Programming Fundamentals/Strings/Clojure
[edit | edit source];; This program splits a given comma-separated name into first and last name
;; components and then displays the name.
;; Reference:
(use '[clojure.string])
(defn get-name []
(println "Enter name (last, first):")
(defn get-last [full-name]
(let [index (index-of full-name ",")]
(if (< index 0) "" (subs full-name 0 index))))
(defn get-first [full-name]
(let [index (index-of full-name ",")]
(if (< index 0) "" (trim (subs full-name (+ index 1))))))
(defn display-name [first-name last-name]
(println (str "\nHello, " first-name " " last-name "!")))
(defn -main []
(let [full-name (get-name)
first-name (get-first full-name)
last-name (get-last full-name)]
(display-name first-name last-name)))
Try It
[edit | edit source]Copy and paste the code above into one of the following free online development environments or use your own Clojure compiler / interpreter / IDE.