s
\choice 1.07E+01rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.16E+01rad/s
\choice 1.25E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.0711kg,R=0.14m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 12 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.49E+01rad/s
\choice 1.61E+01rad/s
\choice 1.74E+01rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.88E+01rad/s
\choice 2.03E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.0869kg,R=0.142m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 6 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.11E+00rad/s
\CorrectChoice 8.76E+00rad/s
\choice 9.46E+00rad/s
\choice 1.02E+01rad/s
\choice 1.10E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.111kg,R=0.135m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 6 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.00E+00rad/s
\choice 6.48E+00rad/s
\choice 7.00E+00rad/s
\choice 7.56E+00rad/s
\CorrectChoice 8.16E+00rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.124kg,R=0.118m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 14 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.85E+01rad/s
\choice 2.00E+01rad/s
\choice 2.16E+01rad/s
\choice 2.33E+01rad/s
\choice 2.52E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.101kg,R=0.0816m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 13 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.56E+01rad/s
\choice 1.68E+01rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.81E+01rad/s
\choice 1.96E+01rad/s
\choice 2.12E+01rad/s
A bug of mass 0.020 kg is at rest on the edge of a solid cylindrical disk (M=0.128kg,R=0.123m) rotating in a horizontal plane around the vertical axis through its center. The disk is rotating at 13 rad/s. The bug crawls to the center of the disk. What is the new angular velocity of the disk?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.58E+01rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.71E+01rad/s
\choice 1.84E+01rad/s
\choice 1.99E+01rad/s
\choice 2.15E+01rad/s

\subsubsection*{up1-11 Q5}
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 2.950E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 42.6 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 5.07 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.87E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.50E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 9.18E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.92E-01rad/sec
\choice 1.07E+00rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.230E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 41.4 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.55 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.42E-01rad/sec
\choice 6.94E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.49E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 8.09E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.74E-01rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.100E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 37.5 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.89 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.99E-01rad/sec
\choice 6.47E-01rad/sec
\choice 6.99E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.55E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 8.15E-01rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.140E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 37.1 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.64 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.64E-01rad/sec
\choice 6.10E-01rad/sec
\choice 6.58E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.11E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 7.68E-01rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.160E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 41.5 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.91 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.43E-01rad/sec
\choice 6.94E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.50E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.10E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 8.75E-01rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 2.870E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 38.5 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.18 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.63E-01rad/sec
\choice 6.08E-01rad/sec
\choice 6.56E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 7.09E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.66E-01rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.130E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 44.6 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 5.63 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.72E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 1.05E+00rad/sec
\choice 1.13E+00rad/sec
\choice 1.22E+00rad/sec
\choice 1.32E+00rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.030E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 36.9 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 5.9 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.72E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.34E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.01E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 9.73E-01rad/sec
\choice 1.05E+00rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 2.820E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 42.8 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.4 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.88E-01rad/sec
\choice 6.35E-01rad/sec
\choice 6.85E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.40E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 7.99E-01rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 2.960E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 42.7 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 5.53 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.60E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.29E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 1.00E+00rad/sec
\choice 1.08E+00rad/sec
\choice 1.17E+00rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.090E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 41.0 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 5.53 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 8.38E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.05E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 9.77E-01rad/sec
\choice 1.06E+00rad/sec
\choice 1.14E+00rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 2.920E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 36.1 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 5.17 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.20E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.78E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 8.40E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.07E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.80E-01rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.170E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 41.9 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 5.72 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.53E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.14E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.79E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.49E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 1.03E+00rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 2.960E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 36.7 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.5 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.39E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.98E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.62E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.31E-01rad/sec
\choice 1.01E+00rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 2.970E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 40.7 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.89 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.96E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 8.60E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.29E-01rad/sec
\choice 1.00E+00rad/sec
\choice 1.08E+00rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 2.820E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 41.4 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.61 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.51E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.03E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.59E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 8.20E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.85E-01rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.230E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 40.7 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.68 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.62E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 8.23E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.89E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.60E-01rad/sec
\choice 1.04E+00rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.040E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 38.9 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.87 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 7.13E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.70E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 8.32E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.98E-01rad/sec
\choice 9.70E-01rad/sec
A merry-go-round has a radius of 2.0 m and a moment of inertia 3.210E+02$kg\cdot m^2$. A boy of mass 36.3 kg runs tangent to the rim at a speed of 4.28 m/s and jumps on. If the merry-go-round is initially at rest, what is the angular velocity after the boy jumps on?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.46E-01rad/sec
\CorrectChoice 6.98E-01rad/sec
\choice 7.54E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.14E-01rad/sec
\choice 8.79E-01rad/sec

\subsubsection*{up1-11 Q6}
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 13.3 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.734 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.89 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.11 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.54E+00 flips
\choice 4.90E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 5.30E+00 flips
\choice 5.72E+00 flips
\choice 6.18E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.3 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.544 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.78 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.74 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.57E+00 flips
\choice 3.85E+00 flips
\choice 4.16E+00 flips
\choice 4.49E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 4.85E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.0 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.337 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.88 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.63 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.01E+00 flips
\choice 2.18E+00 flips
\choice 2.35E+00 flips
\choice 2.54E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 2.74E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 13.4 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.702 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.75 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 1.15 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.67E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 2.88E+00 flips
\choice 3.12E+00 flips
\choice 3.36E+00 flips
\choice 3.63E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.7 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.613 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.69 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.0 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.10E+00 flips
\choice 3.35E+00 flips
\choice 3.62E+00 flips
\choice 3.91E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 4.22E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.0 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.3 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.53 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 1.23 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 9.22E-01 flips
\choice 9.96E-01 flips
\choice 1.08E+00 flips
\choice 1.16E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 1.25E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.3 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.498 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.57 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 1.58 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 2.71E+00 flips
\choice 2.93E+00 flips
\choice 3.16E+00 flips
\choice 3.42E+00 flips
\choice 3.69E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 13.7 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.543 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.88 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 1.99 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 3.82E+00 flips
\choice 4.12E+00 flips
\choice 4.45E+00 flips
\choice 4.81E+00 flips
\choice 5.19E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.3 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.659 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.76 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.61 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.63E+00 flips
\choice 6.08E+00 flips
\choice 6.56E+00 flips
\choice 7.09E+00 flips
\choice 7.65E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 13.4 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.489 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.51 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.46 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.25E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 4.59E+00 flips
\choice 4.96E+00 flips
\choice 5.36E+00 flips
\choice 5.79E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.8 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.526 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.6 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 1.8 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.47E+00 flips
\choice 2.67E+00 flips
\choice 2.89E+00 flips
\choice 3.12E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 3.37E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 13.7 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.72 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.84 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.47 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.04E+00 flips
\choice 5.44E+00 flips
\choice 5.87E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 6.34E+00 flips
\choice 6.85E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.1 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.742 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.86 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 1.86 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.18E+00 flips
\choice 3.43E+00 flips
\choice 3.71E+00 flips
\choice 4.01E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 4.33E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 13.1 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.584 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.83 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.05 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.79E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 4.09E+00 flips
\choice 4.42E+00 flips
\choice 4.78E+00 flips
\choice 5.16E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.2 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.735 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.7 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.4 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.99E+00 flips
\choice 5.39E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 5.82E+00 flips
\choice 6.28E+00 flips
\choice 6.78E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.3 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.599 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.53 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.86 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 5.12E+00 flips
\choice 5.53E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 5.97E+00 flips
\choice 6.45E+00 flips
\choice 6.96E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.1 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.324 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.77 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.58 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.48E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 2.68E+00 flips
\choice 2.90E+00 flips
\choice 3.13E+00 flips
\choice 3.38E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 12.9 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.334 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.89 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 2.53 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.59E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 2.80E+00 flips
\choice 3.03E+00 flips
\choice 3.27E+00 flips
\choice 3.53E+00 flips
A gymnast does cartwheels along the floor and then launches herself into the air and executes several flips in a tuck while she is airborne. If her moment of inertia when executing the cartwheels is 13.7 $kg\cdot m^2$ and her spin rate is 0.553 rev/s, how many revolutions does she do in the air if her moment of inertia in the tuck is 3.6 $kg\cdot m^2$ and she has 1.54 s to do the flips in the air.
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 2.38E+00 flips
\choice 2.57E+00 flips
\choice 2.78E+00 flips
\choice 3.00E+00 flips
\CorrectChoice 3.24E+00 flips

\subsubsection*{up1-11 Q7}
A gyroscope has a 0.433-kg disk that spins at 49 rev/s. The center of mass of the disk is 0.142 cm from a pivot which is also the radius of the disk. What is the precession angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 4.48E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.84E+01 rad/s
\choice 5.23E+01 rad/s
\choice 5.65E+01 rad/s
\choice 6.10E+01 rad/s
A gyroscope has a 0.567-kg disk that spins at 42 rev/s. The center of mass of the disk is 0.193 cm from a pivot which is also the radius of the disk. What is the precession angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.56E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 3.85E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.16E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.49E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.85E+01 rad/s
A gyroscope has a 0.564-kg disk that spins at 43 rev/s. The center of mass of the disk is 0.126 cm from a pivot which is also the radius of the disk. What is the precession angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 5.76E+01 rad/s
\choice 6.22E+01 rad/s
\choice 6.72E+01 rad/s
\choice 7.25E+01 rad/s
\choice 7.83E+01 rad/s
A gyroscope has a 0.437-kg disk that spins at 49 rev/s. The center of mass of the disk is 0.0811 cm from a pivot which is also the radius of the disk. What is the precession angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 7.85E+01 rad/s
\choice 8.48E+01 rad/s
\choice 9.16E+01 rad/s
\choice 9.89E+01 rad/s
\choice 1.07E+02 rad/s
A gyroscope has a 0.525-kg disk that spins at 35 rev/s. The center of mass of the disk is 0.0574 cm from a pivot which is also the radius of the disk. What is the precession angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 1.44E+02 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 1.55E+02 rad/s
\choice 1.68E+02 rad/s
\choice 1.81E+02 rad/s
\choice 1.96E+02 rad/s
A gyroscope has a 0.582-kg disk that spins at 37 rev/s. The center of mass of the disk is 0.162 cm from a pivot which is also the radius of the disk. What is the precession angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 4.46E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.82E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 5.20E+01 rad/s
\choice 5.62E+01 rad/s
\choice 6.07E+01 rad/s
A gyroscope has a 0.502-kg disk that spins at 42 rev/s. The center of mass of the disk is 0.164 cm from a pivot which is also the radius of the disk. What is the precession angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 3.88E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.19E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 4.53E+01 rad/s
\choice 4.89E+01 rad/s
\choice 5.28E+01 rad/s
A gyroscope has a 0.47-kg disk that spins at 38 rev/s. The center of mass of the disk is 0.111 cm from a pivot which is also the radius of the disk. What is the precession angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\choice 6.34E+01 rad/s
\choice 6.85E+01 rad/s
\CorrectChoice 7.40E+01 rad/s
\choice 7.99E+01 rad/s
\choice 8.63E+01 rad/s
A gyroscope has a 0.471-kg disk that spins at 34 rev/s. The center of mass of the disk is 0.0586 cm from a pivot which is also the radius of the disk. What is the precession angular velocity?
\ifkey\endnote{Question licensed by OpenStax College University Physics under Creative Commons CC-BY copyright information available at \\
\CorrectChoice 1.57E+02 rad/s
\choice 1.69E+02 rad/s
\choice 1.83E+02 rad/s
\choice 1.97E+02 rad/s
\choice 2.13E+02 rad/s
A gyroscope has a 0.526-kg disk that spins at 38 rev/s. The center of mass of the disk is 0.108 cm from a pivot which is also the radius of the disk. What is the precess