Public Pupil Pizza Project/Public Speaking and Presentations

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Public speaking is very often seen as a time when you are evaluated and judged by the audience, hence the presence of stage fear. One way of overcoming this ubiquitous fear could be to train young children to perform/speak/present their work to small groups of their peers. This method is commonly employed by schools that claim to train their children in communication skills ( very common in India, China, Taiwan, etc.). This method does little for grownups. People who are accomplished in their field of work but fear public appearances are left out in the cold by this approach. Such persons need a different approach. A little intellectualizing, and a little insight into themselves.

Intellectualize: What is fear? Why do people fear the stage? What if?

Look within:

What are my fears? What is the basis of this fear? What do I self-talk just before I am overcome by this fear? --Chandra Janakiraman 05:33, 17 June 2009 (UTC)