Principles of Public Health Practice/Presentation

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TheNorDar Presentation by TheNorDar Magazine

Create a less-than-five minute video presentation outlining the key issues facing a vulnerable group in relation to a public health issue your team is investigated. Each member of your team is to create a separate presentation for a different vulnerable group. You are to take a strengths-based approach in considering the group and presenting your findings. You should be especially alert to issues relating to stigma and stigma management. Make your presentation available online for others in this subject to see, and for it to be assessed.

This assessment is equivalent to 500-words and comprises 20% of your overall mark.


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Remember, this assignment along with the others is being used to determine your learning outcomes according to the objectives for the subject:

  1. Accurately describe the various concepts, values and strategies relating to public health practice.
  2. Adequately outline the often conflicting roles and interests held by the various stakeholders engaged in or affected by public health activities.
  3. Critically articulate the applicability of various strategies engaged in by public health practitioners at various levels.
  4. Define the limits of public health practice as a discipline with regards to work with ‘vulnerable’ communities within societies.


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  1. Be particularly attentive to how stigma around the issue and the group might influence their likely participation in interventions focused on the concern. There is both written material referenced in the topic Strategies and contexts for public health interventions including the playlist looking at stigma associated with obesity.
  2. Structure your presentation with (1) briefly outline the issue, (2) identify the vulnerable group you will be considering (3) specify the various dimensions of stigma that might be associated with the issue, (3) identify how this might influence participation in interventions and (4) suggest ways that the stigma might be dealt with positively.
  3. Please try to be original and engaging with your video - it is a presentation after all. Ensure that you have solid evidence and examples to back up your work.
Rick Hayes explaining how to create a video from Microsoft Powerpoint 2010. View on or Youtube.
Leigh Blackall explaining how to use Hangouts on Air to record a presentation. Watch on Youtube or
Using a phone camera to shoot a selfie video and upload to Youtube. Also included is a look at the Youtube Editor, Playlist, and other features. View on Youtube or
Teaching and learning through video. Copy on Youtube, Copy on